>Alice and Bob
Alice and Bob
My best friends desu.
>tfw you will never have an Alice
>tfw no secret GF to send encrypted messages with
>tfw no Eve to stalk you and Alice
Why is life so unfair.
>not using protocols that scale to countably many agents
>not naming agents [math]\alpha_i, i \in \mathbb{N}[/math]
Carl is a faggot that tries to hit on my qt alice gf
Emma is a weird ass girl that stalks on me please help
>CS people are so dumb that even their exercises are in anecdotal primary school format
You can't make this shit up.
>he complicates concepts to look smart
Found the stupid and autistic mathfag.
You can't even handle a persons name, eh?
Am I the only one who has a hard time with that format?
Like in the script a concept is explained in this really mathematic way and I have no idea what it means.
Then I watch some youtube video where it gets explained in simple terms in less than a minute.
I think STEM is not for me.
>Alice and Bob
>a and b
>not Xavier and Ygritte
why live
Zorro would be the one intercepting the message, but Zorro is smart and would crack it, so it's better to have Alice and Bob
nope, now go tell your friends in the anime club how much you owned that guy on the Veeky Forums science board
wtf i hate papers now
I have no idea what this thread's about.
But I like when I take the Linda of Yolanda. Especially when it leads me to her Deitrichs.
>Haji and Xiaofeng
There. I diversified and enriched it for you.
>Starkesha and Appreciante
There. I diversified and enriched it for you.
>Eloise and Abelard
>Tyrone and Jennifer
quantum optics, i.e. quantum teleportation, quantum cryptography etc., iirc those lads who developed the theory in the 90s decided to introduce the Alice/Bob/Eve nomenclature for hypothetical message senders/receivers.
ITT: undergrads with intellectual inferiority complexes
maybe /b/ will suit you better eve.
weak b8
get back to Veeky Forums, faggot
Literally what is there to explain?
If you think about it the man should be the sender.