Nootropic Heads

What's your favorite stack?


Noopept, pramiracetam; caffeine and choline alfoscerate.

Little bit opium in above...

2 mg 2C-E


>7mg dextroamfetamine sulfate orally
>1 shotglass with a scoop of instant coffee, warm water and tsp of sugar

I've tried noopept which is amazing for some legal russian bs chemicals but nowhere near amfetamines.

Overall, sleep, fruits vegetables, complex carbs and water are superior to any supp stack.

Proper sleep is more effective than all of the nootropics available (and I'm talking about nootropics, not pharmaceuticals like amphetamine/methylphenidate).

Amphetamine causes brain lesions

coffee mixed with wine
or coffee and beer
coffee increases arousal, beer reduces inhibition

Four Lokos

Snort 2mg of Dihexa every morning. Head is the size of Jimmy Neutron's with a 250 IQ.


Fuck off >>>/

Tell us about your experiences with DMT as a nootropic. Doses? Inhaled? How often?

lol why is it always the idiots who buy these stacks? My friend bought some online like noopept and shit, he kept telling me how it will help him. He still ended up failling miserably. Guess they're trying to compensate for low IQ?

Just like in the fitness world, supplements don't work. You need the actual pharmaceuticals or else it's a waste of money and time.

Eat well (reduce or eliminate meat intake, eat lots of fruits/veggies, drink lots of water), exercise and sleep a lot and you will have all it takes to do well in school.

I drink coffee.
I chew nicotine gum (dont smoke faggots)
And I take an aspirin sometimes to negate nicotine's blood constriction.

Other tan that, everything else is placebo and/or only beneficial if you are deficient.

I actually study cognition/neuro. Hope to study it in grad school next year as well.

Question to you neuro/chem fags. Is it beneficial to take more chem before grad school? Or can I just catch up while in the program? I only have the first 2 intro courses

l-theanine with caffeine is a good starter


Research into the racetam family is pretty interesting. Piracetam was originally discovered in attempts to find an effective sleep med. They found the opposite effect. Piracetam made the animals explore the surrounding area more. They became more alert. It was attributed to increased blood flow to the brain and improvements in executive functions.

Stack a racetam with a choline substance

>noopept which is amazing for some legal russian bs chemicals
this desu senpaitachi

I don't have a stack and most of my endeavors are based around anxiolytics and light painkillers. A number of these also function as nootropics though. Mainly kava, cacao in moderate doses (with at least 3 days between doses, not consistent intake), and phenibut. Guarana seeds are my main source of caffeine, and likely contain a novel stimulant, or something that positively interacts with caffeine. Otherwise I drink yerba mate. Ginger root has stimulant and sedative properties.

Phenylethylamine on its own is... okay, and has some degree of utility, but overall it narrows the spectrum of mental operations you'll be apt to perform and the depth you can access in any given element. It also seems to sometimes make me passively aroused most of the day.

Thought about trying mucuna pruriens, but was wary of it.

>Eat well (reduce or eliminate meat intake, eat lots of fruits/veggies, drink lots of water), exercise and sleep a lot and you will have all it takes to do well in school.
This is correct except for the part about water and "having all it takes to do well".

>Just like in the fitness world, supplements don't work. You need the actual pharmaceuticals or else it's a waste of money and time.
This shows you think you know more than you really do.

Mostly, only at high doses and in the absence of antioxidants. Though the effect of forcing so much dopamine release, and disallowing it from leaving the synapse, does pretty much inherently generate ROS and NOS from its sloppy breakdown, autoxidation around iron via fenton reaction, etc. The problem is worse with meth (which has novel neurotoxic properties of its own), and can be mitigated with antioxidant intake.

Dextroamphetamine also cripples divergent thought and working memory. I also found it accentuated some aspects of creativity, but noticeably, and potently, inhibited others. Levoamphetamine has its own issues.

Ballmer peak is real.

Noopept has been shown to increase BDNF. Which in turn can stimulate both neurogenesis and angiogenesis.

These threads remind me of the tea fags.
>different strains
>place to drink
>drinking speeds
>what mugs to use
>what fedora to wear at the time

>Uridine Monophosphate
>Bacopa Monnieri
>Artichoke Extract
>CDP Choline

>different strains
>what mugs to use

All of these are relevant and have a functional, mechanical impact on the resulting product.

>place to drink
>drinking speeds
were probably mainly from threads where people were discussing their tea drinking experiences and preferences. ie, some story where so and so was at such and such, and it was such and such, I drank some tea and shit was neat and relaxing, I got a lot done on such and such, and atmosphere matters man, and such. Etc. Just calm yourself down.

You're not a tea snob for not settling for Chinese brick tea.

Hey, i'm just a cynic mocking some emotional experience I will never understand/relate too.

If I want tea, I just make a cup of tea.

