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Science #82
Let's post (very) hard problems of our fields of study, but using images like this one that pretends it's actually easy
Quantum field theory is a strange thing
How much energy would be needed to compress a cubic meter of water into a black hole?
Professor includes memes in their powerpoints
If everything in the universe is moving rapidly away from everything else...
What fields of science are on the brink of revolutionary changes
Can anyone tell me what this is? I've had it for years now, since I was in high school...
Can a mathematician make a living out of statistics and probability?
Just saw this on my fb feed. And almost everyone in the comments got it wrong
How come people on Veeky Forums are so racist? What is the science behind that?
Why Do I See Fractals While Tripping
Why do people question the Axiom of Choice? Banach-Tarski is nothing compared to what can do wrong without it
Today we will give you a glimpse into nature's best kept secret- natural mineral specimens...
The other day I had a discussion with a SC student...
Its a brainlet doesn't do cardio for cognitive benefits but claims he's smart and enlightened episode
If you don't like cats then you're missing out on some very effective stress relief to be quite desu
Does smoking tobacco negatively or positively affect cognitive abilities?
Math Education
Why are flat earthers so retarded?
Can you guys tell me the pros and cons to electrical engineering without memeing? I want to go to either Caltech...
Angry mathlets and Veeky Forums
Are there any theorems in mathematics which we haven't been able to verify yet?
Fall quarter schedule thread?
Is naturalism a scientific theory?
Proxima b
How in the fuck does a sperm fertilising an egg cause enough chain reaction divisions resulting in an embryo...
Retarded questions thread
Can you explain, Veeky Forums?
When matrix like VR becomes a thing will I be legally allowed to rape and torture simulated humans in the matrix?
Engineers are subslaves to scientists
Does the wet paper towel drink cooling trick work?
Why does this Mathematics major require so few classes? Assuming these classes are all 4 credits each...
The Bell Curve
People unironically think math is a good degree
Is there any way I can cross breed mycelium with those tiny ring-shaped fungi that catch and eat nematodes?
Whats the biggest number between 0 and 1?
Tfw you only graduate with a B.A. from your elite undergrad physics program
Is getting a biology degree literately 100% memorization?
Is it feasible to buil an orbital laser weapon in the future?
How the hell do you factor things like
Is this accurate?
So called Scientists use Excel?
What is the most interesting/weird Veeky Forums related phenomenon you've read about? Give me some fucked up shit
A spaceship is moving at the speed of light. You are inside the spaceship, in a dark room. You take your flashlight...
Guys, I'm freaking out. I was horrible in math in high school. Not because I didn't understand it...
I went to my first trig lecture today; I hardly understood anything. How fucked am I?
Veeky Forums's smartest
Does medical imaging cause cancer?
Is there a way to mathematically model this problem? Sorry if it's a stupid question
Tfw graduating at 26
Tfw third world shithole uni
Fell for the biology degree meme, need help transitioning into computer programming
Pre-requisites for learning biology
Spend 3 years in uni
Can someone explain to me, in simple terms...
Engineers are not true scientists
How does a wing work?
Why are people encouraged (in general) to pursue arguably worthless goals?
Are there any diseases that we have absolutely no idea about how we might try to cure them?
That one guy that yawns between problem sets
So I've been watching Star Trek: Voyager (No, I don't know why), and while there's a lot of dumb things in this show...
What do you think of this guy Veeky Forums? Personally just his face alone pisses me off
If entropy always increases then why arent we still a soup of quarks
How come someone that has a PHD in economics and an ivy league education becomes marxists?
A problem that requires sheer ingenuity
If nothing can escape a blackhole, not even light, then how does gravity escape it?
Tfw aliens with advanced technology exist but none of them want to visit us because we aren't impressive enough
Cognitive Science
Coil gun space launch system. Will it work?
Getting started with Quantum Mechanics??
Give me some trolley problems, Veeky Forums
Theory of relativity is almost 100 years old
I don't perceive Neil deGrasse Tyson as particularly intelligent. Why is he special?
So, what are we going to do about it? Plant tons of trees?
Question to LIBERALS on Veeky Forums
A earth-like planet have been found orbiting Alpha Centauri (4 light years away from us). I think it's great news...
How do I keep these fuckers from looking like mushrooms or weird stickfigures bending over?
Can atheists belive in free will?
Share your explanatory GIFs/WebMs
Would it not benefit humanity in the long run, considering we know more about evolution than ever...
What's the science on egg yolks? Are they unhealthy?
Could we cure low intelligence?
