What are the best books about love? I want to feel

What are the best books about love? I want to feel.

Great Expectations.

Far from the Madding Crowd

Alessandro Manzoni - The Betrothed

This is the italian text that the current Pope asks engaged couples to read before they get married—it is a tale of love that fights


The Sorrows of Young Werther

Love in the Time of Cholera


yeah also pride & prejudice probably but persuasion is way better (in terms of a love story or anything else for that matter)

also the fact that Veeky Forums can't get enough of thomas hardy's metaphysical whining about love but decries jane austen as a boring romantic writer kinda bespeaks Veeky Forums's (obvious) inherent misogyny

More like love in the time of don't bother

book of Pook

good one but I think the Manzoni in The Betrothed is trying to send much more important messages than just the story of a couple having trouble getting married..

Norwegian Wood

Lolita. Not even close to kidding.

That's pure lust, not love.

The Bible. Not even close to jesting.

Karamazov Brothers

For Whom The Bell Tolls made me feel.

No it isnt. Its the greatest love story in all of literature

Naked Lunch

The New Testament.

Book of Flying by Kieth Miller

Jane Eyre or if you wanna read a play Cyrano de Bergerac.

i genuinely thought persuasion was pretty boring, but it may be because i like half-read it for class. there were parts i liked a lot though(her with that widower, talking about books)


It's okay, you'll grow out of it.

