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Literature #82
What does Veeky Forums think of pic related?
Hey Veeky Forums, let's all welcome our new friends from imgur!
This is the worst board on Veeky Forums, right?
Who here /thesecret/?
What's the hype about Goethe?
Favorite line with the title of the book
Greentext the plot of your new novel
Did Hypersphere ruin collaborative writing for Veeky Forums?
What's this thing they did to the pages called
Why isn't /pol/ supporting Gary Johnson?
Weird Fiction is a legitimate genre and Thomas Ligotti is its best author. He is better than Lovecraft ever was
Should we privilege the author or the work?
The Rules of Veeky Forums
Why are spoken word poets so embarrassing to the rest of us?
I want to learn philosophy, help a newbie of how to start
I work as an editor at a news website...
ITT: books you read in high school that you actually enjoyed
Sup? I'm a self published author who's learned a ton about the process in the last year...
Describe your dad in a short poem
Post your to-read pile
Why do women have such shit taste
Is Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace a good novel?
What work from today will still be read in 1,000 years?
If you have a notebook where you just write down ideas you think are worth saving, post a page or two
I was a little worried about something
Bible thread?
There is only one fact
Do you talk about literature with your SO?
¿Por qué nunca nadie aquí, en Veeky Forums, habla de esta cosa tan maravillosa?
100-Year-Old Theatre Converted Into Stunning Bookstore
Why do you guys seem to hate him and ASOIAF so much ?
What's a good way to get Breitbart's attention in regards to attaining an internship or entry level journalism/editing...
English: Shakespeare
What's the antonym for percussive/percussion?
Recent Purchases
Is reading and education really just deliberate self-delusion?
Life is too fucking long. any lit on this subject
Is beauty a virtue?
I don't get it therefore it's shit
Who is closest to beign Nietzsche's Overman? Who from the past might be close? Who from contempory culture? Mishima...
Why doesn't the Catholic Church have more Veeky Forums-core members of the clergy like Bishop Robert Barron?
Why do writers seem to peak early on? wouldn't you just continue to improve or does skill plateau after a point
What is the country equivalent of Reddit?
Mommy found my manifesto
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Does anyone else here agree with me that The Divine Comedy is overrated?
How seriously do academic historians take Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morals?
Who is the final boss of literature?
How do we stop him? Seriously, he's ruining young women everywhere. In today's culture...
Hey Veeky Forums what's the best way to learn a language?
Who is the most pretentious author?
What do you think about Veeky Forums being in an anime website?
Book of the New Sun and Black Company are decent, Name of the Wind is fucking cringe...
Reading Schopenhauer's "Art of Controversy" and realized it's basically "Advanced Shitposting Strategies"
What news sources do you follow, Veeky Forums? I've been following BBC...
What fictional character do you most relate to? From literature, film, tv, anime etc
I've read the Odyssey, the Iliad, the Aeneid, the Metamorphoses, Arabian Nights, Romance of the Three Kingdoms...
ITT: Post the latest thing of any kind you've learnt from your readings
That feel when you spend the whole month playing videogames instead of reading
Reading this right now, and just finished the first chapter...
There are people who actually argue that r/books is comparable to Veeky Forums
What's the most avant-garde book of all time?
As a Turk i've always wondered how our literature is percieved in other countries.Could you illuminate me in that?
What is the zeitgeist?
Has any author besides Joyce written convincingly about the intoxicating scent of a girl's butthole?
I think Im just a deeply unhappy person at my core and will be miserable no matter what i do...
Has browsing lit improved your conversational ability?
That difficult book on your shelf that you can't bring yourself to take up
Tfw feeling absolutely disillusioned after finding out your favorite writer, Nabokov...
I just finished this. I'd like to read something else by Ellis, what do you recommend...
Is Sociology a legitimate science?
Which book will cure me of overwhelming apathy and reflexive, unhealthy skepticism
What's an extremely kink, extremely gay, extremely well written and subversive novel with an actual plot...
What made Veeky Forums appealing to you when you first started browsing...
Which book will make my life meaningful?
Only philosophy he recommends is Rousseau
Ask a Philosophy student
Post the most well known literary figure from your area. Mine is the fucking queen of romance novels: Nora Roberts
Emma Cline published The Girls when she was 25
Another books about girls corrupting the protagonist?
Is there some manner of book which doesn't have a direct message...
Try to write
Redpill general
Does Reading Get Easier?
ITT: We imitate an authors style and content
Is it actually worth reading or is it just a meme?
Just a daily reminder that reading to become more cultured is motivated by the same kind of narcissism as obsessing...
