Are you enjoying Tao Lin's tweets?

Are you enjoying Tao Lin's tweets?

His twitter is kind of lame desu, I keep trying to get blocked from it but I guess he doesn't mind criticism

I got blocked ages ago. And I didn't say anything bad.

I like Tao's tweets.
I wish I could be good at twitter.

spencer madsen's is infinitely better

I get more hyped hearing about what he's writing about on Twitter than I actually do reading his writing, if that makes sense.


as is his poetry.

Same faggotry that's on everyone else's Twitter. No one has any worthwhile thoughts to share, it's a fact.


I dlcant even discern what that says man. that string of words is meaningless

How is Viper doing? Last time I heard he was in surgery :(

You can bet Ppl said the exact same thing back when J Joyce dropped Ulysses.

every time i check it seems like he's either just tweeting about something he emailed his mom or some boring terrence mckenna type shit

dead meme imo

I think the high point was where BEE had taken too much coke or something and started spouting on about American Psycho 2, and Tao Lin kept tweeting him possible titles.


That's like John Lurie done wrong

Thanks for the heads-up on John Lurie, but the paintings look nothing alike imo

Conceptually not stylistically


so he's literally high 24/7 i guess

when leave society?

when leave society?

when leave society?

when leave society?

when leave society?

who are some Veeky Forumsworthy twitter accounts to follow? rec me come on

2018 probably

jesus, come on toa

my friend told me he was a straight up cp trafficker is that true

delete your account


good call, thanks for teaching me about john lurie.

Beyond Existentialism isn't even coming out till 2017 probably

is it worth reading

it depends on your willingness to think of tweets as literature.
they also are funny so it's enjoyable on that level.


>your willingness to think of tweets as literature.
You're saying that it can't be?

voice of our generation desu

i liked the way the narrative emerged. its interesting how good a sense you get of the characters by the end from jsut random thoughts and stuff.

there is a through line,more so in miras section.