Hey /sci,
how have you been enjoying experiencing existence so far?
What are you planning to do regarding exploring existence before you disappear for good?
Hey /sci
Do DMT and shrooms
fuck off
you too
/b/ is this way >how have you been enjoying experiencing existence so far?
I haven't
>What are you planning to do regarding exploring existence before you disappear for good?
drugs. lots of them
no I really do.
>how have you been enjoying experiencing existence so far?
It's pretty good, I find simply observing it is fairly interesting.
>What are you planning to do regarding exploring existence before you disappear for good?
Observe more of it, always with a clear and sober mind. Drugs are for those who think their own internal view and realities are greater than what it around us, and I find that preposterous.
Is there an observation you have found to be the most interesting over any other observations? so far
Define enjoy
Define experience
Define existence
Enjoy is something you choose to do consciously because you want to do it.
Experience is to do that thing you are doing.
Existence is the whole progress where you are doing that thing you want to do.
And by wanting I mean, even if you have free will or not. e.g. I want to go to a shower, because humans are that kind of animals that feel pleasure when they feel warmth on their skin, and that good feeling is what it is, brain activity.
I think NASA is lying to us.
I bet that asteroid is going to smash us any day now.
It's okay, the truth remains the same.
I think civilization is the most interesting, to be entirely honest with you.
It is a wonderful feeling to look out over a city, to look out over a million lives, and not know a single one.
>Enjoy is something you choose to do consciously because you want to do it.
I consciously choose to to do many things but I don't often enjoy them.
not a single one? Your a lonely faggot arn't you
At least I can tell the difference between your and you're
What if you had just moved to a new city?
Besides, being acquaintances and friends with a person doesn't necessarily mean you know their life.
It's been alright.
I have some regrets but also some unforgettable triumphs. Some are given existence and have it taken from them before they lose their virginity. Others are taunted by their existence by being born with gruesome, debilitating deformities. Objectively, my problems and complaints are petty.
my bucket list:
>contribute to theoretical computer science
>wife up a tiny indian, phillipino, african or chink
>own my own property
>travel to India and Sri Lanka
>own my own helicopter
I need to make an attempt at a lasting relationship that leads to raising offspring before i leave this existance.
>own my own helicopter
The rest of those seem reasonable, but why?
He wants to be real life Pagan Min from far cry 4
I particularly enjoy growing my weed farm. I mean, it's so relaxing and therapeutic to wake up every morning, a walk down to my green house and water my marajewana.
kinda jelly. Wish I had space for that.
> Besides, being acquaintances and friends with a person doesn't necessarily mean you know their life.
They are still human, likely they also want to only talk about themselves, they shit, eat, watch TV. Only limited amount of verbs out there, man
Do you think we think that others are interesting because we don't know them, if we knew, they wouldn't be that interesting?
> I consciously choose to to do many things but I don't often enjoy them.
Then don't do them?
Totally doable
You observe and enjoy it - until by pure chance a genetic disease gets triggered, or you get cancer, or you suffer an accident...