So I have embarked on my year of writing in my grandparents' cabin
Red pill me on Zizek
Post godtier Shakespeare. I'll start
Who /squattoshit/ here?
What does Veeky Forums think of Ayn Rand and more specifically of Atlas Shrugged
Most evil fictional character?
Hey there user...
Post dank, obscure literary factoids
I am an atheist, but I wonder how in this day and age...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
I genuinely can't comprehend how anyone can advocate Marxism. Do any of you want to explain?
Why do we have so many foot fetishists in this board?
I know Stephen King is kinda plebby, (but I love his books anyway.)
Survivor byChuck Palahniuk
Veeky Forums, the obviously most well-read board, is also the most leftist and least misogynistic and racist board
Ok am i dense? right off the bat i am confused. did log jam turn into a gay bar or not?
My brother is a huge weeb who has never read a chapter book in his life...
Madness & Civilisation thread
Educating a Girl on Veeky Forums
What does Veeky Forums think of NEUROMANCER
Veeky Forums confessions
I've noticed a lot anons on Veeky Forums using 'story' and 'plot' interchangeably. It triggers me slightly
What is Language
He likes Joyce, Gaddis, Gass, Barth, Barthelme, and Pynchon, but for some reason he hates DFW. Why is that?
"wind" and "wind" is spelled the same
What books give you a lust for life and urge you to live life to the fullest?
The most marxist friendly board is also the most elitist
Lit Journal General
Can philosophy have an actual, quantifiable effect upon one's mental health? Take Nietzsche...
Hi Veeky Forums
Whatchya reading, user?
Define art
Same here
Why is this book so praised ? 150 pages in it and it's just a guy complaining...
LTV thread
Do you believe that reading makes you more attractive to the opposite gender?
Are there any gay stories that are actually good? It's annoying that every book ever has to be straight...
Peter Sotos
Has a book ever made you cry?
Hey Veeky Forums
What the fuck is the point of reading this when Pynchon just makes three obscure pop culture references every page that...
What's the literary equivalent of this?
I have to finish this book by the end of the Summer and do a two page review
Thomas Pynchon is now the author of your favorite novel. What changes?
6050 word essay due monday
Are there any novels you can recommend where the characters just fuck, puke, eat, shit and piss?
What a sad, angry little man
I know lit is a full of book lovers, but what is your day job? I'm a 24 y/o trash-man
Jesus Christ. Why are Rene Guénon and Evola such windbags?
Alright, you faggots convinced me to read this. is it gonna just be "lol fresh pussy" the whole time?
What's your opinion on Haruki Murakami?
Why do I keep hearing that literature degree is a waste if you want to learn how to write?
Hi Veeky Forums
How to become a millionaire author without becoming a meme, Veeky Forums?
I want to get knee deep in Christian theology and really want to understand its history and teachings much better...
What's the definitive translation of the odyssey? It seems the fagles translation is the highest rated on goodreads...
Could you write In Plato's style without looking autistic
Post your fav nietzsche quotations
Which is better overall, Veeky Forums, right-winged or left-winged literature?
Does this meme board actually hate pic related for e cred?
Let's try something. Take this test by accepting the following challenge...
Is 100 hours of Dark Souls worth as much as 100 hours of Tolstoy...
Why do all women hate good literature so much?
Was he a pedo
Veeky Forums Western Cannon List
If you cannot reply, then stop reading Veeky Forums forever
I'm a postdoc in in the Humanities and I'm 100% convinced women actually have no souls...
So is Zizek a meme or is he really liked on here?
Why do the nerds on here not like Percy Jackson? :(
Who is the Taylor Swift of literature?
Why are people so keen to tear his theories apart?
Do you ever wonder who created your character and why your life is a computer simulation?
How do I detach myself from human nature
What's the saddest thing you've ever read/written? Let's shed tears together, Veeky Forums
Hilo de crítica en español
No desu
Why Veeky Forums hates Austen?
What do you think of the series Forgotten Books?
Discerning "bad" writing
Why is the theatre so expensive?
How accurate is this?
Is it possible to go into this book without knowing anything about it and "get it" without reading analysis of it first...
How do I stop being a pseudo-intellectual faggot? How do I read books and get interesting and original ideas from them...
Did anyone else find it funny when people on /tv/ said that the Batman and Superman films are good because they have...
We're not so different, you and I
Rate my shopping cart
Your top 10 favorite books
Is this book worth a read?
Are writers losers who don't get laid ?
Thought on the film?
