Why exactly is Computer Science considered science? There isn't really anything scientific about designing stuff for computers. Seems to me that the title is just a way to crank up the ego of people who were too dumb to study math or actual science.
Follow up: If CS really is science, then is it soft or hard science?
>Why exactly is Computer Science considered science? It isn't.
>There isn't really anything scientific about designing stuff for computers They don't design stuff for computers. They analyze large amounts of data and algorithms to sort, search and organize it.
>Follow up: If CS really is science, then is it soft or hard science? It is applied mathematics.
Ryder Powell
It's largely a formal science, much like mathematics. There are some parts which are more empirical, but it's largely a formal science encompassing the methods of both pure and applied mathematics.
Software engineering is not the same thing as computer science, by the way. You seem to be mixing things up.
Cameron Evans
>There isn't really anything scientific about designing stuff for computers I don't even know what to say except look up how computers are made Besides, a large part of CS has very little to do with computers so to speak >If CS really is science, then is it soft or hard science? Theoretical CS is math, and the actual computers are designed by engineers
Angel Jenkins
Its art, and its not respected really. It is done wrong...
Samuel Scott
what is the difference of software engineering and computer science?
Andrew Jackson
I go to college and get a degree that will give me job. If 300K starting wasn't just a meme you would see me study math instead.
Easton Sanchez
>It's largely a formal science, much like mathematics. "Science" isn't defined as "stuff stupid people can't understand". Science involves the scientific method, which applies to neither CS not mathematics.
Juan Kelly
>If 300K starting wasn't just a meme you would see me study math instead.
Seems quite unrealistic scenario to be honest.
1. We almost certainly don't live near each other. If you live in America and I live in Denmark, I would never have a chance to see you study math.
2. Even if I did saw you some day, how could it be objectively verified whether you were indeed studying math at that moment instead of reading some fantasy novel? I don't know what you look like and I see hundreds of people every day. I sure as hell don't check what each one of them does with their tablets and phones.
Levi James
Are you autistic?
Kayden Long
>be out-argued >call your opponent autistic
You're pathetic.
James Gomez
software engineering is knowing how to code computer science is about the theory of computation, the nature of algorithms, and the limits that exist for those algorithms
Cooper Young
People who can't into Reading comprehension are autistic though, and you seem like a one too.
Jayden Lopez
Stop posting in my thread retard.
Brody Hughes
Haraldo Abelson explains here why Computer Science is neither a science nor about computers. Watch the first few minutes.
It's not like math was a science in the first place
Oliver Murphy
Real compiter science is as much of a science that math is
Levi Powell
I hope this is a bait thread. CS is applied math, most engineering courses use math as a calculator/a quantifier.
Andrew James
Software engineering = programming and all that goes along with it (compilation, architecture, design, etc) CS = algorithms, information theory, logic, combinatorics, etc There is a fair amount of overlap but there are computer scientists who do little programming altogether
Jose Wood
Actually, no. Something is not science if and only if it follows the "scientific method." You dont need empirical evidence for science.
Bentley Adams
Can I works as software engineer with a CS degree?
Ryan Ramirez
Comp. Sci is math applied to computers. It's basically dealing with algorithms that take a very very long time to execute. It's the quantum mechanics of math.
Jayden Hughes
You can if you combine it with a large amount of practice on your own time. The degree alone won't be sufficient by a long, long shot.
Isaac Kelly
>Comp. Sci is math applied to computers >who were too dumb to study math
hoo lads
in Europe computer science is called something like "Informatics", because most theory is dealing at its base how humans represent and work with information
went to some shitty college in the US and learned to write a toy VM or compiler in C++? You learned programming. The first course I could consider to truly be Informatics was a course on Automata, which is mathematical linguistics, maths on the sets that humans actually work with. Can Informatics be considered a science? As much as linguistics or neuroscience can be, seeing as science in those fields is a science of working with Informatic models.
I would even go so far to say that if you /really/ studied pure Informatics independently you are working with math that begins to escape the confines of western notation, and because of how rooted western notation is in its mathematics only then are you actually experimenting and doing science with representations of information. I'm sure there are whole unexplored areas of maths that use generative models alone to discover metamathematical properties in lieu of placing autistic people in front of sheets of paper.
>is it a hard or soft science
Studying models and maths of represention of information? Hard. L-systems model plant growth among many other dynamic natural processes.
Doing research for modern processing platforms? Probably soft.
Noah Cruz
ci join ##sci on freenode let's continue these discussions
/join ##sci
need to grow
Computer Scientist Engineers More math peeps
Carson Nelson
>When you're can't debate so your last resort is ad hominem. >FeelsPatheticMan.jpeg
Luke Young
>user calls another user out for being too literal-minded >is accused of ad hominem Is this the fabled fifth level of irony?
Adrian Lewis
Somebody, post that one Hal Abelson gif from SICP lectures.
Oliver Hughes
>Actually, no. Actually, yes.
>You dont need empirical evidence for science. google.com/#q=scientific method sci·en·tif·ic meth·od noun noun: scientific method; plural noun: scientific methods a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.
google.com/#q=science definition sci·ence ˈsīəns/ noun noun: science the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
Jeremiah Thompson
>too dumb to study math Type theory, constructive logic, and parts of category theory that are applicable to CS are pretty interesting desu fampai. Shame it's not what a CS course typically entails.
Austin Reyes
Formal science is a science. And CS is a part of it. Are you going to argue against the well-established semantics, you dipshit?
Ryder Lee
Computer Science is called science because of the mathematics bit that considers theory of algorithms, complexity and decidability, the rest is just memers latching on to a field in an attempt to sound more relevant than they are.
Cameron Ross
>Are you going to argue against the well-established semantics, you dipshit? The whole point of this thread is that CS isn't "real" science.
Speaking of semantics, what does "Formal science is a science." mean in English?
>you dipshit? Nice ad hominem, ass hat. Do you kiss your mother's cootch with that mouth?
Jonathan Baker
Freenode blocks my ISP
Camden Wilson
Something like computational complexity isn't easy. I wouldn't say the people that do it are "too dumb to study math". What ever happened to having different interests? I am a math fag too so not even projecting here.
Adam Baker
This whole attack on the word based on whatever theory of the institution is flawed, the word predates the institution.
Nathaniel Martin
This whole attack on the word based on whatever theory of the institution is flawed, the word predates the institution and its use in 'computer science' is consistent with its historical use, regardless of whether computer science is a science.
Nathaniel Brooks
>formal science, much like mathematics Mathematics is more like a language. For example, the order of operations PEMDAS could be DASMEP and, as long as everyone agreed to it, math would still work.
However, I feel computational biology is a science and bioinformatics is not, while some use these terms interchangeably.
Hunter Mitchell
>"real" science This term seems to be whatever the fuck you want it to be. It holds no meaning in and of itself, unlike the term Formal Science. I'm sorry a CS major had a threesome with your girlfriend and you sister. Maybe your inferior intellect was a turn off.
Zachary Murphy
It's not really science. There's plenty of smart people in CS, quit being so biased and butthurt.
Camden Rivera
Bioinformatics makes money, that explains why it's not a science. xD!!
Ryan Foster
Math, CS, and logic are all formal sciences, which are just the study of formal languages. You can look this up if you don't believe it instead of assuming random people on Veeky Forums somehow have authority to redefine terms that have already been defined.
Levi Brooks
> computer
you keep using that word. I don't think you know what it means.