It's the most depressing shit ever knowing how separated we are from the rest of the universe. Think about it. Even if we can achieve light speed, it still takes about 3 years to get to the closest star. Where can we go explore? The other side of our galaxy is 30,000 light years away and Andromeda is about 2.5 million light years away. How does Veeky Forums feel that we are pretty much locked in a cage?
>be the end product of billions of years of random events in space
>living on a gorgeous oasis of a planet in the middle of a cold dead universe
>whining about being depressed that you cant visit old dead worlds on the other side of the galaxy
>old dead worlds
[Citation needed]
>implying the fastest way to travel is a straight line in any direction
Travel at speed of light is not the answer, obviously we need a way to manipulate space/time
We'll figure something out if we don't kill ourselves first.
Most of our theories about the universe are probably about as wrong as the earth centric model anyways. How can you have a meaningful theory of the universe when you can't even explain what like 99% of it is. We're living in the dark ages.
btfo non-determinist fag
It's depressing as fuck. And we're only at the beginning of realizing we'll never visit any of it. The fact that we will never be able to reach the stars and it will always merely be sci Fi will haunt humanity for as long as it exists here on out. Imagine living in 5698 and knowing you're no closer to FTL than the people in 2016 were. Horrifying. It will drive humanity mad eventually I'm sure of it.
Alcubierre warpdrive, there is a theoretical version that works the same way but uses far less energy.
power it with anti-matter.
Infinite regression
Faster than light speed travel is possible through astral projection
feels amazing tbqh
means I can enjoy thousands of years in VR before I even reach the closest solar system and by then I wont care about the real world anymore anyway
Just be glad we aren't in a low density galaxy. They even found one earlier where 99.99% of matter is dark matter. Imagine how shitty it must be to be aliens there.
Nothing is impossible once we get out of this meat cage.
Who cares how long the trip takes, if you can carry a simulated world with you or just reduce your simulation rate?
And if tiny wormholes are possible, you can just be instantly beamed through as data.
If you travelled at light speed you'd get there instantly in your own reference frame making the trip seem like no time passed. You could travel to Andromeda or anywhere within your particle horizon and it would feel like no time has passed.
We will never even be able to leave our local group of galaxies, as the expansion of the universe would be faster than any possible (linear A to B) travel speed within the speed of light. As we approach other galaxies, the distance would just increase between us and them, faster and faster.
At light speed it would take 4.37 light years to reach the nearest star and 100000 light years to get to the other side of the galaxy.
You can't transmit information through wormholes or ftl you popscie retard.
too bad "travel at the speed of light" is literally gibberish, as those words means absolutely nothing if you want this universe to exist
Our only hope is worm holes that let pass through it instantaneously from our frame of reference but millions of years have passed for an outside observer. This way causality is preserved.
Eh, time dilation would assure we could actually reach other galaxies in what would be perceived to be a relatively short duration if we could attain relativistic velocities.
Why not just go the other way so it's the other galaxy that comes to you?
With 1 g acceleration you can actually get to Andromeda in a year, anywhere in the galaxy in less.
How would this work?
Once we cure ageing (and we will) 3 years will seem like nothing.
Just spend the trip in high-quality full-immersion VR, connected directly to your neocortex.
Feels good, man.
But none of that is even possible because we have less than no fucking clue how one would even "warp space". I mean, what the fuck is space time anyway? I read an article about it and they said that the way it's talked about in popsci is nowhere near what the math is describing.
That is some high ass mother fucking optimism you got for humanity and what we are capable of doing user.
I like it however and respect your opinion no matter how absurd it sounds.
we waaas immortil and sheiiit senpai
> Even if we can achieve light speed, it still takes about 3 years to get to the closest star.
Because space and time are relative, you can actually travel very large distances in short amounts of time from your own perspective. Just don't have any hopes of going back home.
He's right, but he left out the part about the full exchange between NATO and Russia.
We've found a way.
I don't like this site at all because they only say what can't be done. We already have.
What a nice game we play.
That's a bad planetary body, ANYWAYS this.
Hell this is fucked. Post format is garbage.
nobody said anything about ftl, you popsci retard, stop parroting shit you read on ifls.
traversing a wormhole keeps your speed locally subliminal and doesn't violate causality.
Now that is truly depressing.
>thinking people actually care about space
Like a man with a key.
>1016 AD
>We can't fly so no-one ever will
>2016 AD
>We can't go FTL so no-one ever will
>we discovered graviton waves
>this was the key we needed.
>the sound that traverses the universe has been heard
>now we can build a throat strong enough to sing us to the end of the universe.
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if we figure out some nifty FTL travel mechanism.
I mean Im sure people just a few centuries ago didn't think we could ever make it to the moon
We do know how to warp space: pack a shitload of energy into a small volume, and space will contract around it. It's not like the popsci description, which makes it like some kind of rubber sheet, but I find a useful analogy from the material sciences is soft bodies, like a cube of gelatin.
If you were to imagine that the gelatin were somehow attracted to stuff placed in it, then the straight lines (geodesics) through the plain jello would be warped towards the embedded items. This is not just a conceptual analogy: the very same tensors used to describe spacetime are also used to describe the stress and strain in soft bodies.
welcome to modern academia
>>We can't fly so no-one ever will
>things that didn't happen
How about you think about this: If you can achieve speeds nearly equal to speed of light, you can pretty much travel anywhere within your lifetime. It's only the earthlings who stay behind who keep on experiencing time like we do right now.
You, the traveler, will observe instantenous travel far into the future and far into the outer space. Your only enemy will be the expanding space which kinda limits where you can go. Also the fact that stars will eventually burn out and outer space will be even less alive, so you might want to pick a place you will reach before everything dies out.
It's kinda funny to think that assuming one can reach speeds very close to c, they can outlive the whole universe and witness the death of everything.
expanding space means that we're moving away from every other galaxy and they're all moving away from us. Go whatever direction you want but it's not gonna work
If you could go light speed you could (by your frame of reference) be teleported anywhere in the universe instantaneously. If you could accelerate at 1g constantly (by your frame of reference) you could travel the span of the galaxy in 12 years.
Oh you can go home, thousands of years later than you left. Got any long term investment tips?
>achieve flight by using simple aerodynamic principles
>achieve ftl by using literally impossible principles
these are two very different things, stop using this popsci analogy, only retards who don't know shit about physics and science journalists use it