Give me a topic and I will write you a 100 word essay inspired by it
If you are looking for contemporary, Christian, literary fiction, look no further...
Book requests
QPOC writers
Anyone know any good youtube philosophy channels?
I'm looking for recent horror fiction that is good. Please, decent suggestions
What's the the best work from the worst author that you know? Could be a short story, essay, novel, quote...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Why is online book piracy so behind the times?
Thug Notes?
Best books on Anarchy?
What is some genuine tumblr-core literature that you guys have read?
Do you like to smoke weed before reading? Or do you find it makes it too difficult?
Bad Book Covers
What are some good female postmodern authors
I'm lost in the world without purpose or direction. Rec me a book that will give me a reason
Character Names
Is there any scientific or prose literature about men at the bottom of the sexual market ?
This woman did not deserve her success. Her success is an achievement of her marketers, PR and publishers...
Have you read Walden yet?
What books will help me dont giving a fuck about the opinion of me that people that i have around could have...
I'm looking for a writer to accompany me and join the California branch of scientologies sea org for a book idea I have...
New critique thread
I think we're too pretentious sometimes Veeky Forums. Let's just have a good, simple thread...
Is Voltaire a meme philosopher?
Why do so many women hate philosophy...
Yoooooo step aside mira gonzalez you fecal alcohol syndrome NEET! this here the real voice of our generation...
Go from learning German to learning French just to read Baudelaire
What would most likely be found on his bookshelf?
Can someone recommend a book of Stephen King to start with? What are his best works?
Going to try to write a novel but I can't think of anything to write about
Hamlet in IJ?
Ayo, teach, why we learnin' 'bout dese dead poets instead of rappers? Who decided which dudes was worth learnin'?
What are the real downsides with not starting with the greeks ?
Top 3 of each!!! Let's go
Who else here /pseudomensch/?
/mu/fag here, I thought the albums were pretty good, except godspeed, what is the literature featured on here like?
Short, but good books
Is it patrician to hate Muslims?
Whats your opinion on free will?
Poetic meter
What's the best Bible version?
Two days ago I lost a word and it has been eating at me
What determines conclusively that a book is literature? A lot of you seem to think that it's objective...
MFW I got that DFW's tic
What are some good books set in France?
Anyone else here like Emil Cioran?
Corncob Tortillas YeCarthy
Veeky Forums ITAOTS
Who is your favourite meme writer in pic?
What's some good contemporary Islamic literature?
Shakespeare's English errors
What is the best novel written by an African-American and why is it Hogg, by Samuel R. Delany?
Any info on good, stylish bookmarks?
What's your favorite movie Veeky Forums?
Would you pass the test?
Generic Literary Press is open to submissions from women, trans men, and gender-nonconforming people
Bible study
Why do SJWs not realize that Ignatius J. Reilly is a parody of them, not of conservatives?
Gf is a xtian
This has been popping up a lot recently, is this a new meme I'm unaware of?
It's happening
The lord of the Rings
Nice try idiots. Moby Dick is rated at 3.44 on Goodreads
Welcome to Veeky Forums
Boring af
If you could prevent the birth of one author of your choosing who would you choose and why?
Mason & Dixon or Gravity's Rainbow? Which is Pynchon's better work?
Right. So for the first time I'll be tackling the Iliad soon and I'm at loss as to which translation to read...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Post em + any true 5 star books you have stumbled upon
Why don't girls read?
Why shall we praise God? even if he gave us a certain moral rules, what's the point of praying and adoring him?
What's your mammy and daddy's favourite book, Veeky Forums?
It's scary how much I identify with this book
The most awful book that comes to your mind
Zen Buddhism - Where to start?
China mieville's arms are huge
What is the Veeky Forums starter pack?
What literary series are there? Most series I see (like books in a series, e.g. a trilogy) are genre fiction...
I liked them, thought they were fun
What does Veeky Forums think about it?
What do you think about people who can't read or at least can't read very well...
Is traveling a meme Veeky Forums ? I just feel it's a waste of time discovering cities for "inspiration"...
Do you have to be miserable to write well?
Protips for anyone writing
Reading translations
This is the worst board on Veeky Forums
Stack thread
This has to be the most boring book I've ever read
Anyone into Westerns?
Is there such a thing as a good method for convincing people?
What would be the absolute minimum Western canon? (Less than 20 books.)
The weird frontier between post irony and new sincerity are these millennials the saviors of literature?
GOML faggots
He introduces characters past the first third of the book
How long did it take you to read Infinite Jest?
Quantum Age Star Talk ?
Will he ever finish the serie ?
