Zadie Smith is Quite Good


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I agree


Zadie Smith is one of the hottest famous people alive.

She did a pretty good interview with Norse Proust u can watch on the u tube.

fucking christ this board

Beta cuck sjw faggots.

Just having a jape! I enjoyed NW and White Teeth. Look fwd to Swing Time.

I doubt black women can write as well as white men so I'm not going to read her.

nice opinion lol fampai

Every once in a while a nigger bitch is a genius and sometimes white-boys are born dumber than a sack of shit. Statistically speaking.

She's cute

I'm not a fan of her work at all, and not because of racist/sexist memes.
White Teeth and On Beauty just feel so contrived. They have little new to offer. She crams in half-assed bits of a things other novels handle well. Life as a struggling academic, the immigrant experience, being a minority in the West, aging, parenting, marriage, the times are changing (but are they *really* people are still people) etc. crammed into both books, and all of them dealt with by rehashing an established idea about the subject. It's like reading a mixtape of more original writers ideas.

she looks like a frog

I'm not a fan of her style -- at least in On Beauty. It's smug and tedious. It's funky like JK Rowling is and pretentious like every cunt that went Oxbridge.

What really annoys me is that she's touted as some new literary voice for minorities or whatever and she is a Londoner that went to Cambridge that writes the most middblebrow literary fiction imaginable. It's only those establishment dipshits that would see her as a breath of fresh air.

Obvious obvious is obviously obvious.

She liked Infinite Jest. Artistic opinion discarded.

this pretty much, apparently her latest novel is alright but I haven't read

how is this even either a) true, or b) funny?
she's just purely simply, uninterestingly not pretty, and very physically and personalitically unattractive.

the girl is like filth, everything about her is like handling filth. I don't want to


There are a set of funny gifs of DFW doing a goofy dance in front of Zadie Smith at some literary festival.

I find it funny that she of all people would talk about racial issues, as if she would know

literally wut
she's mixed race. her mother is black and her dad is white
she gets shot by both sides mate

uh huh. you tell me if you genuinely believe Zadie has experienced any of that bullshit

this particular photo perfectly illustrates what I was describing

literally the first result for "zadie smith racism" on Google mate

>But I was recently turned away from a club in Paris with my brother for similar reasons: they thought my brother was a thug from the suburbs. So it’s not that unusual. Certainly in the areas my parents lived in, in the 1970s, there were still posters in the windows that said,“No Irish, no blacks, and no dogs,” which people in Britain do remember. It was extraordinary!

she grew up in Britain where we don't go in for that extreme race war crap like Americans do but around the time she was a kid there was a lot of low level racism like that around. i remember seeing that kind of thing myself.

>low level racism
>like posters in the windows that say “No Irish, no blacks, and no dogs”

she is a nigger

>we don't go in for that extreme race war crap like Americans

You proved his point rather well by finding an old creased flyer from some worthless little joke party.

presumably you're both from the country where the police victimise black people so much that a black guy shot five police officers dead in retaliation

that's the sort of thing we generally don't go for

(not much, anyway)

>Maoris and islanders

yeah we really have a big problem with those in the UK

>the police victimise black people so much that a black guy shot five police officers dead in retaliation

no, presumably I'm a European (unlike people who live in the UK lmao), so we don't really do stuff like that to people just because they aren't the same race

do you lads think tao was allowed to watch?

>tfw I bought a David Foster Wallace novel and there is a Zadie Smith quote on the cover

oh do fuck off

>I'm a European ... so we don't really do stuff like that to people just because they aren't the same race

sure, racism has never existed in mainland europe. "lmao" indeed

we need more racism in europe desu femme

knausgard is dave grohl in disguise

are you sure it's not bowie?

>police victimise black people
because they commit more crime
they worship thug culture
their idols are gangster rappers and drug dealers

let us be clear on one thing: not all races are equal

DFW's ruined her let's be real

He's as intolerable and talentless as Grohl too

the police victimise blacks by not killing them disproportionately?

enabling black victimhood complex to feed your white ego used to be a cute pet project the middle class "intellectuals" used to do back in the 70-80's but evidently some people missed the memo and bought into the rhetoric.

i think the walrus was friendzoned

i see /pol/ is leaking again

>widely regarded as mr nice guy of rock
>widely regarded as massively talented musician, songwriter etc
>"intolerable and talentless" according to an angry teenager on a porn cartoon message board

>sure, racism has never existed in mainland europe.
basically no, it hasn't

I'm the user that wrote can you explain to me why I'm from /pol/? What sentiment did I express that led you to believe this?

political sentiments rather than literary sentiments

We don't mind immigrants here if they integrate but if they just stay stuck in their /pol/ culture we want them to go back.

you didn't really answer the question.
I want to know so I can perfect my crypto fascism.

