>IQ >a flimsy ass psychologists tool >he actually considers this to be some sort of accurate metric of intelligence
psychology is barely a science. the (((correlation data))) that psychologists publish would be laughed at in any other hard science field.
Parker Rogers
IQ means nothing in the real world
Oliver Morales
IQ means nothing.
>"Abos are dumb" "we make fun of blacks and abos" I don't even know where to begin to remedy this utter ignorance
Grayson Williams
> am I missing something?
Nope, which is the problem. Nobody seems to know or address why such a situation exist.
It's just another hole in the logic and model behind IQ that doesn't get talked about much. Feel free to research online why functional levels can vary as such and report back, I'd be interested.
William Reyes
To have a 70 IQ brain, a white person must have a damaged brain.
For other races, a 70 IQ brain is an average and healthy one.
What's the average IQ of a dog, fly or worm?
Connor Davis
Considering that is the best we can do at the moment to advance human knowledge, I don't see how it's bad. Science is a tool limited (that's its stregth) to the directly quantifiably observable. But we live in a kind of universe where other kinds of stuff also exist and our choices are approximate or ignore. Holding everything to the standards of hard sciences is ... well autistic. Or maybe dogmatic and close-minded. I guess that's what compells certain people to disregard even their own consciousness as an illusion, simply because there ain't no machine that spits numbers relating to it and to think that the unkowable or undefinable, but real are things that actualy exist in our universe would be too scary. Psychology is an art that is as close to science as it can be. That's how the universe is and a scientist should accept it.
Cooper Ortiz
Oh and I do agree IQ is mostly crap, but it can have value in certain situations, such as predictive value when comparing to samples with high disparity.
Brody Martin
Aboriginals Australians couldn't make the connection between sex and childbirth. The British settlers literally had to teach them about the birds and the bees.
Cameron Cruz
more complexity comes with the drawback of more places things to go wrong. Also blacks are more sociable fwiw. youtube.com/watch?v=UV9Pv8BwBM4
Anthony Baker
>it seems to me, using that logic, a 100 IQ black is equally capable as a 130 IQ white What do you mean by capable? IQ measures abstract reasoning. Neither Sub-Saharan Africans nor Aborigines could ever have invented something like a computer or an airplane.
Dominic Hughes
What we perceive as "low IQ" is probably an adaptation for them to be able to survive in tough conditions. 7-8% reduction in brain volume and activity may not look like much, but could mean 2-4% reduction in overall energy consumption. Could mean the difference between starving and modest survival. The trade-off of not making it in math test didn't exist 10000-50000 years ago.
I think we should be looking at Eurasian people as aberration, with agricultultural adaptations to our brains. That is abstract thinking has had positive effect on probability of survival and has been favored over millenia.
I think east asians and pygmies represent the extremes. The life expectancy for a healthy African pygmy is about 30 years. IQ 50-60 range. Perfectly healthy, able to survive in absurdly tough conditions in rainforests. In contrast the Asian is expected to live to 80-90 years old and have IQ in 105-107 range.
That means by the time the Asian finishes university and starts to plan to marry and procreate, the pygmy is already in senescence fast approaching the end of his genetic lifespan and with all probability has a number of grandchildren.
Colton Jenkins
Can't be known for sure but: malnutrition leads to low iq for one. second "iq" isnt completely innate. third these peoples' culture is just a cycle of shit. If you pluck the right ones out of africa and give them half as good a life as OP then some of them would wreck you in terms of "IQ" If this world didn't allow resources to be hoarded by certain people and allowed more economic Darwinism, as i like to call it, then many of those africans would be your boss. Asians aren't innately smarter but thats a stereotype because its a part of their culture to strive
Isaac Price
neither did whites throughout 99.9% of their history
Eli Johnson
white countries had IQs averaging around 80 a little over a century ago by today's standards when judging by intelligence tests given during military conscription around the time of WW1.
The Flynn Effect has improved IQs substantially via development and cultural reform.
Just because IQ is hereditary doesn't mean differences in IQ between people are caused by genes.
Culture is hereditary. Climate is hereditary. Education is hereditary. Sanitation is hereditary. Prevalence of childhood disease is hereditary. Malnutrition is hereditary. Language faculties, and by extension one's language of thought, are hereditary; not just from one's parents but from one's peer group as well.
All of these things correspond strongly to genetic difference but none of them are CAUSED by genes in the sense the sudden wave of IQ fundies don't seem to understand.
I've brought up the example before; wearing jewelry was highly hereditary in Europe a little more than a century ago, because it corresponded strongly to a difference in sex chromosomes (only women tended to wear jewelry).
