can anyone convince me that the moon landing was real? i dont believe conspiracy theories, but the moon landings are clearly fake. im surprised how People can actually believe it. the Cold war was at its peak, and this achivement was the thing that could "win the race". and when it comes to the evidence, its just too much to even dive into. the one thing that 100% convinced me that its fake, is the lack of stars. NASA said it was because of the bad image quality, but even in the high res photos, you see no stars. and the crew had a high quality color-filmcamera With them, but they never recorded With it on the moon? on later missions they even brought a car.
oh, and the plans for building a New rocket powerfull enough for the trip, are gone. the scientist who knew them died. look it up. thats what they said.
and the Whole thing didnt need many People to cover up. you send some guys into orbit or something. you send fake data to all the workers. and only a handful of People know about it. oh, and nasa lost all the data With the positioning.
somepne please give me a reason for why they landed. i just cant see it.
>the one thing that 100% convinced me that its fake, is the lack of stars The moon is a hell of a lot brighter than the stars
Aaron Bell
thats not what NASA said. they said it was because of the low quality film. even footage from the spacecraft shows stars.
Aiden Wilson
i can even see a few Bright stars during the day here on Earth. is the moon as Bright as we see it from Earth, or as Bright as in the NASA Pictures? because thats 2 way different brightnesses
Parker Richardson
Everybody knows it was fake you fucking idiot we don't just not go to the moon anymore for no reason
Sebastian Watson
You are probably misreading nasa statements. We cant see stars in moon photos because the exposure is just enough to clearly see the moon and too low for the stars
You can see them, but good luck getting a camera to photograph a well lit landscape and the stars in the same shot
Evan King
It's because they weren't exposing for stars you fucking moron.
>the one thing that 100% convinced me that its fake, is the lack of stars.
So because you have absolutely no understanding of shutter speed and exposure, you believe the moon landing was faked?
Carter Morris
they dont have the Tech now to make it through the radiation belt and back. its too Dangerous for the ppl inside and the Equipment. check it out. they are still working on that.
the astronauts are glowing more than the moon, the suits are not made of the same type of reflective material as the moon is made of. and please explain how Pictures and video of Space from inside the Shuttle is lacking stars? i never question any light Sources or anything like that.
i like how he thinks nasa Equipment is Equal to normal People Equipment. "in 1969 there were no high speed video cameras". he even talks about what Equipment some People had. sure, if anyone was faking a moonlanding, they would as the neighborhood film geek to make it With his Equipment lol.
i think a Budget of 30 mill in -69 Money can Challenge creativity a little better than this guy.
and he talks about commercially available Equipment like all the time. ye, With that Budget, and the Cold war at stake, i bet they would buy some stuff at the local Tech store.
but he brushes that "small fact" off With ease.
im commenting as i watch, and this guy only talks about his own experiences With commercially available Equipment. this video is a joke.
Evan Rodriguez
To add to this, if you were a bit more intelligent, you would perhaps reason that the lack of stars is actually evidence for the authenticity of the moon landing.
Think about it - if this were a hoax, you'd think that the government would have the best minds in the world working on it... yet they forgot to add the stars into the backdrop of the sound-stage.
Are you starting to realize how stupid you sound?
Isaiah Rogers
tell me how they didnt get any stars from high res pics of Space from inside the Shuttle. from inside the Shuttle.
Landon Gonzalez
>they dont have the Tech now to make it through the radiation belt and back You are correct, which is why they went over it
Because they weren't exposing for the stars. Photographic resolution quality and light exposure are two completely different things. That's literally the explanation. Congratulations. You're dumber than Joe Rogan.
Levi Sanders
wow. you must be retarded. the lack of stars isnt a mistake. the positioning of the stars would have to be so pricise that it could easily expose them. its one of the oldest guidance systems in the history of mankind.
it would be too risky and time consuming to map it into perfection. and With all the trips to the moon, With pics beeing taken all the way to the moon, and not only ON the moon, its strange that we dont see stars.
its not a mistake as they can say it was the low quality and exposure, but not to this degree.
Wyatt Davis
from the Picture in low light far away from the moon, they ere exposing for it. still no stars. you must be a special kind of retard. still believe in santa?
Jaxson Roberts
>it would be too risky and time consuming to map it into perfection No it wouldnt
Brandon Garcia
i just told you that russia or someone else would have figured it out. thats what risky means. please tell me how that wouldnt be risky.
Grayson Reed
>you must be retarded >i believe the moon landing is fake Oh, the irony.
