Question to LIBERALS on Veeky Forums

Question to LIBERALS on Veeky Forums

We will agree that the West is the most liberal civilization in the world,as of right now.
Now,even at this stage,where most what the left wants(gay acceptance,trans acceptance,no racism,abortion acceptancemetc) is not fully accepted,and most of the people are still living on conservative principles,we are stil DEPENDANT on immigration cause of the LOW birth rate.

NOW,the fun part.
We will disregard human nature,real world and imagine the PERFECT liberal,progressive scenario.
People can fuck who the want and how many they want,people can be whatever they want,people can abort as a sport,everyone is a mudshit so we're all fucking equal.
Everything is acceptable by the general public,and normalized.
Now this spreads all over the world.


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This is Veeky Forums, not /pol/.

Your question never touches on an aspect of science or math, nor does it make sense. In addition, who makes you the arbiter of what
>the PERFECT liberal,progressive scenario

It's a hypothetical question.
Hypotheses are science.

>Everyone is tan skinned
>This means there willl be no such thing as immigration.
>No racism means no modern day slaves to work for half the salary

Then the whole world is immigrants and stability is achieved.

>Hypotheses are science
Hypotheses must be falsifiable to be scientific.

I don't understand why it's so hard to take this shit to

Did you just sage the first thread on this board?

Wow, and I thought Veeky Forums was supposed to be smart.

holy shit, poltards are hilariously stupid.

Also,I'm here with a reason.I want to see what people with scientific background think about this.

not an argument.

i wasn't trying to make an argument, you troglodyte. i was merely pointing out how entertaining stupidity can be.

>i wasn't trying to make an argument
I Know.How could you,if you don't have any,cuck?

Weww this isn't bait, but it sure is stupid.

>nice grammer

Actually I completely agree OP, I think humanity is fucked I'm not saying I disagree with these principles but that they are self destructive and we will be seeing the repercussions in a few decades

On phone.
Again,nice argument.

what does this have to do with science?


this is why the captcha should be replaced with an iq test for Veeky Forums

still can't argue against it.

why the fuck would i want to argue with someone with a sub 80 iq? it would be like talking to a wall. if you can't see why the op is so hilariously retarded, you don't belong here.

But all you're doing is ad hominem.
I mean,since I'm so stupid it should be really easy to prove me wrong.
I guess my post walked into your Safe Space.


Is this the question you're trying to ask?

Because if it is then the answer is...who gives a fuck. At the moment machines, computers and automation as a whole seem good enough. As a matter of fact they're so "good enough" that they can invalidate entire populations of people even now.

Entire nations are seeing more and more of their economies maintained and grown from the infrastructure supported by automation not so much immigration or the bulk of it's native population.

Do you know what China plans to do with it's +1 billion people? Not much because they're pouring resources in tech like 3d printing to eventually replace it's factory worker economy that depended on the surplus of people it had.

Immigration at this point is less about the economy and more about providing a perpetual taxable "cushion" for the elder population, snatching up top percentile immigrants to subsidi...I mean maintain said nations core intellectual management and humanitarian politics.

Great thread, OP.

You misunderstand everything OP

The use of immigrants isn't to make society grow. It's to advance the goal of globalism.

Globalism is viewed as a sort of way to conquer the world. Remove borders, expand countries, and unite world under one government.

The mass of immigrants have nothing to do with economy. That is merely the public reason. Although the higher intelligence immigrant magnet system is for that purpose.

You have to understand the cold war and WW2 to understand why they want globalism. They don't see an evolution of technologies or capabilities but rather through a political spectrum.

Cold War was all about spreading communism vs spreading "western" values. Once communism lost they believed Western values would now conquer the world easily.

End of History - look up the term

Anyway. The immigrants are to set up an expanded border for America and Europe. For instance Mexico joining with USA and Canada into one country. For Europe to become a superstate and eventually have Syria, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, etc join.

The whole goal is to conquer the world in this fashion. That is the goal of globalism and immigration to create compatibility and destroy national identity.

I am not going to explain why it obviously doesn't work and isn't a good plan. But that is the actual underlying plan to immigration and globalist agencies.

PRO TIP: They have decided to switch wordage to internationalist and international citizen now instead of the word global.

>At the moment machines, computers and automation as a whole seem good enough. As a matter of fact they're so "good enough" that they can invalidate entire populations of people even now.
Yet,there is still inequality.There is still growing powerty in US.There is still growing debt in US.
US is still dependent on immigration,as much as you try to downplay it.
> China
They sure have amazing standards with all that robotic automation.It sure changed EVERYTHING.

top kek

Not realizing humanity is creating a new species that is superior

Zoom out of earth and look from space. You would see a bunch of humans creating shit. We are builders setting up to create a new better species than humans.

Unfortunately biological agents and things like DNA are just simple boot drives to create truly advanced life that has digital and above capabilities. Our existence is to create Gods.

You seem to think low birth rates have something to do with liberalism, they don't, they're just a general thing that happens in developed society. Once Africa, the Middle East etc. stop being shitholes their birth rates will decrease too. Gay and trans people are a very small segment of the population and they wouldn't reproduce anyway. Abortion reduces birth rates I guess, but I doubt it's significant.

There's your argument, now back to /pol/


OP here.
You actually said EVERYTHING that I'm talking about.
My point in saying that immigration is needed is there because,if the population of the country is dying(aka LOW BIRTH RATES),economy can't grow.If we are not replacing ourself AT LEAST,we are dying out.And economy dies too.
My whole point is that this is not a viable solution,and it is against every law of nature.

Don't know where that The at the end came from

lower IQ is matched to higher birth rate

Intelligent people don't want babies

It's low IQ talk m8, I'm a transhumanist

I think we should synthetically create all humans in labs and grow them in ideal and optimized artificial wombs.

The rapidly improved intelligence and increased health would make up for any population differences. Also grow about 100000 Einsteins, 10000 von neumann, etc.

I'd rather see GDP go up about 1000000x. than worry about 4%

You seem to think low birth rates have something to do with liberalism, they don't HAHAHJAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA
>Once Africa, the Middle East etc. stop being shitholes their birth rates will decrease too
>Gay and trans people are a very small segment of the population
They do.And their numbers will grow as these things become normalized.
>they wouldn't reproduce anyway.
OH YES THEY WOULD.There are as many gays in Muslim countries as there are in the west.It's just that they hide it,cause they HAVE TO.
Abortion reduces birth rates I guess, but I doubt it's significant. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAA
pls kill yourself