Addicted to buying books. What to do?
When we talk about the "future of literature " and the "logical progression of literature as an art form" who are the...
Well. I'm fucking ashamed to be British right fucking now. Seeing as we've just been forced a racist government on us
Paradox of Literary Broadness
Wtf since when is there an E at the end
Writing maxims
Sylvia was behind the wheel of a Mitsubishi Pajero Instyle...
Are there any good books written in Ebonics?
ITT: gibberish hacks
Books have never made me shed a tear. I partially think I haven't come across the right book yet...
What are some great books about previous U.S. Presidents...
Dark uruguayan poetry
He doesn't use a crisp, uncirculated hundred dollar bill as a bookmark
Where was Veeky Forums when people started seriously quoting from Harry Potter?
/Stoner General/
How much truth is in this picture?
What did she mean by this Veeky Forums?
Creative names
What does Veeky Forums think of House of Leaves?
So, which one do you like more, Veeky Forums?
Blood meridian
Pride and prejudice is social realism as the females are under threat of not getting inheritance
“What amazed me most was this audience, many of them Game of Thrones fans, could see nothing wrong in talking...
Hi Veeky Forums
Lit, I've never had sex and I'm 22. What's a good novel for me before I kill myself? I'm gay btw
Is this guy the best YouTube book reviewer?
Besides reading/writing, what are your hobbies Veeky Forums? How they help to make you a better person?
Do you read novelas to pad your stats?
The entire arts and humanities academia-media-publishing culture is posturing bullshit
He's not wrong, you know
Read books because of great writing and ideas
Will any of his books still be read in 200 years?
Who is your Beatrice, Veeky Forums?
Why does profound literature have zero effect on people compared to augmented reality?
Obscure books
What does lit think about Alain de Botton?
Is Diogenes just a meme...
Anyone read it? Is it the magnum opus of English literature?
Now I be cry
ITT: the film did it better than the book
Reading in public
/tv/ was useless so im asking you guys
Go to small, quiet park after work to be outside and read for a bit
Bring out your Poetry
Reading has become more than just a hobby for me. It used to be enjoyable...
Are there any writers on Veeky Forums?
Prose = words in their best order; poetry = the best words in their best order
I'm so tired, how is it that everything is so tiring? Is it natural to be this exhausted...
What's Your Story ?
How do I stop resenting the fact that the French exist and have the best avant-garde and edgy literature, music, film...
With regard to the Eternal Recurrence
Death of Adult Literature
Anyone read starship troopers/the forever war? General review and discussion thread
Don Quixote for the Digital Age
Allright, budding writers... Defend yourself against THIS! Cioran tells it straight - don't be a writer
How should I start with Nietzsche Veeky Forums?
What are some books ?
I'm looking for really funny books
Only the cinema has the possibility of truly fighting against time, thanks to montage. This microbe which is time...
I rarely see this guy mentioned here. What are your thoughts on him? Favorite novel?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
If one could write like Shakespeare, Tolstoy, Proust or Cervantes, for example...
What could it be Veeky Forums?
There are two kinds of people in this world
Scott Bakker's "Great Ordeal"
Hey Veeky Forums I saw this image and figured you could help explain to me why Platos Republic on here...
What's this guy's IQ? Must be at least 180
I can't seem to find any copy of his books. Anyone care to help?
Tfw too intellectual to read fiction
When Joyce and drinking buddy Ernest Hemingway faced a potential brawl...
You are what you pretend to be
Which are his best works?
He kicked him in the face
There hasn't been a great philosopher or writer in 100 years
How come nobody in the literary industry pointed out that Between the World and Me was meandering, racist drivel?
So if every reaction, action, motivation...
Is this a good order to read philosophers?
Your age
Is anyone else really fucking bored by books? I only read so that people don't think that I'm a pleb...
The Waves
How do I into contemporary poetry?
Mods should start being subjective and mass ban the memeposters
Be honest, who here watches the show?
Tao Lin general
How do you deal with the fact that you're stupid?
Write what's on your mind
What are the ESSENTIAL works of Plato and Aristotle?
Well, Veeky Forums?
Do I need to read V before GR? Will I be completely lost if I jump right into GR after only having reading COL49?
Ok so I'm about halfway through this and I'm forcing myself to continue
How do I read deeply/deeper?
Finish great classic, hungry for another
ITT: Veeky Forums characters that are literally you
Just wanted to share this again because I'm proud of it
Who wrote that short story about carving up an ape for dinner? I'm only asking here because I'm all out of options...
