Boring af

boring af

where are you from

vancouver canada

i'm from van and just started the whale yesterday.

the paranoid schizophrenic in me wants to place some kind of import on this.


u hav to kiss now


Here, read this instead.




I'll be Ishmael. can be Queequeg.

you're dumb af


In all seriousness a non, have you ever read a book before?
Most popular culture us centered on things that are visual: car crashes, fist fights, attractive looking people. This is easier to process than reading and does not tax the intellect.
Some things you might like:
The Fast and Furious movies
Superhero comic book stories
Grand Theft Auto (video game).
Hope that helps!

Some people don't find whaling interesting

>Implying you need to find whaling interesting to appreciate Moby-Dick

Found the redditor

Go home, OP, you're pleb.

>reading for plot

not everyone can write a story in such a way as to impassion the reader beyond their interest in the subject matter.
We call that literature.

And not everyone is equipped to appreciate artistic merit.
We call that a patrician.

Some just read for entertainment and twisty plots.
We call you a redditor

canada has never produced a masterpiece like moby dick
how does that make you feel

a leaf. your flag is a leaf. A FUCKING LEAF

>insulting Veeky Forums's favorite book

yeah it's not going to well for you you fucking leaf

No, that's IJ.

Haha that's lame af now that I think about it.

I just finished it. SPEECHLESS. The language ramps up big time towards the end.

>"From hell's heart I stab at thee!
>mfw Tashtego nails up that flag right as the Pequod is sinking

Pic also somewhat related in other ways, couldn't help but notice how many themes, moments, and relationships were lifted from Moby Dick in MGSV.

>expecting fun


I thought Moby Dick was quite fun in a way most literature isn't

Maybe op is just too old to read a kids book?

Moby Dick is my favourite book and I don't give a hoot who knows it.

thats even worse.

>kids book

you triggered me. im mad. im gonna killl someone today.


> the monster book of monsters

Fuckin gigglin m8

> tfw the ship doesn't find her son but another orphan

>they were one man, not thirty

Too bad Melville didn't go into great depth of the chase, his chapter of the whiteness of the whale was longer than the chase


>this passes as humor to stormcucks

>he thinks A FUCKING LEAF came from /pol/
>he thinks /pol/ is Stormfront
Hello R3ddit!

>he thinks I give a shit about where /pol/ memes originated
>he thinks one is any less shitty than the other

Hello bald trigger baby

>at chapter 32: Cetology
i enjoyed the first 70-80 pages but the last 40 or so have been a dragggggggggggg
i'm reading the same paragraphs over and over

does it pick up?

If you don't like it already then it isn't for you

>still makes assumptions about things he's clueless on
>still tries to insult /pol/ users by comparing them to skinheads
>begins to project his own insecurities
I'd tell you not to breed, but we both know you won't be doing that anyway.

About every other chapter until you get to the "fifth act" of the book is like that.

So if it hasn't gotten good for you yet you should probably approach it from a different perspective.

Oh yeah I forgot, /pol/ is a nuanced board that totally isn't about being triggered 24/7. I'm a shitlord, I know.

>the try-works

>stormweenie brings up projection and virginity in the same post

Holy shit please tell me you're being ironic

You just need to squeeze more sperm, OP, cuz you're a god damned faggot.