Are humans the worst species on Earth?
Are humans the worst species on Earth?
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imagine when the aliens receive and begin to theorize what that lump between his extremities could do
That picture is Not Safe For Work, OP. Here, I fixed it for you.
i can still see her tits n vagina
What about those nipples and camel toe?
Ecologically, homo sapiens is the first "global superpredator".
Animals are allowed to be shown naked.
we aren't animals
Most don't particularly see their genitals as being sexual or offending.
>worst species
but that's a meaningless descriptor desu fempai
>Most don't particularly see their genitals as being sexual or offending.
Pretty sure most us do. I even avoid looking at my penis when I'm peeing.
but we aren't animales :^)
You should visit policy or b once in a while. Then tell me we aren't animals
»also checked
No, at least we aren't mosquitos.
Mosquitoes are really misunderstood and they don't really kill much people it's just that the water is murky and they confused it for prey.
Well.. If you think its sexual and/or offending that someone's dog is running around naked. Then I don't know what to say to you.
>Veeky Forums
>"humans aren't animals"
I just think it's disturbing. Especially dogs and their balls dangling about like jingle bells.
Well you're just going to have to get over yourself. Not much point making a fuss over something so inane.
That's...pretty bad
That's pretty common.
A lot of Wikipedia images are nice vector svgs, but you can download them as a usable png.
Nice titties, but her nose is kinda huge.
Still would bang.
It's all relative. So not definitively. Whoever says that is just trying to be a contrarian against his own species, and is failing miserably.
I like how you added her slit.
glad someone else noticed
>mfw I wrote a post that became a Veeky Forums meme.
Next stop: book deal and talk show appearances.
>Are humans the worst species on Earth?
We're the only species on Earth that has a conception of "worst", therefor, we're the best.
>best species not being the only moral agents
Here, for you
the word "animal" has been around a lot longer than the subject of taxonomy, scrubz
animal = that which is not human but is alive and aint plants or fungus or shit we can't see
Can we please give this guy a biology textbook or sth?
By what metric?
Pretty sure cyanobacteria caused greater ruckus, extinction and environmental change than humans ever could.
I would argue that humans are one of the best and more interesting species on Earth. This whole "I don't want to live on this planet anymore" shit is a subjective social problem anyway. I hate some people too, and I think most of the population are fkn retards but as a species, humans are fascinating.
why'd you remove the penor
They're disgusting
humans are fascinating.
I'd love to understand the science behind what drives humans to cremate remains or kiss a photo.
assigned male detected.
Id rather give him a loaded gun and make him clean the barrel.
>someone posted my shitty OC about a mosquito poster
>the same mosquito poster is also itt
Wow, Veeky Forums is really a small place
Define "Worst"
and I posted the mosquito picture :^)
we're in the same timezone probably
And I was the person you replied to, one mimicking that meme in this thread by pretending I'm the mosquito.
jesus christ...
Oh yes! I remember that. This is weird. Guess we all are eurofags with similar browsing habbits
we should make a mosquito boys skype group and post dank mosquito facts every week
We shall be named The League of Extraordinary Mosquitoes
This. I feel this so much.
No other species would call itself "the worst species on Earth" because they wouldn't care to think about it, or just wouldn't be able to.
Humans are shitty but there's a reason why most of em are better at understanding Psychology than Biology.
slowly... but i dont mind to be surprised...
to feed them and test them for scientific reasons
There are so many amazing things that people made that make me smile. But also so many horrible things that make me shudder. I feel bad only looking at the positives when so many people suffered and continue to suffer today.
If you judge the "best" animal as the one that is on the top of the food chain, then the mosquito is the best animal of all.
you forgot dragonflies
We're the singularity of nature so yeah, kinda, still wouldn't kill myself tho.
You have to compensate for the day aliens actually come user.
I'm a Pacific coast Amerifag with no sleep discipline.
aren't humans more like the best species?
No. All that we do can be traced back to our basic instincts. You're a fool if you think lions or rats or whatever would've done things differently, had they evolved like us.
define worst
Yes, humans with our intellectual capacity to invent philosophy, maths, science, art, adapt to live around the world, and manage to be at the top of every food chain, are the worst species.