Why is Veeky Forums so slow? I want to discuss science faster
Can any biologist tell me why it's possible to crossbreed Lions and Tigers, Horses and Donkeys...
Isn't it pretty much a certainty that theres some kind of life inside the Galilean moons?
P-planck time is the smallest amount of time
There's nothing in quantum physics that can't be easily explained with classical logic
Why are Americans incredibly stupid? Pic related
Free will, yes or no? Why?
Wtf I hate math now
Was he really all that smart Veeky Forums?
The cat is either dead or not. It is not both dead and not dead
How should I do this
Crazy limit
When people get ridiculously fat, like american-tier fat...
I have 24 years and the next semester will start studying a BS in physics Can my age affect my career to be accepted in...
Civil Engineering is Elder God Tier
Waste of brain process
Right Veeky Forums so this aspergers kid thinks he's right- his answer is 50%
Yellowstone Volcano
Math Genuises HELP!!
Biology majors of Veeky Forums
How do I stop thinking with my dick?
Books: Maths Proving Techniques
Doesn't Zenos dichotomy paradox basically proves that the universe is quantized?
Quantum Computers
I have been a fairly heavy binge drinker for the past five or so years...
Prove its linear?
Walk into the first day of class
Quantum music[Veeky Forums]
Can geothermal energy be used to aquire infinite amounts of energy or would it eventually "run out"?
/universitystarting/ thread
What's the best science, Veeky Forums ?
Spaceship 1 has one rocket engine pointed in one direction
Starting my first day of college in a couple days
My brain is rotting, Veeky Forums
Starting Pre-calc tomorrow and I cant even algebra. How fucked am I?
Weather, Climate, and Meteorology General
What is the most realistic prospect for human space colonization?
If c*a = b*c, then a = b ?
Survived my first day of Calc 1
Help Veeky Forums!
"Science can't address ethics"
What. The. Fuck
Recently I picked this book up (I'm not like a physics student or something) just a guy who likes this stuff...
Arithmetic explanation
Is the Theia impact one of the most illogical hypotheses in science...
"Straus told the story of the day that he and Einstein finished work on a paper...
Bill Nye thinks Philosophy is stupid
If a car is going 50km/hr and stops in 0.3km, how long does it take the car to stop?
Atheist dating
Grad student general:
Lunar observatories
Tfw just got a rejection from the last possible job I'd applied for
What's the deal with Quantum Superpostions?
Racial admixture = Good?
Why do psychedelics always eventually lead me to the conclusion that I am everyone? As in...
5×1÷5(1÷5) = ????
How long would it take me to learn all currently known maths? Not from zero...
So what is it Veeky Forums?
99% Carbon Dioxide
1. Why haven't we copied the bacterial motor using solid state devices? (think transistors)
What's keeping us from Mars?
Is the Sam Adams beer glass bullshit?
First class tomorrow?
No Pictures of Jupiter still
Enrolled in university for physics
I'm a retard so sorry if my question is a bit too stupid, but how come we don't see explosions around black holes...
Checkmate AI-fags
Should there be an IQ test to get into University?
MFW Lawrence Krauss has taught me at my uni
Python or MATLAB for numerical analysis?
Not enough real math on this supposedly math board so here's one for you: solve the exercise then submit another one...
CERN was such a fucking waste of money
Still majoring in math in the year 2016
Is it likely that women inherently tend to be less loyal to their tribe or in-group than men because for hundreds of...
What other forums/boards do you Veeky Forumsentists browse?
Will we ever truly understand QM and all the metaphysical questions it brings with it?
So hows CERN going?
Veeky Forums seems to be full of Undergrad and HS students. Anyone here that actually graduated undergrad...
How can any scientist believe in G-d?
ITT: Things normies and brainlets say/do that piss you off
What does Veeky Forums think about IQ ?
Can you leave the universe, if you really wanted to?
How does photon upconversion work?
What's the worst case, but still realistic, scenario for the LHC?
So Veeky Forums, prove that 0 factorial = 1
How do straight A's in college Veeky Forums
How do I avoid losing solutions from a non-linear system like this one? What should I do?
In a nutshell
How important is actual sunlight to the average person? I'm curious, Veeky Forums...
Is it possible to use an induction field to heat up rocks that have rare earth metals in them so they slide out of the...
So I'm reading all my textbooks exclusively on a computer screen through pirated PDFs
Friendly Reminder
What are some interesting open questions in mathematics?
Weekend fun puzzle / experiment:
What did he mean by this?
Hello Veeky Forums. I'm an amature chemist that's good with inorganic chemistry, but suck at organic chemistry...