Leftist text suggestions for a hardcore right-winger? (No Marx)
Is this worth reading? It's about how classical civilization came from African...
How does Veeky Forums feel about "the" list?
Always liked anime
Can I Read The Meme Trilogy?
Do you feel obligated to finish every book you dig into deeply enough...
Writing Routine
What should I read to completely lost my mind and/or get schizophrenia?
How much of an effect do you believe the location a work is written at has upon the work itself?
Fleshing out a character
Be honest lads, how readable is it?
Is Infinite Jest the Dark Souls of literature?
Is being Leo in picrelated better than reading books...
One of the creators of GoT wrote his master's thesis on Finnegans Wake
Please tell me Pynchon can do better than V., please. I'm really worried this guy don't have it in him...
I'm looking for a bold, epic, difficult novel, for hardcore readers
What clashes here of wills gen wonts, oystrygods gaggin fishygods!
What is your favorite short story book?
Which one is the most complex book written by a man?
Really makes you think
Who's the thugga thugga of literature?
60 years as a writer
Book Of The Year So Far: 2016
We Need an Anthony Fantano For Veeky Forums Thread
The last book I really enjoyed reading
Worst Book?
Veeky Forums I need your help
What does Veeky Forums think of Friedrich August Hayek?
Does anyone have a .pdf of this they can share? I can't find one anywhere online...
Fil de critique de textes en français
Your local library
Why is everyone so pretentious
Who is America's greatest living author?
What are the best Shakespeare works to read?
What was this guy's fucking deal?
Why don't we start with the Sumerians instead?
Anyone else like the thought/appearance of reading more than reading itself?
Who is the greatest thinker of the 21th century?
What should I read first?
Can we have a J.R.R Tolkien thread going?
When you were a 'writer' in ninth grade and thought it would be deep to include song lyrics from cheesy 80's songs in...
Truths that Veeky Forums refuse to accept
Why do non-slavs bother reading this book?
Best book covers
Objects as Bookmarks
Yfw the K in his name stands for Killer
If David Foster Wallace couldn't not kill himself, what chance do any of us have?
Why are non-literary people happier than literary people?
True Love Shinning
ITT: Overrated literature
Can we talk about Objectivism and how it's right about nearly everything?
On Not Reading, and Not Starting with the Greeks
Less Than Zero
Recent Purchases Thread
Why do people still write gigantic novels? Can't anyone tell a good story in less than 200 pages...
Looking for some good books on filmmaking/theory/screenwriting, photography as well if you know any...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Who /Kindle/ here?
Who is the best poet and why?
You will never find that cute girl that likes DFW and the Wu-Tang Clan, will you?
What is the metal gear solid of books?
What word processor do you use, lit?
Are NEETs victims of society?
Hey Veeky Forums. So I've been getting into /m/ recently and I was wondering if mecha would work well in a novel...
Have you ever pretended to read a certain author to impress a girl? Be honest
Do you like your native language, Veeky Forums?
6 plots, Millions of books
Convince me to read Infinite Jest
So, haiku poetry is basic existential greentexting, am i rite?
Anyone here a member of any real life book clubs? What are your experiences?
What am I in for?
When will the life experience meme end?
Literary Tattoos
Why do you hate him so much, /lit?
What are the best books about love? I want to feel
I want to know everything. Is this pursuit possible? is it pointless?
ITT great Catholic writers
Tfw both of your parents are English professors at prestigious universities and you are already a better reader and...
Why are all her post Harry Potter books so bad and unmemorable...
Not enjoying dank analytic metaphysics
Only confident in english
Desktop thread because why not
Pleb thread
Is 'absolute power corrupts' a meme?
Why is fantasy frowned upon here?
What are the most literary drugs?
Suggestions for a poignant suicide note?
Is culture more important than knowledge?
Is reading the cannon of world literature good enough to learn to write and be considered a cultured person?
What are the essential works of Russian literature?
What does Veeky Forums think of Saramago?
How does an unemployed 27 year old with no qualifications or experience in journalism get a job writing?
What do you do to invoke the Muses before you write?
Is stately meant as an adjective or an adverb? It's fucking killing me
How come no one here reads Jane Austin?
I got really into smoking weed, at least once a day, for about 2 months...
Start reading
Hello Veeky Forums I have finally finished a short story that I have been working on...
Has Veeky Forums experienced the single greatest work of:
Any books that manage to pull off a "jump scare" effect...
Books that literally scared you
Ugggggh lit, that's another book down which was unreadable. Let me run you buy what I've dropped so far
Serious question:
Does smoking make you a better writer?
What's good reading music?