Its because we kill each other sometimes and some of us are a little bit stupid, its not like that happens for other species, just us.
Honestly the best species are snow leopards. They have a dwindling population in some isolated areas and are becoming irrelevant and extinct like all big cats but they're the best because they look so cool! Steve Jobs even named one of his famous products after them, but he eventually died from cancer, typical puny humans, dying from a disease that only became a major problem since we've managed to significantly increase our lifespan.
Victory for men, final plan success
We're animals. We rely on our biological instincts to survive, regardless of what it takes, just like any other animal in the animal kingdom. We're not inherently "good" or "bad", we just are.
>"b-but we're taking the earth's resources!!"
And? We need them. We'll either deprive the Earth of its resources and go extinct as a result, or go extinct before we do. Either way, it's nature taking its toll.
>"b-but we're driving other species to extinction!!"
So? Are we obligated to care for other species?
Humans are animals. We're a part of a nature, and anyone who says otherwise is just overestimating our abilities and our impact to the environment. If any other species was as smart as us, they'd be the same exact way.
are the right responses desu
those quotes were not in the OP, but it's interesting that you assume the behaviour you mentioned would be considered 'bad', despite your protestations to the contrary
"Homo sapiens" is a singular phrasal noun.
To say "homo sapiens are" is incorrect, and scientific literature correctly uses "Homo sapiens" as a singular noun.
>If any other species was as smart as us, they'd be the same exact way.
what is being smart?
think i shouldve clarified on those quotes. i was referring to the thought process carried out by people who see humanity as the "worst species" because they think that the things we do are exclusive to our own species such as murder, war, violence, etc.
humans are the smartest species, we do everything other species do just on a bigger scale. it doesn't make us inherently bad, it's just what we do.
FPBP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
idk about violence being exclusive to humans
my cat can get pretty violent sometimes
only point i was trying to make is that what's 'bad' is defined by consensus, ie socially
so these kind of 'expected responses' are actually quite relevant
its up to interpretation, but under my definition, being "smart" is determined by how we responded to our environment with what we had. we didnt settle for hunting other animals with our teeth and claws, we made weapons. we didn't remain within small packs, we branched out and built larger communities, until these communities became towns, cities, states, countries, nations, and so on. we didnt rely on grunts, noises, gestures, and facial expressions for communication, we built extensive languages with complex rules.
if any other animal were capable of achieving similar feats, they'd likely operate the same way we do.
Yeah and chimps have been known to cause violence as well, not to mention they make up a large portion of the prison population
>And? We need them. We'll either deprive the Earth of its resources and go extinct as a result, or go extinct before we do. Either way, it's nature taking its toll.
Since you want to reduce everything to biology and our instincts, our self-preservation instinct should keep us from actually doing what you envision is going to happen. If depriving the Earth of resources is gonna cause the extinction of humans we will do everything possible to avoid it. Remember we are animals, and our instincts tells us we want to live.
>So? Are we obligated to care for other species?
Minus the ethical concerns, which you obviously care nothing about, a healthy biosphere is required for our continued survival. We need to take care of it, and you guessed it it goes back to our instinct that says we want to live.
>Humans are animals
Take your pedophile cartoons back to .
Take your forced memes back to
Given all the mess out there with modern countries, It's amazing to see how 4chins is having an internal revolution of it's own.
No, niggers are.
My point being, that those traits (murder, war, violence, etc.) AREN'T exclusive to humanity.
>our self-preservation instinct should keep us from actually doing what you envision is going to happen
Depriving the Earth of its resources is one of the possibilities, it's not necessarily what I said I envisioned. In a best case scenario, we go extinct before we do, or manage to colonize other planets. No one wants us to run out of resources, but there's no guarantee it won't happen.
>a healthy biosphere is required for our continued survival
Agreed. There's no reason to hunt other species to extinction, just as there's no reason to prioritize their needs before ours, should a situation arise where it's them or us.
im not referring to hunting tigers to death for their fur btw, i mean the environmental damage indirectly caused by human activity such as rapid industrial developments, deforestment, or just a a general waste of resources
Here's a (You)
take ur pedophile cartoons back to .
lel wat
Thank you