Pleb general?
>go to uni
>meet new people
>go visit them
>see collection of books
>they have books written by women and non-whites
>"why don't you want to hang out anymore?"
fucking hates normies and cucks
Pleb general?
>go to uni
>meet new people
>go visit them
>see collection of books
>they have books written by women and non-whites
>"why don't you want to hang out anymore?"
fucking hates normies and cucks
Other urls found in this thread:
>meeting people
>visiting them
>claims to not be a normie
i'm redpilled, kid
I lust love the thought of your retarded soul exiting your fat sweaty body and going straight to hell after your heart collapses from too much mountain dew
t. a women
Did your mom molest you?
/r9k/ pls go
>t. Alberto Barbosa
>implying they actually wanted to hang out with you and didn't ask you out of pity
t. Schizophrenic
The fuck does this have to do with literature?
Because you mentioned books?
it's a metaphor I guess. Not him btw, I'm a completely different user.
Literally nothing, he just wants to start a fight and have an excuse to post pepes
It's a new form of flash fiction.
>implying greentext isn't the highest literary form
>roommate says he reads
>ask him what he reads
>he shows me the pulpiest pulp fantasy collection ever
>book he's currently reading is about some time travelling prince????
>mfw listening to him drone on about his other books
gah, apppallling
you can tell who the Veeky Forums posters are and who the reddit dot come slash r slash Veeky Forums posters are (aka OP) lmfao fuck off back to rebbit and upvote ur edgy content there faggot
Go fuck a kangaroo
sperg harder than an autist flipping over a plate of tendies
>"hey user, you read! you'll really like this author i found"
>o fuck someone's talking to me why.jpeg
>they want to talk to me about books
>okay just try to refuse politely without exposing yourself as a complete c/lit/
>"you'd really like him"
>"i'm reading some very specific things at the moment i don't have time sorry"
>"but you'd really like it"
>try not to say it
>"i'm reading very sarcastic crit atm and i'm only half way thru"
>"BUT HE'S SARCASTIC TOO come on you'll love him"
>"i-i don't want to change languages in the middle of a french..."
>"oh come on, user, you can read this way quicker than french"
>"you'd totally love it, it's even sci-fi"
>i'm going to die from retaining pretensions this long
>"...i r-really c-can't rn"
>"just take his name for later, he even makes french jokes XD"
>"terry pratchett, he's so great"
>terry fucking pratchett
>"n-nevermind bye"
OP actually seems like the (failed normie) 4channer here, trying to piss off sjws and cucks.
Those are reddit xDDDDD tier
>having friends
pleb shortening of higher learning institutions
doings/listenings i guess
wrong board m8
fuck ahaha