ChemE freshman here, what am I in for?
Climate Change
>muh contribution to science
Why are Americans so resistant to free university? Pic related
Base-twelve system. Yay or nay?
Math problem
Films about science and technology are usually pessimistic. Why?
Well Veeky Forums? Are you dumb asf?
Is this true?
You exist
Child prodigy
Medical question: As I understand it...
Alice and Bob
Is there anything in existence that there is actually a googolplex of?
Space Travel
Other than moral reasons, why is cannibalism bad?
Does a scientific understanding of the world naturally lead to "nihilism"...
HuMo(u)R ThReaD
The primary unit of time of our life below the "night vs. day" division, is breaths...
What the fuck is slope b?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Would the metals inside an animal's blood be able the entire circulatory system to act as an antenna for a receiver...
What is it about math that makes regular people shut their brains off...
Any glass dry-wipe fags here?
Are evolution and atheism inseparable, or can one exist without the other?
What is the greatest strategy game ever created?
What's the Great Filter, Veeky Forums?
Deep meditation
How has America not figured out Healthcare...
What are Veeky Forums approved majors?
Have a passion for astronomy
How can the suns gravity be strong enough to move earth but not strong enough to pull an apple towards it
Making a spaceflight game where the player must build generators, thrusters, etc...
Instead of polluting less and so on, why not figure out how to artificially cool the planet?
You will never learn linear algebra for the first time ever again
Projective Geometry Part 1
Its 2060
Why do we teach algebra before calculus?
Are humans frugivores?
How can mathematical logic not hold up in the real world?
Western memedicine
How does Veeky Forums deal with depression?
I did it Veeky Forums, I got into university!
So what are the most popular theories that may suggest what is beyond the edge of the universe?
What is it?
How can you verify the existence of any consciousness other than your own?
James Watson
What significant advances in medicine can we reasonably expect to occur in the next 10 years?
What if we dig a big hole in the earth until we reach the lower part of a tectonic plate and throw all the radioactive...
How can we cure ageing?
Whats an experiment that user has always wanted to try/occur regardless of ethical or moral considerations and why
Transcendence hypothesis > > > > > > > > > > > > fermi paradox
I failed at solving this system of equations for an exam, it cost me 20 points out of 100, if only...
Composer here. I have a bit of an interest in math...
Are polymaths smarter than people who specialize
Whats inside a black hole ?
I need someone who knows more about the mechanics of rigid bodies than I do
If increased CO2 levels are trapping heat in the atmosphere, increasing global temperatures at an unprecedented rate...
My textbooks are going to cost $1500 this semester
Medfags BTFO by AI
If science is so smart why can't he predict what my brain will think next?
Is Spontaneous Combustion real?
Rubiks revenege
Can Veeky Forums explain why gravity isn't affected by gravity?
Why is it that the overwhelming majority of contributions to science have been done by men...
This great mathematician here
Tfw only part of the top 14%
I've been saying this for years now but the field of consciousness is pure pseudo-science garbage
What is the purpose of life Veeky Forums?
Why does Veeky Forums hate engineers so much?
When I was 12 years old (I'm now 21) I remember taking this pretty hard math test as part of some international...
Ask me the questions and I shall respond
Is it possible that non-STEM people are the true geniuses?
Mathematicians actually think that the sum of all positive integers is a negative fraction
Card counters BTFO
If evolution is real then why do humans have such poor sight, sense of smell, and hearing?
I have a question that I hope people here that are more knowledgeable than I, can answer
He went to college to study "biochemistry"
And.. and.. and
What does Veeky Forums think of Ramanujan? Pic related...
Hey Veeky Forums I've been wondering about what particles are and all I find on the internet is what I learned in...
Female Jaw Science
Engineering pleb here
Is it belived that looking/falling into a Black hole you'd be able to see all of / end of the Universe ?
Armchair Psychologists Assemble
What would be the best textbook for teaching myself calculus? Thank you
Newest maths
So now that STEM was BTFO, what should we do instead?
Why hasn't science determined what food is optimal for human health...
Material rationalism has yet to rationally explain matter
What even is the universe?
Are physics majors welfare queens?
How can I know if I'm smart enough to be a proficient and profitable programmer...
Can consciousness exist digitally?
A new semester is nearly upon us
Which country has the best education?
Not submitting to linear-chan
We need a new invention to propel ourselves to the next level of technology, just like electricity...
The speed of light is a physical constant
Tea tree oil danger
Can anyone help?
How do I start eating healthy?