Are there any good books about war that aren't anti-war but rather talk about the routine and the camaraderie between...
Post the last five books you've read
Reads Paradise Lost
Does Veeky Forums watch anime?
Epic Poetry Bread?
Why do philosophers still constantly talk about Freud when his work is outdated/dismissed in the field of psychology?
Girlfriend let me borrow these
Was Nietzsche retarded?
What languages do you speak? Was learning them worth your effort?
Best opening lines?
Right wing lit thread
Has Foucault been ruined?
The fact that nobody on this board talks about their interpretations of literature is proof of Veeky Forums's failure...
It will never be the 90s again
So what are in your opinion his top 3 novels?
FUCK Ayn Rand
She finished her first draft
Can we agree that all criticism of Nietzsche is simply a misunderstanding of him?
Right-wing Lit
Russian Realism is the greatest artistic movement of all time
Is fiction worthless?
Zadie Smith is Quite Good
Was he redpilled or just a cuck?
I keep seeing him in my dreams, /lit
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Epigraph is in a different language than the language the book is written in and no translation is provided
Why haven't you read my books yet, user?
What are the great Australian contributions to the world of literature?
I don't get it. What does it mean to be healthy in his system?
What does Veeky Forums use to write?
Is there anything this man can't do?
Can you recommend something that focuses on cheating, either the act or the aftermath...
Pottery cucks on suicide watch
Why does she abhor poor people? No memes, please
What does Veeky Forums read beyond books (e.g. news sites, columns, blogs)?
Has anyone made a truly profound and meaningful contribution to the study of ethics and morality post-Nietzsche...
Are there any good books that give a good overview of literary theory and its constituent movements (e.g. marxist...
How open-minded?
How can one be an atheist...
What piece of literature has elicited the greatest/most profound feels for you?
I stopped praying
Weird books
László Krasznahorkai
What Does Harold Bloom Think of John Green?
Who is the biggest slut in literature?
Who is the best short story writer of all time and why is it Borges?
Capitalism and Freedom or The Constition of Liberty
In The Western Canon (1994), Harold Bloom criticized Thus Spoke Zarathustra...
Holy shit the first Kim Clark chapter is so fucking bad and it's like 30 pages...
Whats the "dadrock" of literature?
Fiction Writing: The Art of Plotting
Original beta cuck white-knight
Coffee aesthetic
Poetry Thread:
What is the most sadistic, brutal book that you know which is not a porno? I consider books like story of the eye...
How do you deal with the fact that you are of average intelligence (in western world standards)?
Critique thread
My life as a rich white kid is so hard: The book
Yo Veeky Forums, /mu/ here
Well, Veeky Forums?
ITT: pages you read today or yesterday and what it was
Philip K. Dick
How do i get into reading?
Dog Days is the best book in the DOAWK series. Prove me wrong
What is this book about and is it too complex for a newbie?
How would he feel about the current racial discord in the united states?
Ignored by Veeky Forums
Are plays meant to be viewed or read?
What are you reading right now and what will you read next?
Animal Farm
Help me, boys, I can't stop reading Westerns
Why does Veeky Forums hate Kant so much?
Books women will never understand
Writers you'd fuck
The digital age has made the writer less valued than ever before
He's the greatest 20th century poet in any language
"user, you're always reading so tell us a story!"
I want to start with philosophy, where do I start and where do I head to from that?
Does Veeky Forums read LGBT themed books?
Holy shit, the real world fucking sucks. How can you fucking stand reality when you read fiction like Harry Potter?
How "difficult" is this?
I'm looking for something tantalizing...
If God doesn't exist then why are there so many books about him?
So Nick Land really DOES browse Veeky Forums
Translation Thread
Why do normals pretend that 500 pages is a 'long' book?
Hilo de crítica en español. Sólo textos y críticas, otras preguntas (sobre editoriales, autores...
Any philosophers or books that convincingly argue that women and non-whites do not have the same moral worth as a white...
Holy FUCK! I read 3 and a half pagss of the preface...
Personality survey
Post tip-top-tier literature from your country
Veeky Forums and nationalism
What writer comes to mind when you see this painting?
What are some literary twitter/facebook accounts you follow? There is too much shit out there on social media...
Is abortion ever ethically justified under normal circumstances...
JR is back in print!
"I hate to bother you user, but could you please put this book back in its shelf."
Interested in good environmentalist writings
So what's this board about?
Pleb general?
Job interview: judged solely on the last 4 books you read. Are you fucked?
Who is the greatest thinker of our times?
ITT: recommend good but recently published books
English Literature as a major?
