Hey guys i 've learned something i want to share

hey guys i 've learned something i want to share

that evolution isn't the same as evolvoling because evolution is a process unstopaable by reality because its fundamental to the nature that its not human but of all animals in general

so when you say that something is evolved then you mean that is evoloving but not the evolved because animals and humans share it at the saem time because its vital to all creatures to be evolving but not evolved

it it chanegd everything of how i learn of consciousenss that isn't the same evolving time

it's a fantastic thought isn't it

Nothing evolves unless it has pressure to do so, the only exception is cancerous mutations.

This reminds me of something I discovered recently related to evolution: The main story people want us to believe is that 4-6 million years ago, humans didn't exist, and that we had a common ancestor with a chimpanzee. They say that this "wan't a chimp" but that it also "wasn't a human." So that means it would have to have features of both. The problem is, chimpanzees don't have features of both, and humans don't have features of both. If humans and chimps don't have features of both, then how could the common ancestor have features of both? That means either humans evoluved from chimps, or chimps evolved from humans. Obviously since humans are more advanced than chimps, the humans must have "evolved" from chimps. However, if chimps evolted into humans, then how are there still chimps? According to evolution, birds evolved from dinosaurs, therefore there are no dinosaurs left. If humans evolved from chimps, then IT MAKES NOT SENSE FOR THERE TO BE ANY CHIMPS

This is wrong, evolution is defined as change in gene frequencies, which happens all the time. Natural selection is just one of the forces driving evolution.

Leave this board now!

Thats not how it works. you can have population A, a large fissure splits the area that population A lives in, the left side is the same as it always was, but the right is different. population left A stays the same over time, population right A changes in response to the new environment.
much later, population left A is still the same, but population right A is so different it can no longer breed with left A, it is now population B.

population B does not replace population A.

>The problem is, chimpanzees don't have features of both, and humans don't have features of both. If humans and chimps don't have features of both, then how could the common ancestor have features of both?
Remove the obvious logical error and that would make a decent pasta.

This has to beg the question, why do so many scientists believe in evolution? Even though many scientists do NOT believe in it, there is still a significant percent that does. If you think about it, the darwinists have the same evidence as us, but we can come to different conclusions because we don't have the bias of darwinism. Darwinism is the biased assumption that Richard Darwin had all the correct ideas about life science, based on the fact that he was a leading scientist of the time (the 19th century). Actually, Darwin wasn't even a real scientist, he just drew pictures and made stuff up on a boat, but the darwinists don't want to hear that. The bias of darwinism makes many people deluded into thinking that the evidence always points in favor of THEIR view, even though to an unbiased person that would not be the case. But the delusional/biased people aren't the only ones that make up believers in evolution. Since evolutionists have a monopoly on the media and on education, they are able to brainwash (for lack of a better word) aspiring students. That is how some people can continue to be deluded. However, science teachers also dismiss any evidence against evolution a priori, and even refuse to discuss it at all. Many students end up thinking that the only evidence out there is evidence IN FAVOR of evolution, and they're just ignorant of the facts that go against the mainstream theory.

this is a joke, right? you can choose not to believe in the theory of evolution because, well, debatable it's a bit obsolete, but you can't deny that populations (or OTUs, as you wish) change over generational time

OP wtf are you even talking about, I don't understand anything about what you posted.

Evolution is a natural and also an unnatural process. Human ideas can "evolve" in a sense, but if you're talking about biological evolution, the mechanisms by which that works are natural selection, mutation, gene flow, and genetic drift.

You're correct that evolution can't be stopped, all organisms are evolving all the time, even humans. It's a feature and a term we use to describe how life changes over time, and is intrinsic to all life on earth. Nothing is ever done evolving, all things are constantly evolving. They only stop evolving when they go extinct and cease to exist.

The crazy people are sometimes the most amusing on this board. It's like, wow, some people genuinely believe this.

Is this pasta?

Evolution has come a long way since Darwin. If you don't believe in evolution, how can you explain how immunity and vaccination works? Let alone the DNA evidence for evolution. There are almost no credible scientists, especially biologists, who disagree with evolution. It's the single most refuted idea in all of science and after over a century has still yet to be proven wrong.

Everything breeds within its own kind. You see dogs birthing dogs and cats irthing cats, not cow-dogs birthing whales.

but you can see lions and tigers reproducing themselves succesfully. i think i'm the most stupid, responding to this palaver


Both of his posts are already pasta.
I've seen the same posts verbatim already.

Just be lucky your brain didn't have to witness the atrocity that is him applying this logic to spiders, humans and leg counts.

Evolution predicts that humans and spiders can have a common ancestor that shares both the features of a spider and a human. However, that common acnestor would also have to have the features of all the other mammals, because the spider-human ancestor would also be the acnestor of all mammals. That gets to be pretty complex.

Common ancestors don't share all the traits of all their descendants.
This should be plainly obvious.

"Evolution" is a pretty broad term.

It can mean a lot of things (picture related):
-if conditions are stable, the variety gets maller (more "specializing")
-if some disasters happen, it often leads to a split (different reactions to a changed situation)
-if the ecosystem changes slowly, you often have a shift according to the new conditions

Also let's not forget one thing:
Evolution isn't something that happens within a liftime. It's a process that basically means that individuals that can't sruvive under certain circumstances die over centuries, individuals that were small and irrelevant might get big someday if their time arises.

It's really about centuries or even a millenium.

Most people do not understand evolution, including the majority of people who think they understand evolution.

Despite OPs shortcomings, he is on to something. However, he doesnt go far enough.

Evolution is an expression of a much more fubdamental tendancy, namely synthesis. Ill define this as 2+ things interacting to make a new 1+ things.

From the earliest models of the universe synthesis is implicit: gravity condensing matter, stars creating elements, again condensing into planets, primordial soup mingling, etc. Evolution is just a very complicated and small scale manifestation of this universal tendancy.

There are likely more of these foundational tendancies of reality, but ive yet to define them adequately

It's not "2+ things interacting to make 1+ thigs", rather "1+ thing creating 2+ things".

Biolocical processes create diversity, physical processes work the other way arround (most of the time).

Cheers, i havent gotten deep into that yet. My def is no doubt loose/weak, but you can grasp the concept. While i realize it is sonewhat a truism, so are identity laws in maths but they are nontheless fully fundamental/relavent/important to understand

*tips fedora*

Evolution isn't real it's only a theory.

Potato/ Potahto
Tomato/ Tomahto
Evolved/ Evolving / Evolution
A rose by any other name smells just as sweet.

So is gravity