How should I start with Nietzsche Veeky Forums?

How should I start with Nietzsche Veeky Forums?

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Let's see, how would you pronounce Nietzsche?






This NEETs-sheh

>It's that time of the day where american Veeky Forums is browsing

Time for bed for the glorious european cultural master race I guess.

Just to keep you amerifriends occupied, try practising the pronunciation of:

Schopenhauer (protip: it's not show-pen-how-er)
Camus (protip: it's not Camoo)
Cervantes (protip: it's not sir-want-is)
Nietzsche (protip: it's not Ni-chii, Knee-chee, Nit-cha)

chronologically, or at least start with Human All Too Human, which was his first book of his own philosophy.

foreigners deserve to be punched in the face. TRUMP 2016!

To be fair the german and french names have sounds that don't really exist in English and Iberian spanish spelling is literally retarded

That's easy, how about something harder, like Goethe, Feuerbach or Büchner.



With the Greeks.

>what if, like, god doesn't exist like, but god is actually like love? and humanity is god, like... and if we just love each other hard enough...I'm kinda high btw


Child's play.


ok fuck, where do I start with the greeks

Are you stupid? We were talking about how hard it is for anglos to pronounce their names.

Your inferiority complex is showing


Read his Anti-Education lectures.

He claims, in no uncertain terms, that those without a Classical Education (i.e. Greeks/etc) are languishing in intellectual poverty.

He EXPLICITLY advocates starting with the Greeks.

Know your way around the bible reasonably well, both old and new testaments. Preferably the Lutheran bible.
Read a secondary source or watch a lecture on the Miletians
Read Heraclitus, use a secondary source to make sure you understand it
Read Parmenides, use a secondary source to make sense of it
Read Plato. ALL OF PLATO. Start with the Death of Socrates sequence and go from there.
Read Aristotle, the Organon at a minimum but ideally everything
Read Epicurus, use a secondary source to make sure you understand it
Read Machiavelli's Livyan Discourses and The Prince
Read some Hume, use secondary sources to get an idea of what he's arguing (important both for reading Kant as well as knowing wtf Nietzsche is talking about when he throws bombs at the 'English psychologists')
Read Critique of Pure Reason
Read Schopenhauer's essays and aphorisms, use secondary sources to grasp the core ideas between The World as Will and Idea (a full reading is beneficial but I do not believe it to be wholly necessary)
Use secondary sources to get a decent grasp of Hegel

Now you are reasonably ready for Nietzsche, who should be read chronologically if you intend to do a full reading. If you wish to abridge your reading of him, Twilight of the Idols, BGE and GM are the essential core of his work, though without The Gay Science in particular you will probably misunderstand many points he makes.

Yeah because he wasn't biased at all.

His shitty useless Greek boyfucker knowledge was literally the only thing he had to boast of in his life, of course he was going to be an egocentric dickhead about it and tell everyone how great it is.

He was a fucking philologist, you idiot, which in the 19th century pertained chiefly to Greeks and Romans.

IN ANY CASE, he was absolutely right. There is more to be learned from Plato/Aristotle/etc, than in the two millennia that followed.

We are all merely crawling in the ancients' shadows.

>he was absolutely right

>He thinks Nietzsche was wrong

>posts a selfie

>There is more to be learned from Plato/Aristotle/etc, than in the two millennia that followed.

There's a lot to be learned from the Greeks but don't be fucking retarded. It's like saying all houses need a concrete foundation, so you lay in concrete and using that as your house.

I live in a barrel faggot

>core Nietzsche works
>no Zarathustra
dude cmon
Also a good starting point with Nietzsche is Ecce Homo. It gives a really good insight into his writings, and his life is interesing enough to read some biographies. Lou von Salome (Nietzsche's crush) wrote one I think.
Seriously, Nietzsche's life is a really important part of his work. It's hard to understand most of what he's saying without knowing what he lived through.

Bare minimum:
Some Kant and the fourth book of The World as Will and Representation. The whole point of Nietzsche's philosophy is going against what Schopenhauer says we should do, which is denying the will.

I live in a cave on a mountain, near a forest.

>tfw German

All these americucks are too funny

Read the whole thing or else you're going to be a fucking pseudo.

There's no point in trying to take shortcuts in studying philosophy.

>Herodotus was a pretty gullible man
>Debate about Thucydides's historical accuracy

The strict division we have between literature and objective history wasn't true for the Greeks, but, even so, both authors make a big deal of letting the readers know when their information was verifiable and when it was not. Please don't treat them with such condescension.

This is fucking ridiculous and unnecessary. Just read the key Platonic dialogues and the SEP/IEP articles for the philosophers mentioned. Then start with either Twilight or Ecce Homo.


Zarathustra flies over 99% of people's heads, I never recommend it to people.

Also starting with Ecce Homo is, IMO, cheating yourself. EH is such a comfy work to read through at the end of Nietzsche.


Pic related, and full copy of Beyond Good & Evil, Gay Science, Genealogy, (and maybe Ecce Homo after you fall in love with his dank writing)

this thread again..


Start by losing your shit after seeing a horse being beaten, come back home, dance naked and plot to kill your country leader

well those digits have predetermined my fate
might as well get the lose my shit thing going

thanks homeboy



>camus is not camoo
You are a pretentious idiot if you think native English speakers can properly pronounce the french "u"
The "oo" sound is as close as it can get, so yes Camus is pronounced Camoo for english speakers

Everything will be fine son.

>You are a pretentious idiot if you think native English speakers can properly pronounce the french "u"

ya really tellin me them muricans cannot make that proper u sound?

There isn't a single english word that uses the french pronunciation of "u"
The closest English speakers can get to replicating it is "oo" or "ew" sounds

t. bilingual

That's a very good post user. I second it.

That's not it. I guess if you pause in the middle of "nu", you sort of get it?

the first u is clearly the french u

clearly your not french ya dummy

I suggest Roger Rodolf

what about



>Getting angry at people who where never learned German for not knowing how to say German names as well as you, a German.
You are actually the worst kind of retard: the pretentious type.

This seems to be the most supported translaion in English

this could just be an American thing though.

For the love of god, this