No but really, being a /pol/tard is not a prerequisite for recognising a couple of obvious things.

"progressive" white people aren't helping black people, they just got better at enslaving them.

It's quite ingenious, all you have to do is rob or otherwise retard their ability for self direction and improvement while simultaneously feeding black people's nagging, subconscious inferiority complex.

That way, the status quo remains but white people can mine things to feel good about the whole ordeal.

You should've seen the look on this limp white "activist"'s face when my black friend said "my life as a black American isn't the abject squalor you're trying to convince me it is"

>inb4 "my black friend"

You haven't seen the gif I see

shit, sorry
I'm running on fumes atm a couple of sentences are a bit fucked

>That way, the status quo remains but white people can mine things to feel good about the whole ordeal.

What I meant to say was, the status quo remains but white people will have extracted reasons to pat themselves on the back.

My local splinter of the BLM movement is 80% white. Doesn't this say something?

the one with the dancing?

her brother is the guy who did the rap about making tea

>man for man
>man party
>prostrating himself before them
I'm detecting a subtext here.

whew lad, time to get off Veeky Forums

post it

You realise this is utter indefensible nonsense, right?


To some extent this is very true. The Clintons, for instance, are the epitome of that brand of white 'liberal' who have mastered the art of subjugating black people in the modern world. Bill Clinton did more to retard racial equality in America than any other leader of the 20th century but the uninformed majority of black people love him. Hilary Clinton left her husband's campaign trail to make a personal intervention in order to ensure that a black man was executed (despite the fact that he was so mentally challenged he asked for some of his last meal to be saved for later); she still got more of the black vote than a guy who has been on the front lines of civil rights protests.

So yes, I accept that some white 'liberalism' is just a new mode of slavery. But you can't use that brush to tar any white person who recognises racial injustice as a problem.

Have you actually watched videos of any of these police shootings, or researched the details? Like, you can tell me if you want that you know the facts and you don't care because a) it's not your problem or b) they're just niggers or whatever other reason. Fine; I can't make you care, that's up to you. But be honest with yourself, for fuck's sake. You can't research this shit and then claim that there's no trend of cops unnecessarily killing black people. And you can't claim the same shit would happen to white people.

You're both right.

My suggestion: pic related.

Sauce pleeeeease

I didn't intend it to be a joke. I think she is insanely attractive.


>Zadie Smith
why do educated black women always take about race issues but 9 times out of 10 date only white guys.

Thta's not England though

Because facts are easy to make up if you want to tell people your world-view.

its just weird too me. that they go black men are being targeted but vast majority of them are dating white men that are suppose to be the source of "evil"
idk need to stop paying attention to this shit seems like they're all frauds making money off lying

What is ad populum? You retarded cunt.
>"he must be good cos everyone else says he is good and he is popular and stuff so yeah HA"
Dave Grohl would be a fucking nobody if he wasn't in the band with Cobain, who made his career. Even Cobain disliked him, for fucks sake.

>widely regarded as massively talented musician, songwriter etc
Butthurt fanboy detected.

Literally kill yourself

we gotsa see dat

then the issue is police brutality, not of "institutionalised racism". Sure, a percentage that is not at all negligible of cops in America are functionally speaking state funded mafia thugs but as "a whole" they're killing blacks no more disproportionately than any other race.
Consider the fact that there's a disparity between black arrest rates and 'rate' of black death by police.
I would take the "Black Lives Matter" movement seriously if it wasn't such a blatantly politicised power grab tied to very specific special interest groups. It's defrauding black people, exploiting their anger. All of this happening while black criminals are killing record numbers of innocent black people. Madness.