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Which one should I read first?
Does free will exist, or is it merely an illusion that arises from brain phenomena?
Is it possible to prove that God exists scientifically?
What's the point of "Young adult" literature? When I was a kid I went from kid's books to just reading "Grown up" books...
After finishing Moby-Dick I became a full-blown prosefag. I'm still a pretty new reader, but what should I read next?
What's the deepest book you've ever read?
Reminder he didnt start with the greeks
Is rap technically the most Veeky Forums musical genre?
I feel like I have a concrete understanding of existentialism, and I want to move onto another branch of philosophy...
What are the best short stories? I'm looking for something a bit on the darker, heavier, intellectual side of things...
What are some great books about sexuality?
Advise me English literature about noble girl's youth. Like Estella in Great Expectations
Go on, fill it in Veeky Forums
Is it true I shouldn't bother trying to read Umberto Eco if I'm not madly well-read already?
His conclusions are wrong, r-right?
Post some real-life tragic heroes, someone who could BE in A Shakespeare play, dog
Just marathoned the first chapter. I'm blown way
Why does Veeky Forums have such an enormous hateboner for this book ?
How do I motivate myself to
Comfy library/ reading space thread
Contemporary science gave us the internet, space traveling, extended life expectative and cured several diseases
What was his problem?
I would just like to take this opportunity to point out that these are the only 4 philosophers that matter
What book would you like to turn into a film, who would you hire to direct it and who would you cast...
Ça vous dit un fil francophone...
Was he right?
Post a more accurate pic illustrating the relevance of world literature. Oh wait, you cant
Has a woman ever written a masterpiece?
Who are the most interesting noir/detective writers?
Are self-help books just a meme?
I'm about halfway through pic related
ITT: post your most memorable karl ove moments
Your favorite book
What the FUCK did I just read? (spoilers)
I just finished The Stranger, and i really enjoyed it. What do you guys think of this book?
ITT: Philosophers who practiced what they wrote
Which author have you read the most books from? Don't lie
Tfw Veeky Forums has completely ruined your attention span
What went wrong? Is Lacan alone enough to do this to a man?
Who is yalls fav english-language poet?
Female characters by female authors
Marxism is practically racism for the lower class
OMG user, of course I am a positivist! I love feeling happy! :)
Has any modern writer blended genre fiction and literature?
Local philosophy factory closed down
Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevsky wrote The Gambler in 26 days while also writing Crime and Punishment...
I am just beginning my literature journey...
Veeky Forums approved films and movies
Should I major in philosophy, Veeky Forums?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Did Hamlet even want to be king?
Modern Library Classics> NYRB Classics> Oxford world classics> Penguin Classics...
So is Dostoevsky's Underground Man essentially just a /r9k/ robot?
What's the most avant garde literature that isn't pretentious self-indulgent wanky shite? pic related
Write what's on your mind, and no memes, please
What do I need to know going into this book to get anything out of it...
What are some good novels written by non-white persons?
Why do authors enjoy the company of cats more than dogs?
What is the best edition of Ulysses out there now?
Was he black?
Alright so I need feedback on these series, I'm thinking about reading them
You guys could learn a few things from this fedora tipping master of the english language
Rejecting the human condition:
If one of the main themes of Harry Potter is that moral virtue is a choice rather than a result of your innate...
Relevant Philosophers who believed in God:
I spend quite many hours reading /r9k/, and while the majority of their posts are angry NEETs sperging out...
Will you mention in your biography about your shitposting on this board...
What are some must-reads that only white college sophomore males from a middle-upper class background can truly...
What was Veeky Forums like during high school? Were you the patrician valedictorian, or maybe a degenerate dropout...
So I found out there's a writing club at my college. Here's a vid they shot promoting the club:
Which country has the plebbiest literature and why is it the USA?
This is an excellent novel
Since humans are sexual beings, is it necessary to emphasize the role of sexuality in all interactions...
When da ennui hits hard and low
What did you study in university and where did you end up?
Is this a worthwile read? Anyone have opinions on this book?
Would you read his book?
Tfw too lazy to read
Books about girls? Advice about girls? Past 6 girls I've gone out with have been too, for lack of a better word, dumb...
ITT: books that are as long as Infinite Jest but actually worth reading
Veeky Forums confessions
George Saunders, author of Pastoralia, wrote about Trump
Do you guys read in public?
Is there a more based reviewer?
Early Computing Age Aestthetics
Am I about to make a mistake?
What book made you become "a reader"?
Slaughterhouse-Five discussiopn thread
Is there /lil/related apparel you would actually wear?
