I stopped praying
good now start listening to death grips and yelling at your mom
Good for you
But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds." Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.
James 2:18
what does this mean
My faith can beat up your faith
Prayers are useless, faith is best expressed by following the Christian precepts as expressed at the Sermon on The Mount.
Someone who prays every day but doesnt act as a shepherd for his fellow man is basically trying to make a baby by jerking off.
Pray, v. To ask that the laws of the universe be annulled in behalf of a single petitioner, confessedly unworthy.
Ambrose Bierce
Why follow the precepts if you have no faith?
>classic image.jpg
Good for you.
Praying is hoping that causality can be manipulated in a positive way for you.
Why not abide by what the Bible teaches, not what the Bible says word for word?
What most Christians get wrong is the purpose of prayer. The Model Prayer lays out the function, and it's not to ask for lots of stuff. It's to mostly thank God for what He has done and show appreciation. Then to ask for "our daily bread" which is to say give us what we need to get through life and each day.
Not to say it's wrong to use prayer to ask for the healing of others, for example, but not to rely on that much. That's never been it's intention. It's to talk to God, get stuff off your chest, and keep an established connection through one way communication.
It's far from useless, but it's tough to stand by prayer as a means of enacting change in life. It's not a method to get what you want physically, but what you need spiritually. It's comfort, forgiveness, and spiritual strength, more than anything.
I dunno I continued praying even after I started identifying as agnostic. I just never felt a reason not to. I prayed for wisdom, compassion, faith, patience, and other things I felt my soul was in need of.
It was a good way of calming myself down before bed everynight, sort of like meditation, but being christiani is something I've always strived for yet never attained due to...I don't really know what. a lot of things really.
That's a good book.
Hahaha best post I've read all day
What is the point of praying if everything is already predetermined by god?
Because I live in the American south and the church militants are retarded to the point of insanity.
My grandma doesn't drink because Jimmy Swaggart wrote bible commentaries for money and explains all intoxicants are bad and that drinking is bad. When I mention Jesus drank wine (it was slightly weaker but it certainly wasn't juice) or that you shouldn't get drunk and let it become your master I am told I am wrong and God doesn't want anyone to drink because Swaggart doesn't. Meanwhile she is fat and eats sweets like she's about to hibernate.
It's all kind of retarded beyond the obvious not murdering stuff.
>prayer is about asking for stuffz
>fedora tip
Anyone else want to demonstrate their lack of theological knowledge and spirituality?
why follow the precepts if you have faith? faith alone is all you need famalam
lol nerd
if you feel bad about stopping, why not just start doing it again?
My great grandfather was some kind of backwoods preacher. He made and drank his own wine because "It was what Jesus did" Apparently he had a taste for it.
Pls don't give out advise to the impressionable, if you're a heratic.
>faith alone is all you need famalam
stop this
proving yet again that atheists have no problem abusing theology but will unironically get upset if some backward hick says "I aint come from no monkey"