Philip K. Dick

What does Veeky Forums think of PKD? What's his best book? Was he right all along?

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I wouldn't call him exactly right. He had some leads, but no idea how deep it goes.

He was based as fuck


He inspired me to pick up an amphetamine addiction.

>What's his best book?
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said

Maze of Death is pretty darn rad

Ubik is the best one i think

Flow My Tears is the only novel of his I've read, and if that's really his best I'll gladly never read another.

I've read a couple and Flow My Tears was the worst.
Go for Do Androids... or a short story collection.

UBIK is easily his best book, followed by A Scanner Darkly and then Flow My Tears (imo).

Been thinking about picking up an amphetamine habit. Is it worth it? Or am I better off with an opiate habit, a la Coleridge and Burroughs?

Don't do either you fucking mong. Smoke grass.

That's fucking lame. Every other Chad out there is a stoner. Cannabis isn't a very literary drug, unless in the form of hashish, especially when combined with opium.

Do you want a miserable life? Because you don't want to be addicted to a substance.

Ubik is a good action story but it's not his best book (that would be Flow My Tears... or The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch)

You gotta be kidding me


This, I thought the "Taverner being so desperate for human contact he hugs a random guy at the gas station" bit was surprisingly poignant for a pulpy SF, but otherwise shaky execution of a great concept. We Can Build You is probably his worst tho.

Fun fact: PKD once managed to overdose on Vitamin C


Overdose probably isn't technically correct, but he took massive amounts and claimed it made the hemispheres of his brain connect differently

Appreciate it family.

Thoughts on the alien channeling through him?

Literally the only thing taking an excess of vitamin C will do is make you pee

You can get diarrhea, vomiting, cramps, headaches, insomnia, and kidney stones from megadoses.

Classic case of psychosis.

Schizo or manic?

what about the son's hernia? also the high degree of self-awareness evinced in VALIS?

His diagnosis of his son's hernia was from a hypochondriac-type search in the medical books for an answer.

You just made that shit up.

I'm gonna have to say that all of his books are worth reading, especially if you intend on finishing with the Valis Trilogy (his best works) and his Exegesis (or at least what they have released of it thus far.)



His thoughts weren't that farfetched.
It's how he expressed them that made most think he was a nutjob.