JR is back in print!

JR is back in print!

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1564784339/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1467901583&sr=1-5&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=William Gaddis&dpPl=1&dpID=510sN5bmX7L&ref=plSrch

fuck off. seriously?

oh shit.

he's not lying.

Two words: meme magic

where my gaddis bros at?

Kek I already have 3 copies

Do you pronounce it as J R or Junior?

"Jay Are"


you could find this out real easy
what is the character's name

Confirmed by Amazon. I already have a copy but I love Dalkey even more now for firing its presses back up.

amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1564784339/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1467901583&sr=1-5&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=William Gaddis&dpPl=1&dpID=510sN5bmX7L&ref=plSrch

I'm new to this guy. So what should I expect? Is it too modern? (or post modern I should say). Not that there's a problem. I'm a Pynchon fan so this is probably up my alley.

also which is better, the recognitions or JR and which should I read first


He says J R about 23 minutes into this.

If you want to dip your toes in him before taking on one of his doorstops I'd say read Carpenter's Gothic first. It'll give you a sense of what he's all about in a relatively compact package.

Fuuuuuck I literally just ordered a used copy from Germany.


Is there anything wrong with the Penguin Classics publication?

It's out of print.

gass calls it jay are here as well, at around 4:40

Any clue why Amazon is charging 21.95 when the price on the cover is 18.95?

just imagine that amazon is trying to make money

Now the real question is can meme magic bring Women and Men back into print

Maybe if McEllroy suddenly dies or something. How old is he again?

Idk but I just checked out his Twitter. The dude is a whacko.

Joseph McElroy @watrwake 10 Dec 2015
RT if you agree hateful and divisive rhetoric makes our country less safe. #WeAreBetterThanThis via @MoveOn

Sounds perfectly sane to me.

So he has lucid moments.

>air and water phenomenal "eccentricities" which offer Socrates no principle of order to explain the mind's choices -- McElroy in progress

>Floods of unwanted people Marine Le Pen really means (NY Times, 6/28), but sovereign borders will mean Water haves and have-nots.

only shit authors make political statements outside their work

thanks for letting me know mcelroy is definitely a hack

He also had a post bashing Trump and supporting Hilary.

He's writing a book about Water. He's been at it for 9 years.

Its a rebuttal to dfw, called This Ain't Water

I wasn't that impressed with the recognitions. it's fizzles out 3 quarters of the way through and never gets any steam back. how is J R. it sounds a lot better than the recognitions to me. anyone else read both. how do they compare?

I know, and it's fucking weird.

Sincere thanks for the alert, op!

but come on, it will be interesting no matter what

J R if you're a big Pynchon fan.
The Recognitions is rather heavy handed, though there are certainly some bolder things said.

J R takes a lot of energy and attention and visualization to read. I haven't been able to finish it.

They're about equally good and equally difficult imho, and the order in which you read them is of little consequence.
You don't need to be extremely familiar with art, philosophy, or religion to enjoy The Recs, and you don't need to be familiar with law or finance to enjoy J R.
Btw J R is hilarious- nobody seems to talk about that for some reason.

I once told someone I'm pretty sure there's a joke on every page of JR, not to mention slapstick and erotica.

the index of J R alone is hilarious. the recognitions was pretty funny at parts. I will be picking this up. might be the first book of ever buy brand new in years.


>Tfw 600 pages through shitty used Knopf version that hurt my eyes.
Just want to restart now.

mfw it's been back in print from dalkey archive for months

Glad to hear it. I was depressed to hear it was out of print briefly. JR is my favorite novel of all time and it's hysterical. This board is still dogshit now.

JR is much more accessible than The Recognitions. He voices the characters well and gives good indication so you know exactly who's speaking except for rare occasions where it's intentionally muddied. It's also one of the funniest novels there is.

You're probably just an idiot or 17

I'm probably just an idiot.

Being this a sort of Gaddis general, here's a question: I was told here that I should read Carpenter's Gothic to dip my toes in his work without embarking on of of his thousand page novels. But I did a little research and found that Carpenter's Gothic is a sort of excercise in style, according to his own words. So maybe it's not such a good representation of his other works. Is this so?
Also, I'm planning to read The Recognitions in my e-reader, since books are expensive and I'm not sure I'll enjoy that one. Would this be a problem? I mean if the book has many footnotes, endnotes, or maybe parts that you have to go back and forth and re-read passages and chapters. In those cases I prefer ordinary paper books.

Just fucking pick something and read it holy shit.
Start with the shortest one since you seem like one of those idiots who need to finish a book once you start it.

yes I kind of am

>authorial intent

I can't wait to read J R, I just finished The Recognitions about a week ago, and I'm just chilling, finishing up V., then I'm going to dive right into J R. fucking can't wait, yo.

The format was an exercise in style, but the content itself is still consistent with his usual themes techniques and ideas. It's fine as an entry point.

>reading dogshit like V. when you can read J R
Terrible priorities.

Yeesh, tell me how you really feel. It's not bad, and it's a short break after the quality meal of The Recognitions. You can't eat cake constantly, it'll overwhelm you with its richness. You need something occasionally to cleanse the palate, you plebeian. The refinement of culture and its appreciation extends into the gourmand's realm similarly.

$33 fucking dollars for a paper back. Is it acid free paper or something? Wtf

I got it for $19 from bookdepository (with a US proxy).

Where do you live and which edition are you looking at? The Dalkey archive one is 21 bucks new from Amazon and I'm sure you can get it cheaper from a third party retailer.

The other editions might be more expensive because they're all out of print right now.

you realize not everybody in this thread is a middle class white american, right? In my country books are expensive