Don't mind me, I dont hate anyone, we can still go out if you want

Sulbutiamine (soul-booty-mane)
Alpha GPC
Ginko Biloba


Oh, okay.


Wasn't trying to be funny, but I get it

Bacopa Monierri

>Ballmer peak is real.

Nobody knows how the Ballmer peak works. Absinthe has a history of being used to increase creativity. I wonder if Absinthe has something in it that widens the Ballmer peak.

isn't absinthe a little placebo?
even the wiki page cites sources saying the effects are severely exaggerated

I wonder if it's really worth drinking again for this. I thought alcohol was bad for your brain?

Since it's banned it has an infamous reputation which may contribute to placebo effect. But before it was banned and infamous it had a reputation of being used by artists to boost creativity.

>Since it's banned
Maybe you can buy the herbs alone, or some pre-distilled essence (as I understand, without the distillation you get a bitter wormwood vodka, although apparently people drink that too) to drink absinthe with more thujone, don't know how the law works in America or wherever you live.

Crystal methamphetamine and amphetamine sulfate. No need to pussy around with placebo 'smart' 'drugs', stop being an uneducated fool.

Enjoy your neuron cell death.

In America it's not illegal to buy it, but if you want to sell then legally it must have a very low or no thujone. You're not suppose to import high thujone Absinthe from another country but I think if you try and get caught they only thing they can do is confiscate it at customs.

Apparently sage oil contains high thujone content. When people burn sage it tends to fuck my head up and give me pounding headaches.

Beginning my research on thujone pharmacology.

It's just a joke bruh

Where I live (Poland) it's also illegal to sell high thujone absinthe, but it's legal to sell the ingredients (well, wormwood grows wild in some areas of the country), up to a concentrate that's provided for "collecting purposes" only and is absolutely never to be mixed with 0.75l of 70% alcohol. I haven't tried it though, I've honestly thought it's a meme and/or poison.


No wonder this happens. Alcohol is considered illegal doping: it reduces inhibition and reaction time, it stops fat burn while increasing sugar metabolism, it decreases anxiety. Alcohol LD50 is nearly half a kilogram, while caffeine is around 10 g and nicotine is under 100 mg

>it reduces inhibition and reaction time
>it reduces reaction time
This bothers the hell out of me. Even scientific literature does this.

No, you're INCREASING reaction time. You're INCREASING response latency. Stop inverting plz you're BOTHERING ME.


>Astonishingly, those in the drinking group averaged nine correct questions to the six answers correct by the non-drinking group. It also took drunk men 11.5 seconds to answer a question, whereas non-drunk men needed 15.2 seconds to think. Both groups had comparable results on a similar exam before the alcohol consumption began.

One of the benefits of alcohol is that it also let's you go over the edge easier, therefore increasing risk of accidents. Since it is an anxiolytic, it makes you caused by perfectly sober drivers.

You are replying like you are mentally insane. It is hard to take you seriously.

Oh, I agree with that angle then. I'm referring to data that clearly shows a larger response time, yet is reported as "reduced response time" or "reduced latency", when it clearly too longer.

The dose response curve of ethanol is also dependent heavily on starting state, as are the results you referenced.

alcohol is a depressant. it makes action potentials slower.

low inhibition comes from that part of your brain being specifically turned down.

Alcohol is a stimulant, it generates salsolinol and condensates with other neurotrasmitters, and interacts with most receptors to some degree.

It's action goes far beyond GABA A/B

You see, this here is why all of you fail at life. You assign too much value to your self, and as a result, you constantly live life in fear of potential future repercussions. You live a higher quantity of life, I live a higher quality of life.


My, perhaps mistaken, understanding is alcohol just facilitated the transfer of all neurotransmitters. Sorta loosening up the membranes in the brain allowing for the release of both inhibiting and exciting neurotransmitters. If this is right, then perhaps the blood alcohol content is what determines which neurotransmitters can flow more freely. Kinda like a door that's opened ever so slightly more with each drink allowing for larger or more complex neurotransmitters to pass through. Get to the right point and stimulating neurotransmitters can flow freely while inhibiting ones are mostly restricted.

Don't forget the calories in alcohol. The simple fact that it raises metabolism, and that it forces your body to burn blood sugar instead of fat has a benefit on cognition. Fast for a day and see how your performance is bad when you simply don't have enough proper fuel to burn.

My performance is better after fasting 18-28 hours.

Probably stress hormones.

But not during the intermittent fast, I presume? I know IF is good After you eat.

how about proper sleep AND nootropics?

You talk as if they are mutually exclusive you moron. I had my best sleep in nearly 10 years after an L-Theanine / Inositol combo.

You make a statement with a question mark and talk about iq. Kill yourself.

>s-stop talking about IQ D':

I have Wellbutrin and Ritalin prescribed, both NDRIs. About all I need.