Alright Veeky Forums, thought experiment time!
Neanderthals Fact or Fiction
Be me
ITT Veeky Forums solves a Millennium Prize Problem
Thanks science!
ITT your dream Veeky Forums waifu
I am an 18 year old dude. What will regular, not excessive, under age drinking do to my brain and body?
I'm just 27 but I want to live more than a century
Chemistry major
Science seems to be more philosophy than evidence. Nothing is truly objective...
What does it say about society when people are literally filling a stadium to hear scientists talk...
This guy comes to your lab and tells you to start reading on philosophy of your field
What lie do you tell yourself every day to ignore the fact that you weren't born a prodigy in a supportive environment?
So how does Interstellar look from the science view?
Okay umm
The Elite
When do you become a physicist? Bachelor, major or PhD.?
What's the point of a PhD?
Hey Veeky Forumsentists!
KIC 8462852
Tell me something about life which most people find acceptable that you find unacceptable - and which can be changed by...
Be me, 18 year old male
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
ITT: Share cringe or funny classroom stories
--Flat earthers BTFO--
Is there a lesbian version of Oedipus complex? In which the daughter wants to bang the mom. Pic is a generic mom
Are mental thoughts and human reason physical things...
The vite spiral. This spiral is growing following a fundamental law of #nature, namely the #Fibonacci spiral...
Isn't science actually a delusional mental illness?
Can someone explain to me how Quantum teleportation works ?
Well Veeky Forums, what is it?
What happens when an unstopabble object colides with an unmovable object?
My microwave-oven's top is missing. Are microwaves leaking out and giving my family cancer?
How is it that nominalism is mathematically unsound? Can anyone provide an example?
You are sent back in time to ancient Greece with a smartphone containing the most recent wikipedia data dump. However...
What is the science behind shitposting? This is not even a troll...
What the fuck does this even mean
The universe is 10^{1220} times bigger than the observable universe therefore God exists
Physicists confirm possible discovery of fifth force of nature
That kid who always put edgy shit on his exam
I'm a white male STEM student
If your school doesn't require these courses to graduate, then it's no better than DeVry
What would happen if I fly a spaceship to a gas planet and light a match?
How do religious Veeky Forumsons reconcile science with spirituality?
Science babby here, does free will scientifically exist?
Dating a geologist
Is the current way we teach mathematics broken...
I really enjoyed this series
How do I into Goodwill Hunting mode?
If you had a kid, what subject would you want him/her to pursue and why?
What fictional depiction of aliens is the most realistic from a scientific point of view...
Why don't we clone people like Einstein and Perelman?
University Science and Math Competitions
2 slit experiment
Let's try this again...
The Role of Consciousness in Quantum Phenomena
Will Hillary disclose UFO info publicly?
Are the most the people here students or working?
I am studying biology therefore I will discover a potion to be immortal
I can study anything I want at a pretty good uni!
Is solving the traveling salesman problem in O(n2) time and O(n2) space good?
So what's up with reverse Flynn effect in Western and Northern Europe? Are people actually getting dumber lately...
What does electricity taste like? Is it sweet or salty?
I have been reading up on Mars colonization and terraforming possibilities
Academic goals
So what causes homosexuality?
Are there any actual negative effects of marijuana or is it just another weak meme ?
My friend just tried to convinced me that the light emitted by photos taken of nuclear blasts are radioactive...
Why is dentistry so obsessed with treating diseased mouths via patchwork methods like remineralization and temporary...
Behavioral Genetics General thread
Why do MIT fags always applaud at the end of lectures?
Can anyone convince me that the moon landing was real?
Why does music have such an effect on us? What psychologically makes it different from other random sounds?
Hey Veeky Forums, let's shoot eachother with equations
Do people choose what they value in life, or is it purely inherent and inborn?
"Musk's long term vision for the company is the development of technology and resources suitable for human colonization...
How intelligent are you?
Who was your favorite mathematician
What is the most scientific political viewpoint? IMO it's Marxism
Egyptian mathematics more advanced than Greeks
If I flip a coin and you can't predict which side is gonna fall up...
How valid is /pol/'s shitposting?
Why is it that when we ingest psychedelic drugs we can perceive a range of colors that should not and can not exist?
Why would candles burn longer when you add salt (NaCl) to them?
Are infinity and uncountability the worst ideas in mathematics?
Looking through Veeky Forums - Science & Math
Red = heat. Around pipe, there's normal Earth air composition and pressure
How long would it take for dogs to achieve human like intelligence if we selectively bred them for it?