Tfw Nabokov got away with being a blatantly massive paedophile
Veeky Forums is the most left-leaning board on Veeky Forums
How much time does it take you to read on average to read a page?
Recent purchase thread
What are some must-reads if you're a white nationalist white supremacist?
I'd like to start reading Mishima, but I only have enough money for one book at the moment (lots of bills this month.)
Non-SJW science fiction
Has this country produced any literature of worth post 1945?
Well Veeky Forums?
What's it called when you reduce everything to ideological figures to avoid dealing with complexity?
Owning paper books
What is the great American novel?
Is the state of poetry now the upcoming future of literature? Stagnant, dead, zero power over anything?
Hi, my feminist girlfriend looked at my collection of books consisting solely of, as she put it...
Very long time lurker here
Bookshelf rate thread?
Nietzche and Christ
Was Jesus able to endure the cross in the same way that Thich Quang Duc endured the flames? How did they/he do it...
ZENITH: The Androma Saga, #1
What can literature do that visual arts can't?
So this is one of the first books I read on my own accord and I really enjoyed it
Come on, fucking educate these heathens:
Ideals slowly dissolving as I lose faith in my country and fellow man
What is the best translation of Don Quixote?
Am I abbout to make a mistake?
/ebrg/ - E-Book Reader General
Could you recommend any novels that evoke a Boards of Canada atmosphere? Thanks
"Caddy smelled like trees." What did he mean by this? Do many Americans want to fuck their sisters...
Narrator doesn't treet women solely as instruments to his own immediate self-gratification and doesn't objectify and...
I just finished reading pic related. It was fucking terrible
Veeky Forums challenge
The Best of Booktube
I don't care about smelly stupid workers I just want muh high culture
Why does Veeky Forums allow and never delete threads about obvious left wing philosophers and writers...
What are some good non-fiction books about the USA that a non American would enjoy?
I'm reading The Elementary Particles right now and its pretty good...
You don't get to opt out of postmodernity. We're living it. McDonald's is part of it. Sprawl is part of it...
Is there any really good reason to read ancient Greek philosophy...
Is he right...
What did he mean by that?
So I just started reading 120 days of sodom
ITT: Boring novels you forced yourself to read to "fit in"
How bad are the fire and ice books compared to the show? I really do hate games of thrones...
What did he mean by this?
The Wrongest Philosopher
Let's be honest, at the end of the day, this book is pretty good, even if it's overread
Which authors truly have insights on human experience? At least, subjectively, to you
Is anyone in your family a published writer?
What Canadian works of literature have you been reading recently?
Seriously, why is Macbeth such a dick?
Is love real?
Why is western society moving more towards liberal/atheistic standpoints...
Hey guys, German-language lit thread? I'm learning the language and I'd like to choose a book to read as a goal...
Song of Ice and Fire
Can the best female writers compete againts the best male writers?
Do you believe in sex?
Who is the 'greatest living author?'
The last book you read is now written by Stephen King
How do I bluepill myself on the society of the spectacle?
What does Veeky Forums think about the Beats?
His son, Jackson Pynchon
Tfw can longer appreciate film or television because they're too pleb for my liking
Have any of you read the Book of the New Sun? What did you think of it?
Hey Veeky Forums writfag here...
Why does Veeky Forums never speak about Gogol? Is he not patrician?
...I spent too much of my youth enraptured by alchemical texts and hermetic literature
Why didn't he just make Scientology a sci-fi novel?
Why is the average person so stupid?
Are rage comics literature?
VICE interviews Karl Ove Knausgaard
What do the users of lit think about this?
Why does Veeky Forums care more about the quality of the prose, than the actual content itself?
Why isn't Asimov even mentioned around here?
Who are his influences?
Some nobel laureate jew who wrote about Auschwitz dies and Veeky Forums doesn't speak a word about him
Which should I read first?
Recite the best poem in the world
Am i retarded or is this normal?
How do you feel about William S. Burroughs?
Red pill me on Nietzsche
Rank the arts according to your taste
Am I the only one that thinks this was his best novel?
Why is the "superhero movie" the dominant narrative trend of our time?
What if we're all already dead?
There's a lot a books I wanna get. Any a these worth getting?
Read and watched Peter Hitchens stuff
Do you believe in logic?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Which are the books about humiliation and shame
I want to challenge myself, increasing the value of myself by bettering myself. I'm thinking of reading philosophy...
What books would you consider extremely edgy, and appeal to a crowd that seeks to corrupt morality...
Who is the greatest authoress in the history of literature?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games