Are NEETs victims of society?

Are NEETs victims of society?



on the contrary, society is a victim of NEETdom


Some are, some aren't.

neets are part of modern society.

Everyone is a victim of society.


Nobody is a victim, it's just a thing retarded Millennials try to pass off on themselves to seem like their lives are worse off than others when it really isn't.

How can they be victims of society when they never entered society?

That's like saying the reason I'm not a member of Mensa is because I didn't like being in Mensa....even though I never joined Mensa.

Or saying that a white guy at a store is responsible for slavery when his family was Irish and didn't come over until after slavery was abolished.

It doesn't make sense.

No, but God is.

>victims were invented by millennials
Hands down one of the most retarded things I've read on Veeky Forums in a while

lol uv'e never read books

But not more retarded than Millennials.

The victim complex is one that has been around, however Millennials completely take control over it and make their whole life about it.

They see problems and instead of striving to fix it they just blame everything on everyone else.

Yet, they want to ban guns. I don't understand it. Why would the ban the easiest way to killing themselves which is what they obviously want to do. They are like Boomers, except they didn't wait until 60 to become whiney bitches about life.

NEETdom is a consequence of modern society

>impossible to find a gf or have sex in a society where 100% of your worth is determined by that (until your age group starts working after college, then it's 50% money)
>impossible to get entry level jobs
>feminism teaches society to hate men and men to hate themselves
>LGBTQ9000 teach society to hate cis and cis to hate themselves
>SJW teaches society to hate white people and whites to hate themselves

Is it really hard to blame them for retreating from society?


How are winners victims?

You're hypothesis is faulty.

I can use whatever grammar I want to. I'm NEET.

>Why would the ban the easiest way to killing themselves which is what they obviously want to do.

NEETdom is a consequence of pussies raising pussies.

spookiest thread

>Waa I have to be worth a shit to get a woman
>Waa working is hard
>hehe thanks mummy government, gib me dats



thanks senpai

For me industrialized education with no care for music art or creativity in general disenfranchized me from society

> millenials are shit
> boomers are shit
I would have hoped to gain a much better perspective on shit than yourself by the time I reach middle age

petit bourgeois trying to spread his ideology detected.

Same as me friend. Going to school felt like a prison for me. No joy for learning at all there.

In a way, yes. They have terrible upbringings which lead to even worse interactions with their peers. They become socially and mentally crippled. They are victims of circumstance. This doesn't mean that they should just wallow in this, and not actually do anything to fix themselves. But most of them end up doing so anyway, due to their terrible behavioral patterns. At this point they are fully to blame for maintaining their NEET lifestyle.

tldr: They are victims, It's not their fault when it begins, but it is when they chose not to change anything.

Quite the contrary actually. Neets prey on society, always ready to bounce and suck its blood till the last drop.

school isnt really the place for that, maybe try doing something on your own time

I am a depressed 22 year old virgin NEET and I can tell you it's not society's fault that I was born weird and started developing self-esteem issues because I didn't fit in with a single group, thus rejecting any social embrace which could have kickstarted my life's plan into action. All current obstacles that I now face are all buried within my psyche and I must battle myself , my depression, and my habits.

i am the author

if you're content as a NEET. You're an ubermensch.

prove me wrong.

Ubermensch's are a means, a bridge, an overture, a going under.

NEETs dont really do anything :/

I tried to join the military after failing out of college for the second time and becoming a NEET
I failed boot camp, but I ended up getting a job, and I can actually go to class and study now, but I also got social anxiety medication

Having been through all that, I'd say NEETs are a product of poor mental health and an upbringing that didn't challenge or help them to get better

if you don't have to work and are not interested in working, just don't. i'd say you and the rest of your ilk have poor metal health if you need to metaphorically masturbate one another for "muh hard work" and " muh society".

Quite the opposite, they are its beneficiaries. Since society is so advanced that it can support a (what some would call parasitic) self-actualized class, then those who have escaped the need to work, learn, or more generally compete out a kind of obligation, /and yet maintain a relatively comfortable first-world state of existence (so as to preclude uncomfortable homeless people who would otherwise spoil my point but for the fact of their obviously mean existences) have won the game of life.

The point of work is to someday escape the need to work. The highest good with respect to work, is to escape the need to work altogether. And nature itself, and the competion that it entails, is a hateful and evil state of affairs which is to be escaped at all costs, as best as one can, and for as long as one can, and preferably right now. It is in this respect that the NEET is the true superior of society, rather not a parasite, but a representation of the perfection that a given society may yet make possible.

I guess, if you're happy and can afford it. But I don't think you'll always be happy, if only because of the pressure of knowing how hard things are going to be when you have nothing and no one in your life
I'm happier, if only because I don't have anything to worry about

NEET life fucking sucks. It is pergatory, but some dont mind that, e.g. the Office Space guy's wish

NEETs are victims of their own ineptness. The only thing keeping them from success is themselves.