Me and the whole class ended up in a situation where we had to invent a sum whose result was 1 (it was a small step in...
Is physics inherently subjective?
Can you tell me Veeky Forums:
What's the most Veeky Forums thing you have done?
Applying to uni
Cs is a meme degree lmao cs brainlets
At home gingivitis treatments?
Hominid Family: Bush or Saguaro?
What's the motivation for learning abstract algebra?
The proof has been left as an exercise for the reader
Has depression or any other mental illness gotten in the way of your studies?
Is computer science really a meme degree ?
Grad school feels
Consumed LSD
Are people like Terence Tao born mathematical geniuses...
Which number is bigger?
Does anyone have a Phd in physics, i have some interesting/retarded ideas related to superpositioning id like to discuss
Genuine question here, please someone help me or ill spend the rest of my life just contemplating it
Smartest person you ever met
How likely do you think extraterrestrial intelligent life is?
Computer science
Race and Intelligence
How many sides does a circle have?
KIC 8462852 continues to lack infrared light
So what did this guy actually get wrong
Why isn't time travel possible?
Which of the black triangles produce less drag?
If I traveled speed of light, lets say in a capsula orbiting the earth...
If God exists, why would it have anything to do with us...
Since weed is anti-inflammatory, could it prevent cancer?
Can sci explain why there's so much disrespect for CS people here? No seriously...
What does sci do with their notebooks and course materials after they finish a class...
Materialists: "There is no God because Science has never observed any evidence of him"
Where do you guys usually study? Currently, i'm studying at my dorm, lately i've been fucking distracted...
Sup Veeky Forums
My TI-30X II S is giving me the wrong answer
Hard work
If you trap both of them in the same room - what comes out of it?
Can one be a great mathematician through hard work?
Soo.... how the fuck do mountains happen? You can't honestly tell me this was an accident
Simple question, how useful is laplace, fourier and complex analysis for ME/AE?
Calculus 2
Do you think a scientific basis for philosophy is possible?
I want to go into engineering but I'm not sure which field. Mechanical, chemical, electrical etc. What should I go into?
Yeah I have depression
Will humans go extinct or will we be able to colonize new planets ad infinitum?
"The lack of new physics deepens a crisis that started in 2012 during the LHC’s first run...
It's so nice to have a president that loves science
Why people still use R "programming language"?
Any mechanical engineers here? I want to start studying next year and want to prepare accordingly...
Say my name
What are some good stimulants that i can easily acquire without prescription to keep me awake for an entire day to...
Is there any good argument against discarding biological human body in favor of cybernetic one?
What can we do to stop peak oil?
Hit me with the hard truth Veeky Forums
Is race a social construct?
Does the fourth dimension physically exist?
Mfw I discover crispr exists
What would happen if you were in the exact spot that a small meteor touched down but you punched it right before it...
/class schedule/ thread
Perseid meteor shower
Someone published this non-ironically
Is there any evidence to support the idea that abstaining from ejeculation gives yields enhanced well-being or power?
Based evidence we gathered, we suspect that there may have been life on Mars
Memory erase
You're out with your gf when suddenly, you notice this CRISPR baby walking towards you
What are your thoughts on MBTI?
Cosets of group
What does it mean for trajectories to be along a manifold?
Currently going to school for Electrical Engineering, is this pleb tier?
What are you listening to during study Veeky Forums ?
Kids are taught the scientific method at least half a dozen times from 1st grade to the end of high school and even...
Reincarnation minus the hippie bullshit
Is being gay a genetic thing or am I a sinner and going to hell?
Why does Lawrence Krauss insist on making us look like retards?
What is between the lines? Is it silence?
So sci, is mass a vector or not?
Can any of you tech savy scientists make me a graph overlaying average IQ per country and GDP per capita?
Why is the lobster blue?
Objects spinning around the sun in opposite direction
Elucidate CRISPR to a physics-fag:
I have finnaly found out why drugs in genreal is illegal
Are there any studies equal to or better than STEM?
Please tell me why anyone should trust scientists who might have ulterior motives, i.e. monetary or ideological
Any good websites for finding science news?
Computer Engineers
Who wins?
Graph theory simple question but confused
How intelligent do you believe you are?
What is this zika bullshit all about, overall?
With the Olympics in Rio...
Math exists independently of reality, and not only it could explain the universe, it could explain any universe...
What's a derivative, exactly?
Does one need to be an atheist to be considered a true scientist?
How does Quantum Entanglement not allow FTL communication? I can't understand this
What does it feel like to be dumb?
