>and.. and.. and..
>let me just change this color..
And.. and.. and
>So let's talk about my favorite theorem... the Squeeze Theorem...*slowly writing it out* The Squeeze Theorem...The Squeeze Theorem.
>Actually, you know what? Let me change the-let me change the color-...
>And the answer will be... It will be...
>Let me- let me just write it over here...
>The answer is-
>You know what let me change the color...
>And the answer is 4.
[bong rip noises]
isnt khan a muslim name? whats in that site? bomb making technique ?
>And the value of y is 9
>****Sal said 9, he meant 7****
khan academy is a meme now?
>and as you can see here
>umm hold on this should be red
>well as you can see here... trump
>trump just hasn't read the constitution
I think the comment section of those videos are what's truly retarded.
>sal is talking some shit about how much he likes this next problem, wasting time
>look away for a bit and look at my phone to skip the boring bit
>look back
>video over
>"and this is equal to.. equaaal to.."
>"let me just.. ok so this is equal to.."
>"this business over here.."
Old cranky math majors are annoyed at how easy it is to learn math now.
that ignorance tho
Khan Academy became obsolete after the invention of textbooks.
I'd say it became obsolete when actual universities started putting all of their lectures on the internet.
Oh look.. another one of these stupid threads.
Obviously MOOCs and free online classes are not intended to be a substitute for traditional education, but they can be a good supplement or a good way to get free access to at least some form of education for people that want it but can't get it any other way.
>expecting deep complicated questions when the people asking are still learning
Calm down lad, these anons are only fun posting
He only teaches up to calc and lin alg, which most people learn in high school. Been wishing he'd go further for years
I understand it your trying to be funny and I'm sure between your other 13 yo friends you just can't wait to get over and tell them all the shenanigans you had on the internet today. But sadly to anyone with even the slightest glimpse of a decent sense of humor your joke is simply not funny and you're a fucking tool
Dont blow yourself up performing your tantrum you'll only get 2 virgins instead of 72
the stuff on opencourseware is sometimes like a full course. Not all the courses there but some of them are complete uni courses, but you do need to do most of the work by yourself.
i hope everyone laughing at this isn't seriously trying put him down. his videos are extremely helpful.
>Let me tell you about my favorite videos on math.
>Khan.... let me just write that out here...Khan... I'll do this in Purple. Khan...Academy.... You know, let me write Academy in Green. Khan... Academy.
>And you know, let me give you an intuitive sense as to why Khan Academy is useful.
>Let me write out my reasons over here in red..
>No, you know, blue is better.
>One reason is that he makes it simple
>Let me tell you why it's simple
>*writes out simple very slowly* Simple... Simple... You know what, let me write this out with every letter having it's own color.
>Let me tell-
>Let me tell you why it's simple.
>**Sal wrote out simple in 6 different colors, he meant to do it in 7** dialogue box pops out
>And if you could donate to Khan Academy.. Let me spell that out for you.
>Khan.... This time I'll do it in pink...... Academy....
>If you could-
>If you could donate to Khan Academy, see I spelt it out here
>*circles the pink Khan Academy*
>If you could donate that'd be great.
>I hope you have an intuitive sense of why his videos are so great.
I love Khan Academy, too. Enormously helpful. I probably wouldn't have my 4.0 without it.
But I have to admit, Sal's OCD way of speaking does drive me crazy some times. Especially when I start hearing his voice in my head when I'm doing problems on my own. It's like he speaks in Rickroll.
You know you can play them at 1.5x and 2x speed, right?
Underrated kek
>hey everyone!
>i have a 4.0 thanks to khan academy
>a 4.0!
>i belong, right guys?
>>I had a 4.0 until senior year when I got a B and now I have a 3.99999 and fml
Stacy Volleyballtits: "wered u get the 5"
>gpa is only carried out to 3 decimal points at any university
>needing crappy supplemental lectures to get good grades in high school.
I only use Khan Academy for its Processing.js IDE and nothing else.
This. Although learning more complicated proof based stuff might be just better to learn through books.
Oh so what everything you find online with slight comedic value is a meme now?
Memes are ideas that spread.
If two distinct people talk about it more than once, its a meme
>who has a test tomorrow xddd
Memes are behaviors that spread.
Is it worth getting a drawing tablet for notes/scratch?
>I have a 2.3
>I'm not a brainlet
Idk why you corrected that post
from wiki:
> A meme (/ˈmiːm/ meem)[1] is "an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture"
Surface/Surface Pro if you can afford it.
>now let me just choose incredibly inconvenient numbers for this example problem do all the resulting complicated arithmetic out by hand...
>gotta keep those skills fresh
still faster than your lecturer
especially on 1.25-1.5 speed
Woah there, kiddo
Stop projecting
Memes cause autism.
>he can't handle x2 speeds
For real though sals normal speed voice puts me to sleep.