I can't claim any of whatever you secretly want me to claim. And you can't claim that 'the same wouldn't happen to white people'. Maybe it's time for well meaning people like yourselves to admit that all of this hubbub is grounded in vague emotions

it is very late and im very overworked so a lot of what i write will be disjointed and i apologise for that

i would believe in structural problems or racial injustices or whatever issue that sends people into hysteria but the arguments and evidence for the claims simply don't stand, at least to my standard (and you can criticise that, as im sure you will)

"Vote Labour if You Want a Nigger Neighbour, Vote Tory If You've Already Got One" was originally a Tory campaign slogan that spread to other parties. That poster is a variation on that slogan and represents the historic popularity of racism in the United Kingdom

>You can't research this shit and then claim that there's no trend of cops unnecessarily killing black people.
>You can't claim the same shit would happen to white people.

Have you done any research, like at all?

There is no trend. You are a fucking moron.
Look at the statistics.
White people are killed by cops more often than blacks.
Just yesterday a white man was gunned down by a police officer unnecessarily and it didn't make the news... I wonder why that is? Oh right I remember now, it's because of people like you!

Stop posting on this fucking board.

I'll bet you detect that subtext just about everywhere you look

perhaps the illusion of police racial bias stems from the fact that well, black criminality is stupidly higher than every other race.

that disproportionality doesn't get addressed much, curiously enough and when it does get addressed it seems to shirk any kind of responsibility for black people. What does this kind of rhetoric teach?

Approx half as many blacks shot by cops as whites last year
13% of population is black

=4x more likely to be shot by a cop if you're black



did you conveniently forget that rate of black encounter with the police and criminality is also higher? seems to me that that would be a relevant factor


I actually agree with this

Maybe you should consider fucking men instead, buddy.

>don't wear shoes bc you think your feet are dumb
>get diseased foot
>"if we cut the foot off, we will no longer be diseased! aren't feet terrible?!"

okay... I will

>calling black people a disease
>diseases are eradicated to cure the person
Your words buddy, not mine :^)

>make a forced, stupid analogy that doesn't even make sense

sure showed him, guy

Some of us are actually /aesthetic/

Alright, no harm done then.

i am a complete degenerate and I want either of those women to beat me up while they abuse me emotionally

just like mother used to haha

The slogan was "if you want a nigger for a neighbour vote liberal or labour" and was used in one constituency (Smethwick) for one GE by one Tory and never spread beyond that

see, now I'd fuck these two

damn i lost again

I don't need to pull the "black friend" card, because I am black, and I definitely don't need to be told about the world I live in by an armchair politician.

Your friend stating that his "life as a black American isn't the abject squalor you're trying to convince me it is" is a great way of putting it for most of us. It gets irritating, Democrats trying to convince us that were being victimized or oppressed. I've been called nigger at work, on the street, followed around stores, etc. That's not oppression to me. Oppression is when you stand between me and an education, or a job, or impede my rights. This rarely happens.

As for "black people's nagging, subconscious inferiority complex" you couldn't carry that outside of the internet. You just couldn't. You could wield it agaisnt other armchair politicians who shape your view of the "black collective's" behavioral traits, but take that to the bar, to work, with real people and you're just as idiotic as the Democrats with their victim narrative. You're in a bubble. You have no credentials to make claims beyond your narrow scope.

I live in the most illiterate county in the USA(Kern). it is largely impoverished, drug infested, and there are more than a few gangs, but here white people are the problem. They're the poor, they're the homeless, the drug addicted, the violent. Cops are notoriously trigger happy, and we have some if the most KKK activity in the country.

There is no singular "system" no "status quo" of racial hierarchy. If you want to posture and go on some political diatribe, tell us about your suburbs because that's as far as your opinion goes.

>inb4 you're different from other black people
don't act like you've even spoken to more than a few of us

This post is pretty decent, but I don't know if I can agree with all of it. I've been to low income white neighborhoods (98%+ white) and none of the youth growing up there have been as fraught with violence and gangs as it seems like a lot of primarily minority neighborhoods (Detroit, Oakland) are.

Individual variation is bigger within a single race than between two races.

Interestingly, the people agitating for their own racial superiority are 95-98% of the time the piss-poorest specimens of their own race.


>Interestingly, the people agitating for their own racial superiority are 95-98% of the time the piss-poorest specimens of their own race.
[citation needed]

This is like when virgin neck beards think that """chads""" have to be stupid.
Or when poor people think that the rich have to be """empty"""
Let me guess... racists are all just inbred morons who can't read and are just ignorant?

Kill yourself, you dumb fuck.


Good post.

Got the fuck to delete his post, lol

no way