Hello Sci
Are we any closer to knowing what will happen when we die? What do you suppose happens after our bodies stop working?
Math 2.0
I received a suggestion from my university that they want me to apply for Fulbright for a project proposal
Thoughts on insomnia and study, Veeky Forums ?
What subject intrigues, worries, or even amazes you about the most about the Universe?
What is your answer to the hard problem of consciousness ?
Can someone explain why the digital root of certain numbers results in (what appears to be) uncanny coincidence
How far does hard work get you versus talent
What preventive medicine practices are actually scientific and have undeniable evidence and medical consensus backing...
Just watched the new Kurzgesagt video. How have I never heard of this before? What do you guys think...
What does Veeky Forums think of Noam Chomsky?
How have we not figured out how to lighten eye color yet...
Econ + Math guy here
What makes the laws of the Universe work?
Who gave you the idea that reality is material?
You know it's true
What do you guys think of IQ tests? I found one online...
The typical cs student
Bottled Water is Inhumane
Intro to comp Sci
What do you think about magnetic levitation?
Serious question, are humans going to evolve anymore
Disprove this method of extracting zero point energy
Is earth flat ?
Anyone here think the Collatz conjecture is unsolvable ?
Is free will real?
Is it worth teaching the common folk science or is it not worthwhile? If so...
/SQT/ - Ask your Questions Here
Pro-Abortion and Antinatalism
Planet x
Is "subvocalization" (reading with a voice inside your head) a meme? Please help me out here Veeky Forums...
Why is it controversial to claim some groups of humans have different mean IQs but not controversial to claim some...
Why exactly is Computer Science considered science...
The Size of the Universe
He still thinks black holes are a real thing
Gemstones giving energy
H2O molecule vs spermatozoon
What made the first string vibrate to end the Singularity and initiate the Big Bang?
Why is he so insufferable?
/math/: Math general
Eta Carinae could explode any moment, in a matter of minutes...
Doesn't meissner effect produce infinite power?
Who Lorena'd Mom's Tickle Sticks?
Open course ware
Veeky Forums will argue that going to sleep and having your mind transferred into a computer while being killed are...
I already have a BS in Math with a focus on linear algebra and some data analysis (python, pandas, sklearn, numpy...
Will brain transplants cure mental illness?
What's Veeky Forums's opinion on 'Mind Uploading'?
Hey Science!
Undergraduate Thread
What motivates you Veeky Forums?
Why are mathematicians one of the smartest people?
Engineering masterrace thread
Why do you hate him
Live in germany. Just saw this in the sky. Wtf is this?
Is Pomodoro a fucking meme? Does anyone sit 6 hours straight to "study", I do
God here
How do we into
Just recently worked with CRSIPR/Cas9 on yeast. Really amazed about it. What do you think?
Why is evolution so controversial in the US? I mean...
How come this dude isn't famous?
Elementary particles are pointlike but have mass [math]rightarrow[/math] infinite density [math]rightarrow[/math]...
Prove the earth isnt flat you fucking nerds
Veeky Forums discord?
When will humanity collapse?
What are those white dots that you see in the first second of a nuclear fireball?
Controversial proof that 0.9... is not equal to 1
Why are American teachers so dumb?
This man or someone else?what is your opinion
Can we have a thread about NASA failures and the toxic culture that precipitated them?
Sit in on digital signal processing lecture to see how much of a joke engineering "classes" are
Why is necrosis in the brain usually liquefactive, while elsewhere it's coagulative?
Natural numbers
1) It is a conceptual truth (or, so to speak...
Tough geometry problem
What are some good resources to learn Probability Theory and Statistical Inference?
the universe or the probability of a universe has always existed
Is there anything more cancerous in modern math education?
Welp, im done
Would anyone like to join in creating a new symbols for numbers etc.. so you can do math with them, like normal math?
Hello Veeky Forums
So when you're doing analytical geometry, why do you have to learn it for graphs where x is a function of y...
What is 2 + 2?
Circular Railgun
How do you combat alternative medicine? Can you?
Well? which one is bigger ?
What would happen if we siphoned off the Earth's mantle?
Half of our lives are spent being unconscious in bed
Because Neptune has a gravity of 1.14 times that of earth, could you "land" a probe on neptune's "surface"...
What's so special about this?
Fuck you Veeky Forums
If cell A divides into daughter cells B & C, would that mean cell A has died?
Thanks STEM for giving me nice things while I do some coke in hawaii doing things I love...
Why is home-schooling legal?
