My friend really likes rocks, I say friend cuz our dating is... Complicated...
Anyway I got some really cool rocks for her and I'm thinking about giving them to her on her birthday, I know that seems lame to most people and maybe to all but I would like a geologist oppinion.. I can upload pics...
Dating a geologist
>I say friend cuz our dating is... Complicated...
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Dating Complicated Hahahaha Nigga She Just Doesn't Like You Like Nigga Stalk Someone Else Haha
First of all that doesn't answer my question... Secondly, the situation is complicated but we ARE dating.
You can fuck off though
upload your rocks friend
we will judge their worthiness
More to come these I picked out at a mineral museum
quite gay
kek current year and not recognizing the infinite beauty of rocks
>probably still thinks diamonds are actually rare/valuable
That's fair enough to be your oppinion, but again my question is for geologists not the average person
meanwhile she is sucking black cock
You could give her something rock-hard instead...
In all seriousness though, she will appreciate the gesture whether they are rocks that geologists would typically appreciate or not, so you can't go wrong. There are a bunch of geofags here though from time to time so you might get a response if you wait long enough.
>My friend really likes cocks
There, fixed your premise. Now the answer is simple.
Fucking rocks... is this nigga serious? Fucking hell, this is why STEM stereotypes exists god fucking damn. This autism is beyond this dimension. This is why we study n-dimensional vector spaces in school. So that we can locate your autism in 50 dimensional space ffs.
Hmm you're probably right in that regard. I'd like to see if any of them are neat, but I think she'll just be excited I tried lol
>I just learned about linear algebra! Am I nerd yet??? XDD
Fucking greentext memes? is this nigga serious? Fucking hell, this is why STEM stereotypes exists god fucking damn. This autism is beyond this dimension. This is why we study n-dimensional vector spaces in school. So that we can locate your autism in 50 dimensional space ffs.
Fucking copypasta memes? is this nigga serious? Fucking hell, this is why STEM stereotypes exists god fucking damn. This autism is beyond this dimension. This is why we study n-dimensional vector spaces in school. So that we can locate your autism in 50 dimensional space ffs.
Hey OP did you ever think about asking the guy you bought them off.
Also I think they look cool but I dont know anything about rocks.
>smoothed pebbles
Rough rocks that show off the natural structure of the mineral are so much prettier.
So more so the second picture then?
don't know anything about geology, but
if you are able to explain why the rough rocks you chose are pretty, that will look better and reassure her that you didn't just pick random shit off the ground
I understand the gift aspect. But if you picked the rocks out from the mineral museum it might be a better gift to take her to the same museum and let her pick out the rocks. Even if she didn't want actual rocks, I think she might enjoy the trip to the museum.
> I'll just woo her with my knowledge of rocks and then maybe she'll succ me
i used to get this shit in the mail once a month when i was a kid for like 4.99
>shes sucking black cock mate
>a non-autistic way to give someone rocks for their birthday
Got some nice bits of pegmatite there.
Lmao, I used to collect these polished rocks as a kid. Then I threw them in the garden cas they were bulky and eating up space and the nieghbors stole them. That's what she'll eventually do with your present.