Serious question goys. Is an electrical engineering degree worth it or am I just going into debt for nothing?
Currently going to school for Electrical Engineering, is this pleb tier?
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I can't tell if you're serious. EE is probably one of the most employable well paying bachelor degrees.
Yeah, don't listen to the Veeky Forums circlejerkers. They're just mad because they went into an unemployable "pure science" field and are basically lab monkeys making $50k a year, max.
Posting here since I don't feel my question deserves its own thread
Military planning to take as many free classes as possible and then finish a degree with the GI Bill, how is a degree in physics?
Been looking over it, but I'd like an opinion from people who may have studied it rather than articles that sound like ads
And how employable is it?
BS in non-applied field isn't easily employable unless you enjoy doing menial lab work.
Most people would look at your resume and bin it because you're too under-/overqualified for a retail job.
Physics is an academic degree, not professional or a vocational degree; expect to go to grad school.
A technical degree would be more sound for your bank account. Technical degrees exclude most of the theoretical math coursework and focus on the actual application of math and physics.
If you're taking the physics route for intellectual fulfillment, by all means do so, but don't expect employment using that knowledge without further training/schooling.
It's not pleb tier.
However you better enjoy it and do shit in your free time. Otherwise you won't get very far. It's so fucking broad that depending on how good you are and which uni you go to you can later do anything from shitty maintenance (guys who just got a paper) to satellite power systems design (guys who applied themselves and had talent) in time.
im finishing my phys undergrad this year and gonna do my masters in an applied field
either management of technology or some sort of engineering
chose the phys route because im curious as fuck but it won't allow me to live luxuriously I think (I stress I think)
I am going to ITT Tech...
What kind of shit could I do with it on my free time?
>Not DeVry
They sponsor the olympics c'mon
Yes, you learn a fuckton in EE.
>asking Veeky Forums for actual life advice
Shit nigger what are you DOING?
What about Computer Engineering?
I fucking hated it. I thought I would love it because I did really well in AP E&M and I spent all my time on a computer.
I was wrong. I ended up staying EE, but taking the CE/SE path (more like low-level CS rather than circuits and power systems). If I could do it over again, I would've studied film and lived a happy, poor, low-stress life. Now I'm prepping for software dev interviews and going up against real CS majors.
Fuck what anyone on here says, study what you know you will enjoy. Don't just go into it because it pays well and because you like computers
nigger nigger lel xdDD nigger cuck XDDD fuk the shills vote for le drumpf! XDDDDd
>happy, low-stress
It's okay if you're a brainlet, but "spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on whatever degree you enjoy, even if it doesn't pay back!" is bad advice.
Shameless self-redirect:
This is true, but that poster does have a point. Degrees are only worth it if you know you're going to be top 1% of the field. Else, you might as well get into a trade which are honestly nice.
Well meme'd, friend!
>triggered by internet
get a heart attack and die you cuck xD
EE with different 4th year electives
>how is a degree in physics
Pretty pointless. You don't learn enough math for graduate school and you don't learn any applications whatsoever.
>going up against real CS majors
Real CS majors can't even code fizzbuzz to save their lives.
It's the future m8. Check out the Electric Universe theory/Plasma Universe theory. most of what those guys propose seems to be more rational than the mental gymnastics that we need to do to explain almost everything that happens in the universe in our current paradigm.
civil, mechanical, or electrical. maybe chemical, but no meme shit like aerospace or petroleum.
Meh, I'm in the trades and I find a large portion of the people to be brown nosing chauvinistic mouth breathers, and you're wearing down your body over the years.
I'm contemplating finishing my journeyman electrician ticket, then getting my EE cause it will only take roughly half the time of a full degree.
But judging by that other poster's comment, I'm probably better off studying film or music if I just want to be happy. Hard to choose
EE is GOAT degree, senpai. Especially if you go into sig proc, that's the brainlet filter.
Don't fuck with me guys.
Both of you a bit sound like one of those guys who just *did* a degree, especially the second guy. Aka you got a paper and now you have a paper type of guy.
Did you do nothing in your free-time? No projects at all? No experimenting at home? University is about teaching yourself shit.
For programming all you need is a fucking computer, for basic electronics you almost need nothing, most of the chink shit is good and you can have access to the lab at your uni..
> I thought I would love it ... I was wrong.
Ok, I get it that you might not be passionate about it, but if you want to get a job with it then you have to work towards it. You can get a second degree after you got a job, so don't give up.
>Degrees are only worth it if you know you're going to be top 1% of the field.
You don't have to be the fucking 1% to become a good engineer/whatever. Having a bit of a talent and applying yourself can go a fucking long way. Read above.
>going up against real CS majors.
If you took at least the basic CS theory classes, etc. then you shouldn't really have a problem competing with CSfags. In fact, most likely you have an advantage.
Veeky Forums loves ElecE. The only ElecE major i ever met was an electrician for a shitty company who ran conduit. No matter how good your degree is, YOU have to make yourself marketable.
They love EE, unless it's the Physics vs Engineers thread again. Then they fucking hate it.
>brown nosing chauvinistic mouth breathers
never has anything been more accurate, ever.
How employable is CE compared to EE or CS?
My problem is that I just don't care.
I'm not interested in anything, I just go to class and do the work and that's it, I don't really think or do anything related to what I'm going to college for outside of homework/school.
I mean I have A/B grades so it's not like I'm doing terrible, but I've never understood how people are interested in things.
Stop going there
You've never been interested in something before? obviously, i mean in a way that it would motivate you. You should consider therapy.
Go into EE, get employed, demand an mbe after a couple of years instead of promotions, outclass the Veeky Forums-fags and become CEO, enjoy having wasted your life on career.