Okay, guys. I passed Physics I and II (intro classical mechanics and intro electromagnetism)...
Does conclusive proof yet exist of free will...
Best math, physics, engineering
This is something it's bothering me
Dental Health
At 25 would it be too late for me to learn math and science so I can contribute in a significant manner...
We could be making human clones right now
What is the scientific explanation for why violent...
Any Flat Earthers here?
Raising a child to go to HYPSM
Let's see if Veeky Forums is better than /b/ at statistics
So the greatest logician of all time was a theist
Man-made global warming
If you could generate the entire universe in a computer (uncropped) what would it look like?
Diferentiate y=arctan(cos(theta))
What's Veeky Forums think about automation of jobs? What careers should one strictly avoid for the oncoming future?
You might understand quantum physics, but can you even relate to other people? Veeky Forums BTFO
SCI Laptop thread
How can you reach maximum brain potential
How did you master control engeneering? your own project? just books?
So should arts be added to STE(A)M or not?
Common core
Is hebephilia maladaptive?
Are we living in a computer simulation?
"Gee user, if you are so interested in science, how come you have no peer-reviewed publication? You're just an amateur!"
Does anyone know if there already exists
Tfw extremely intelligent and talented
How would you improve the human design?
Ban statistics
Lets say in 500 million years another intelligent species evolves...
How do you lab monkeys feel that no matter how good you are in your field...
Hey STEMfags. How do you handle the ethical dilemmas you face in your careers...
Why aren't you a buddhist yet?
Common core hate thread
You need oxygen to live but it also kills you slowly because it's poison
What was Veeky Forums's reaction when the wheel was invented?
Starting my math journey know, got Spivak's calculus and How to Prove It
Veeky Forums can't even solve this Calculus 1 problem
If you walked off a really long wooden plank or something that was placed on the ground, could you walk into space?
Ok Veeky Forums please explain these people to me...
"Hey Professor, can you explain something you mentioned previously in class? I didn't quite understand."
I need help using common core to solve 14+___+30=69
Why are most of scientists democrats?
Stupid teacher thread?
Hey /sci
What does a typical 4 year undergrad math curriculum look like? I want to self study
How do i kill my intelligence?
Why is (x^2)^4 = (x^4) and not (x^8)?
Hey guys. I'm going to Purdue University next year
If 1 billion people, all each flip a coin 100 times...
What is the science behind making successful Veeky Forums threads?
KIC 8462852 Faded Throughout the Kepler Mission
Annunaki are in a magnetically charged Planetoid circling the Sun...
Would this plane be able to take off?
Will there ever be a way to combat prions?
The Yokozuna Blossoms
Why do people try to act like it's cool to be a physicist? They're like...
Veeky Forums please tell me I am not crazy
Was Newton just a meme?
Nootropic Heads
ITT: Equations, results and proofs that blow your mind
Is your bae into science?
Vacuum Airship
Algebra based physics
U.S. Agency Will Lift Ban On Funding For Hybrid Animal-Human Embryos
Have you ever felt jaded by what you're studying? Like you want to be interested in the subject...
Holy shit, I got fucked over so hard by this
Is child birth cloning or hybridization? Yes this is an actual question
Teaching critical thinking
Can anybody actually refute anything she says as it relates to the inexistant evidence and the massive amount of...
Thinking about pursuing physics in college. Most likely get a phd...
I took an official IQ test and it was made up of two parts that gave two different results
How do we fix science?
If it's 0° celsius today and next day is going to be two times colder, what temperature will be tomorrow?
What was the hardest course in your major?
Why has there been no Moon landings with people in decades?
How much do you make a month, after taxes?
Do you put this man on the same level as Einstein and Newton
Belief in the divine as the source and principle of Being is perfectly rational
Women leave STEM because of calculus
Programming Languages
I've finally made the official major tier list using actual research made by professionals
Assume the system in which humans are living in, the universe, is only controlled by physical laws
So why exactly can't two or more things occupy the same space at the same time?
"Vestigial" Body Parts Refuted
Does mass-energy equivalence seem really weird to anyone else or is it just me?
Given a strong enough magnet, mounted perhaps elsewhere on the body, could this theoretically work?
Interstellar colonization
If the universe arose from nothing, what did nothing arise from?
If unlike charges attract, why doesn't the electron fly into the proton?
Is it possible to "jump" to another place in space time by bending space itself? What would happen during this trip...
It's over
Ancient Black Egyptians had a greater understanding of science
When did you realise that apparently perplexing philosophical problems were a bunch of fluff?
Who /Durham/ here?
