Does smoking tobacco negatively or positively affect cognitive abilities?
Does smoking tobacco negatively or positively affect cognitive abilities?
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Nicotine is a stimulant. Stimulants, by their nature, improve cognitive abilities while you're on them.
>while you're on them
I am aware of that. but on the long term, does smoking actually kill brain cells, thus leading to a cognitive decline or is this minor?
I'm not sure i buy this.
MDMA is a stimulant, but i don't think it does anything to your cognitive capabilities.
Nicotine may simply excite certain parts of the brain. On cognition? Probably null effect.
i don't know about that i was on molly at a party dancing to music that wasn't even playing i could still hear it after it stopped. That's improved brain function
of course it does. you're inhaling fucking vinyl chloride, which causes malignant brain tumors for fucks sake.
>idiot doesn't know what cognition is
Not a surprise.
>That's improved brain function
No, that's the Tumor developing
>vinyl chloride
you inhale that whenever anything undergoes combustion,
You are actively doing this to yourself at a much higher amount than someone who is not.
lol you can't be seriously arguing this
Good thing I don't spend my time standing around chimneys or behind trucks.
If smoking-is-harmless-user is any indication, negative
Smoking is obsolete for any substance. Get with the times and vape and/or dab, faggot.
You must be a smoker to ask this.
Seriously, you think tobacco is the worst thing is there?
The Empire (aka smoking companies) strikes back with vaping. From now on "smoking" (aka vaping) is innocent, cancer free, the only way to quit tobacco and allowed to infants in many flavors including milk. Vaping disengages smoking from agriculture and ties smoking to the chemical industry. Soon to a vape shop near you: many flavors to attract youngsters including marijuana.
Let's wait another 50 years for the new cancers to manifest.
Nicotine operates in a manner similar to caffeine, so yes. Of course, it's a much more fleeting effect. I'm addicted to dip right now, have been since my sophomore year of undergrad. I love throwing in a lip when I'm in the lab or doing work at home. Marginally better for you than smoking since you don't inhale combusted plant matter, but still a nasty habit.
the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.
Whatever you wanna call it, he was able to perfectly hear the music even after it stopped. That suggests enhanced temporal lobe capabilities.
The psychedelic effects would render it pointless for that.
>Mmmm, this notebook paper feels sooo good
>Wow, what a beautiful graph
Statistically, nicotine is good for focus and efficiency but I can't recall anything saying that it'll actually make you smarter
>Let's wait another 50 years for the new cancers to manifest.
Well, it will be pretty hard to decide which kind of cancers are caused by vaporizers and which one are caused by the radiation due to the extremely increased usage of mobile phones. Apple will leave Philip Morris holding the baby - and vice versa.
>from non-ionizing radiation
So you don't understand radiation.
Sure Mr. Corporate Fag... I
>don't understand radiation.
I'm deeply sorry for my stupidity and the stupidity of other scientists that led the IARC to classify mobile phone radiation as "possibly carcinogenic".
You with your brilliant mind know it better of course.
It boosts focus, memory, and intelligence. This goes away if one quits though.
It also protects against schizoid disorders, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's.
nicotine is unique in that depending on the rate of dosage it can have stimulating or depressive effects
When I smoked, I found that if I chose to chain smoke I could concentrate on dull tasks. That is I could force myself to stay on task by overloading nicotine. Though there is such a thing as smoking oneself sick.
All said and done though the need to take smoke breaks or else your concentration falls to shit outweighs this in most cases.
Smoking is a very outdated practice.
Weed = vape concentrates
Nicotine = vapes/RDAs/etc
Get with the times old man. Also if you want nootropic effects get Tiantepine off the clearnet, works legit well.
What about pipe tobacco by itself? I assume it's much less harmful to your body than any cigarette would be. Am I wrong?
just throwing this out there
I have ADHD-PI which evidence suggests is due to faulty norepinephrine receptors which seems to fit my sluggish symptoms, all the pills I have taken have side effects like dependence, withdrawal, paranoia, priapism and hallucinations
Any suggestions? is there something that will raise norepinephrine or inhibit its uptake a little without adversely affecting anything else?
I have no idea, but it's just nicotine, try it and see if it does what you want it to do. It takes awhile to get addicted
i want to quit but its so hard fml
its easy when im alone but when theres a party and alcohol and everyones having a smoke but me i cant take it
>"lol corporate shill"
can't wait for school to start back up
Try shrooms bro.
I wouldn't say harmless but many of the diseases that smoking allegedly causes have been greatly misinterpreted and incorrectly correlated over the decades and is the result of outdated science.
peer-reviewed proofs of incorrect correlation and misenterpretation of many of them
I'm not sure what difference that is supposed to make.
Why would smoking make you smarter? No known stimulant have been scientifically abled to enhance intelligence, otherwise we'd be writing scripts for these all over the place. There's quite a difference between performance and intelligence in this area. Smoking is incredibly harmful for your health and has not been proven to enhance intelligence, only performance for short whiles. Same goes for other stimulants like methamphetamines, they enhance focus and performance, but not intelligence.
>Smoking is incredibly harmful for your health
I would see that as a very gross over exaggeration of just how bad smoking is. It takes many decades for harm to even start setting in for some smokers and that's not even the majority of smokers.
>and has not been proven to enhance intelligence
Come again?
>citation needed
it's bad for the circulatory system, so how can it be good for brain function or anyother thing (unless of course it isn't)
Is it a stimulant even after you've smoked enough to be addicted? With things like caffeine you build up a tolerance and need bigger doses to get the same effect.
>you inhale that whenever anything undergoes combustion,
no, weed is not okay either. fuck off.
>coat lungs with tar
>reduced oxygenation of blood
>poorer cognitive performance
This is why I don't visit /sci, or any american 'knowledge' honeypots. You faglords seem to have no education at all.
>citation needed
and kys
You should be afraid as hell when you're walking the street for all those metal boxes around you combusting disgusting cancerous aromatic chemicals, and leaving the combustion gasses and particles all over the street aren't you? Why do you think the burning of largely natural cellulose-based chemicals is in any way more harmful, even when directly inhaling?
>bad for the circulatory system
Then why do so few smokers suffer heart attacks?
Is this sarcasm?
Cardiac arrests and arterial blocks are incredibly common amongst smokers and directly linked to the practice
Are you an idiot?