But over the last century, it's no longer hereditary because now everyone wears jewelry. It's a behavior caused by a cultural factor common to both the genetic difference and corresponding behavior. But the genetic difference didn't CAUSE the observed trait. The change in heritability between men and women wasn't a result of microevolution. Just a different cultural climate was sufficient.
Thomas Bennett
The way to solve the problems in the third world is to manipulate genetics and increase IQ.
Mason Price
Why the fuck are people so ignorant? Especially don't understand this hate towards aboriginal people, makes absolutely no sense.
Carson Hall
I don't think that refutes anything. Culture is just another environmental selection pressure altering factor.
As societies develop, nutrition, health improves, the population's IQ approaches its genetic potential. Just as height does. Selection pressure takes longer, multiple generations. 10000 years of agriculture might just do the trick. And if you're a rich merchant, priest or noble, your children are likelier to not die of hunger and disease, or war. And you tend to rise in the ranks through merit, even in nepotistic societies. 100 generations later it's probably not a coincidence why jews have the highest IQ. Over time, the smarter ones survived pogroms, death camps etc more likely. Religion kept the genetic traits from being diluted.
IQ is accepted to be inherited genetically through family lines. It's a taboo to even consider that happening on population/ethnicity level. That is an historic artefact due to crimes against humanity rather than sign that there probably isn't anything interesting there.
Personally I'm on the fence about this. On the one hand I know any credibly scientific data would be abducted by thugs and social darwinists, and on the other hand we really need it to get to the bottom of genetic heritability to direct resources more effectively to those in need and later to genetically manipulate whole populations to even the scales.
Brayden Allen
what do you think whites were doing when you discovered the stick ? y'all niggaz r tryin to hard fampai
Tyler Taylor
Take your pedophile cartoons back to . Fucking degenerate.
Jason Nguyen
and then theres this guy...
Evan Flores
Ryder Torres
I think people in this thread are missing the ultimate point of op's question (op might be missing it too).
Why would such a threshold in functionality not have a "universal" low point equal among all races? You could argue that it's because all races aren't created equal. But that still doesn't answer the question of why the threshold is varied in the first place.
Does this mean that if blacks and aboriginals were to reach the same IQ averages as whites and east asian they wouldn't be able to function properly at the 60-70 level too anymore?
Does this also mean that if you produce a genetically engineered population of people with IQ's averages at 140 (compared to other unaltered populations) that they at the 100 IQ level would start to become unable to function properly? What would be the biological reasoning behind that? Is it a energy/ resource consumption issue?
Dylan Morris
>Like im so triggered right now.Like how can people who use logic exist >anime autism doesn't understand potential >anime autismo doesn't talk about 5generation and higher minorities still having sub 80iq while having anything infront them. Typical genetic waste.Had enough cringe for today.
To OP do you realise that they live like animals and are one?Just because you blend as animals doesn't mean that you're smarter in some other way and iq doesn't work.It means that they never evolved because you dont need to be smart to survive when you do ONLY that for 1 million years.
Adam Parker
That is an insanely good point.
I've never given that a thought. Holy shit. >mfw thread on Veeky Forums is literally enlightening.
Jaxson Butler
Nicholas Howard
How is that bait? People are clearly involved and debating the merits of the OP's point of view.
Maybe if that was the second or third post in the thread, but it's after spirited discussion.
Samuel Richardson
I'm asian dipshit
Nathaniel Young
Because thats a retarded thread and if you used your brain or at least read the whole thread you would have realised how stupid the topic is.OP """arguments""" would have been disproved decades ago if we were not so PC.
Jeremiah Price
wow you really need to tone down your self-criticism
Colton Butler
I don't think we're reading the same thread. There is (or was) a clear discussion occurring where people took OP's point of view into account. See the following posts and discussion: Serious question: Do you have an issue with reading comprehension or are you one of those 70 IQ White retards?
Caleb Wood
Not that user but you actually can't prove that.
Also how is the topic stupid? Discussion about the minimum level of mental functionality (through IQ) a human can sustain without becoming inoperable is a worthy look in min-maxing intelligence.
Jeremiah Carter
Hmm strange that one of the posts "in the discussion" is also mine too.I think I should open a thread asking if 2+2=4.Its a really interesting and enlightening topic.Totally not common sense and proved million times already.
Nathaniel Thomas
Prove what? >Also how is the topic stupid Because it has been beaten to death. >human can sustain without becoming inoperable is a worthy look in min-maxing intelligence. Never going to happen.Dysgenics is the cool thing now.
Nicholas Lee
> Because it has been beaten to death.
Except it hasn't, threads involving IQ typically discuss why iq averages differ in relation to race, academic attainment, scientific contribution or behavior.
This thread is posing a very different discussion, why are certain races able to function at much lower IQ thresholds while others can't.