my question is what essential books are there for me to read after homers work, i want to delve more into philosphy and stoicism and the work of plato interests me

the only problem is there is so much that im not sure what to buy and not to 'waste' my time

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Special-friendships-novel-Roger-Peyrefitte/dp/B004FKJH6Y/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1467803297&sr=1-2&keywords=special friendships

Start with Marcus Aurelius' Meditations and then to Letters from a Stoic

does anybody know where i can get quality audiobook versions of shakespeare plays?

aren't there like a lot of them on youtube?

is there any particular set that people recommend?

well i haven't discussed it with others but i've listened to a women reading hamlet on there before, that was one of the first ones i found and was nice

Anything I should check out by Ezra?
Ive been looking into the cantos and I wonder if there is any more of his work worth reading.


does the translation of the meditations matter?

also are there any other works after that?

i know im asking for a lot but i just dont know where to go lol

what are the best works by Kafka other than metamorph/trial/castle ?

i was going contemplation but i will get something else/along side it if there is anything

you could read Amerika. It's his third real novel
Also, buy a collection of short stories if you want more. In my opinion the short stories are better for getting into kafka, but it's to late for that. If you enjoyed the books you'll probably enjoy the short stories and america too.

ty senpai , i heard amerika was unfinished, does this matter?

also what shorts? are they a collection or are they sold individually

Interested as well. I keep hearing The Cantos mentioned, but then also that it's difficult to read without familiarity of the author.

> Buy complete works of Kafka
> It doesn't have The Castle, Amerika, or The Trial

Fuck my shit senpai

Not that user, but

Amerika appears to be missing its penultimate chapter, yes, but I still highly recommend it. There will be a few details that don't quite make sense in the final chapter (if I remember correctly one is why he has a certain nickname in the final chapter) but they are all minor details.

Some of his most acclaimed shorts are A Country Doctor, The Bucket Rider, and The Hunger Artist. Those are all terrific. A few of my personal favorites that don't get as much attention are The Vulture, Poseidon, and A Fratricide.


Oh, and to answer your last question, you can buy a collection that includes all of his works other than the three novels.


Any recommendations on where to start with R. Buckminster Fuller? I've got a pdf of Spaceship Earth but I heard he wrote an epic poem about industrialization which seems more interesting.

In several different fantasy authors' works I've seen the name Roland used to signify someone who fate or chance favors.

Does anyone know the origin and justification of that usage? What's the source material they all derive from?

The only historical reference I could find was Charlemagne's knight, but that doesn't seem particularly relevant.

Can a kind user give me a guide on how to annotate and take notes properly?

what do you mean?

Where can I find an English translation of this book?

Anyone read it?

just get an ancient greek philosophy textbook. it will introduce you to the basics and you can then look further into what interests you most. Introductory Readings in Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy is aight.
check out his earlier poetry collected in Personae. It is not as 2deep4u as the Cantos but very good.

Has anyone ever read anything by Garcia Lorca? I'm about to start Poet in New York and have quite high expectations.

anyone willing to critique a 6k word short story?

I'm a handful of chapters into Notes From the Underground, and I am finding that it's a bit clunky at times. Turns out it's the Garnett translation. Is there any merit in switching to a more widely regarded translation, or should I persevere?

I think he's swell. Can't vouch for the translation though.

whats it about

Garnett is widely regarded. Pretty much any famous person you've heard praise Dostoevsky (in English) read the Garnett translation.

Bar Car Qatar?

Is there a best translation of the Iliad and Odyssey?

No it's all preference (between a handful of them)

So I got Infinite Jest because its memed so hard here. I don't know how to read the book though. I am 12-15% into it and have no idea what is going on. How do you read such a thing?

1st read through: imo just barrel through it and try to get as much plot as you can. if you're getting lost already don't spend too much time dwelling on any heavy thematic stuff
2nd read through: my suggestion is to read it parallel to hamlet and draw the comparisons, it'll really shape your reading in the way dfw pulled the influences. or read it with a companion like stephen burn's readers guide which is probably the best one

optional 3rd read through: isolate like three themes you're interested in and look for those in your read through

You came here without a strong background in reading in the first place

Please quit and start with smaller, easier works.

You wouldnt go into a gym and pick up the 50 lb dumbells, nor would you walk into a library and first get a book on theoretical physics

You gotta build up

Literally just note:
• appearances of themes and important topics
• anything you feel is important to understanding a character
• allusions
• passages you like

sure post a pastebin or a dropbox link

I mean annotating in the margins of a text and taking notes in a separate notebooks, the components of each, and when to do each one.

If you have a question, highlight, post it, or underline
If it gets answered in a vague way later, connect the two
If there's a word that is confusing, look it up and write the definition in.

Look at 1q84 - maza and dohta. You could look through the book at each of these roles and who plays whom and answer deeper ideas and questions within the story
(it is a very pretty book)

Built up from what?

I read Brothers Karamazov, Notes from the underground. I enjoyed them very much. Siddhartha, Narcissus and Goldmund.

Is The Razor's Edge a good novel?

meant for

>The Song of Roland (French: La Chanson de Roland) is an epic poem based on the Battle of Roncevaux in 778, during the reign of Charlemagne. It is the oldest surviving major work of French literature and exists in various manuscript versions, which testify to its enormous and enduring popularity in the 12th to 14th centuries.

Seems pretty relevant to me.

But he got betrayed, beaten and killed. Doesn't sound like fate or chance favored him.

And Arthur got cucked, betrayed, and murdered by his son.

Still, the name \often signifies used with a noble, if tragic, connotation.

It's about how they lived not just how it ended jeez.

>Still, the name \often signifies used with a noble, if tragic, connotation.

What did he mean by this?

I swear I read a novelization of Body of Evidence (not the Patricia Cornwell novel) when I was a teenager, but I cannot find evidence on the internet of its existence.

where to start with john updike and can I expect more stuff like the a&p?

I read a book about Dickens in a library once. Google didn't know about neither the book nor the author. Felt kinda spooky.

How do I get into reading more? I barley read as it is and have some books I'd like to read but never put in time to read

Force yourself. If you like it, you won't have to force yourself after a while. If you don't like it, quite.

What's happening??

How do I change my hobby from videogames and masturbating to anime porn into reading books?

I hate to admit it but I like playing vidya more- but I always wanted to be a bit smart too.

Aeneid is arguably most influential Roman work, at least to works that immediately follow it. Of course, other Roman suggestions like Marcus Aurelius and Seneca are definitely good on their own right. I just think Aeneid is vital to read before going on to medieval literature and philosophy.

By the way, why doesn't Veeky Forums have a medieval literature chart or two?

Is Critique of Pure Reason a good place to start with modern philosophy?

It looks like there's one English translation of this book, from 1958, and its out of print and sadly expensive.

amazon.com/Special-friendships-novel-Roger-Peyrefitte/dp/B004FKJH6Y/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1467803297&sr=1-2&keywords=special friendships

For someone who's only ever read his short stories: Should I read Amerika or The Trial?
On the back of Amerika it says that it's his funniest novel, is this true? I like funny books a lot.

Yeah that or metamorphosis probably.