I don't know what to tell you. Every bit of conspiracy bullshit you brought up has been thoroughly debunked ad nauseum. There's no arguing with conspiracy theorists - you demand concrete proof, which is impossible short of putting you in a time machine and personally sending you on the NASA mission, and at the same time refuse to accept any of the mountains of evidence presented which conflicts with your personal belief. You're worse than religious people.
There's actually been psychological studies on people like you - the results aren't flattering. You should google some of them. In any event, I'm the true idiot here because I chose to bother arguing with you in the first place. I'm going to bed now. Have a wonderful night.
Jace Miller
i have also checked out a bit, and there is a problem With the "exposing theory". if the moon is as Bright as it is. and the moon dust is as reflective as it is, then it would mess up the shadows quite a bit. and they are not.
Kayden Hughes
>still believe in santa?
You're more likely to than I am, being that you believe in utterly ridiculous conspiracy theories with absolutely no evidence. You fail at basic logic - yet I'm the idiot? OK.
Anthony Sanders
>clearly fake Only to the uneducated and unsceintific
Caleb Hall
Accurate star maps existed. Mappin a backdrop showing correct star positions would not have been that difficult, especially given that 10% of the US budget was being spent on this hoax anyway
Hunter Wood
i just explained this to you logically. and you give me a childish answer. i used to be a photographer for 3 years, and even i find the exposure thing stupid. the moondust is supposed to be reflective and then it makes no sense.
Ayden Lopez
If you were a photographer how do you not get that you cant photograph bright objects next to dim ones
Bentley Scott
because im not talking about the photos taken ON the moon. there are several taken along the way to the moon, and still no stars. some stars are also especially Bright.
Lincoln Walker
>convince me Sure, our government said it was real and provided pictures of said event. That's enough evidence for me because i'm not a kook and why would they lie.
Chase Cruz
Show me them then
Oliver Carter
dude. Google. i bet you use Bing and find nothing about anything.
Levi Reyes
I'm not finding your evidence for you. You made a claim, back it up
Henry Clark
Nobody here can show you the evidence of that.
Gavin Hughes
so OP?
Ethan Cox
The scientific method strikes again
Hudson Allen
No, you convince me what the moon landing has to do with you being convinced about it either way.
Justin Cook
>moon landing whats that ?
Landon Martinez
>muh government never dun gon lie to me 1. Win the race immediately and tell the ruskies to suck a fat cock 2. Save an unimaginable fuckton of money 3. 0 risk, 0 effort Need I say more?
Landon Morales
Was a TV show that ran in the 60's using Kubricks 2001 A Space Odyssey set but was canceled after a few episodes due to lack of interest.
Jayden Carter
>laser rangefinding gear still on the moon >Lol hurr durr moon landing was fake
Sebastian Long
>2. Save an unimaginable fuckton of money You're forgetting that it also made the Russians waste tons of money trying to get to the moon for no reason, so it was like a double-win.
Alexander White
>capitalizing random letters
What kind of mental disability do you suffer from?
Jaxson Peterson
Given the political climate of the period, and the competitiveness between the USA and the Soviets, if it hadn't really happened they'd have thrown a complete and utter bitch fit about it. There would be pictures, and graphs, and assorted other proofs. There are none, and there is nothing they'd have enjoyed more than embarrassing the US.
Jaxson Lewis
there are
Jeremiah Price
Only in the heads of crazy people living in basements because they think black choppers are on the way
Logan Smith
Get a telescope and look at the moon. The landing site is still visible. Done.
Connor Phillips
Pic related
Adrian Wilson
>ctrl-f reflector >ctrl-f mirror
Jesus christ Veeky Forums what is the matter with you all.
When they went up there they placed several mirrors up there that they have shined lasers at for several experiments over the years in measuring moon distances and rotational anomalies.
If anyone wants to prove, at the very very least, that at some point someone landed on the moon, you need only get a high powered laser or email one of the many many scientists who made use of the lunar reflectors.
pic related, they put several up there.
James Carter
You ain't fooling me user, I can see the pixels ;)
Blake Foster
big banks theoty taught me this
Andrew Gomez
You know they still spent a ton of money to launch a rocket into space right? Considering all the prep NASA would have to go through to stage this coup, faking the moon landing wouldn't be that much cheaper.
Sebastian Collins
Nicholas Collins
>What kind of mental disability do you suffer from?
He suffersfrom Shatner... Syndrome. It isaterrible Debilitating illness thatstrikes many without... Warning.
Jace Miller
its called a lunar Laser rangefinder not a mirror or reflector
this guys got it
Brody Torres
It is literally a reflector though
Nicholas Scott
>i just cant see it.
You're just an idiot then and this thread should have been saged from the beginning.