Does listening to music everyday harm intelligence?
Is Von Neumann overrated
Why is Alexandre Grothendieck so revered by mathematicians
Hey guys, it's me again. Listen...
How do you deal with shitty collaborators?
The machines are already knocking down and running over babies
Sam Harris
Anyone here who is also trying to solve unsolved problems for school, or just for fun...
Jacob barnett
Is it possible to bend light by using multiple double slits in a row?
This is the intro computer science course for the most prestigious university in the world. How does that make you feel?
/sqt/ - stupid question thread
How much time we need to go back in time to find a human much different, in evolutional terms, from us?
Why are imaginary numbers taught in high school and basic astronomical navigation not...
Personality Disorders, Psychiatry, and Psychology
I never took high school seriously, especially math and now here I am struggling in college math
ITT things people say that make you rage
Is it possible to fully automate the construction of a skyscraper to a single machine that would raise itself across...
Should science be public? I think it would be better if the free market handled it...
I'm looking for a good, thorough, textbook on neuroscience. Something more focused on the low level. eg...
If "free will" is nonsense, then what are people describing when they speak of "effort"?
Engineering degree
Is it true that great thinkers also tend to work out a lot?
Everyone's gun git fucked
What drove you to study STEM and how do you feel about your progress so far?
A large (n=15,000) Romanian study has found no difference in intelligence by gender...
Are eggs unhealthy?
This number is indivisible by 3. You'll say yes it is, the result is 3.3recurring, however this is flawed...
Why do humans find tits and ass attractive?
Many watch guys say that they're into mechanical watches for the engineering marvel...
What's the hardest science? Rocket science?
Employment thread
What pen do you use to write maths?
It's 2016. Where's my ___?
Why do so many people hate math?
Artificial Intelligence Research
Artificial Gravity
Intelligence stuff
Ode to mathematics, seriously
How many of you idiots do/dont believe in god?
Is intelligence heritable? Why shouldnt it be...
Would a society of smaller people be more successful...
Seriously guys, give me a viable fucking solution to overpopulation
So tell me, user, what motivates you?
What are some Veeky Forums approved animes
What's the most comprehensive, industry-standard textbook on single and multi-variable calculus?
Wat is black holes
Habitable solar systems around black holes?
Why should scientists be paid...
What is your personal explanation for the fermi paradox?
Electric Eng. Discussion
Social Scientist
Suppose you have a friend with two children. He tells you that one is a boy born on a Friday
What does Veeky Forums think about FUCKING SYNTHETIC HUMANS?
How does one achieve a purpose driven life, when everything seems so trivial?
Utopian society
In the centre of a black hole is a gravitational singularity...
Is Lisp the most powerful programming language?
Study biology for 3 years and now medecine since 5 years
Alternative Evolutionary Hypotheses
Simple math questions
Whould you upload your brain to a computer
Ocean planets
What's the science behind humans hating fecal matter?
Blue flame
Middle School and High School students often wonder why they are required to take math and science courses
Tesla Gigafactory Grand Opening
Why does General Relativity trigger quantumfags so hard?
What's the hottest topic on Mathematics this days, friends?
What will be the next biggest scientific advancement?
In your opinion, what life factors cause or contribute to depression?
What does Veeky Forums think of LessWrong?
Isn't the universe amazing? I mean how often do you consider the fact that the largest known star, UV Scuti...
What do you think of people with a major in humanities trying to go to medical school?
Veeky Forums will insist that white males are smarter
Von Neumann was smart, but he wasn't as smart as Malcolm X
Is there a finite amount of mathematical knowledge? Can you "solve" mathematics?
Alright Veeky Forums I want to prove to you that psychic interaction is possible "once and for all...
Note Format
Where can I learn about race from an unbiasedly perspective?
ITT: We ask questions of science that are extremely hard to explain (but completely explainable)
Veeky Forums What's the most you guys have had to write in one day?
How linear is linear algebra? Where is curvy algebra?
Hey anons
Give me your hardest "find the area of the shaded region" problems
Are there any good alternatives to SSRIs for anxiety? I've been on a handful of different serotonin-based medications...
Who was the greatest mathematician of the 20th century
So we won't see the practical use of the alcubierre drive in our lifetimes?
Where do you get your textbooks online with all the recent crackdown on good torrent search engines?
The probability of any event occurring is 100% after you have the information that it has occurred
Are humans the worst species on Earth?
What the hell is up with vaults?
Class Action Lawsuit for Mass Infant Circumcision?
Real quick question guys
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
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/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
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Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
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Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
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