What's the most Veeky Forums thing you have done?
>dumped my ex-girlfriend because she got 103 in an IQ test
What's the most Veeky Forums thing you have done?
>dumped my ex-girlfriend because she got 103 in an IQ test
Nothing, really. I don't like the average poster here, and I don't like the culture.
I switched majors from Engineering to Physics because I didn't want to get made fun of here
ive never had a girlfriend
i pursued a career in pure mathematics because i thought it would make me cool on this board
I became an engineer because that's where Veeky Forums said all of the cock was.
Purposefully looked for education threads so I could feel validated about my grades / university.
i raed this dook. its prety sci
Slightly related
>most of my engineering professors are homosexuals
nothing, this entire site is a hellhole full of 16 year olds
I don't even know why I'm on this board
I am 25
Really? You don't deserve quads.
26 almost 27
> What am I doing with my life!?!
I drink 2 litres of water every day
This. Scientists/mathematicians are some of the smuggest assholes out there.
I like reading their books, but I don't like their people.
I know that feel, man. One of my engineering professors is transgender.
Talking with friends
>friend says "but really math is fucking retarded .999... does not = 1.
>hey user ur in math right how are mathematicians so stupid not to see this\
>I start sweating profusely
>everyone starts joining in
>"ya user ya ya come on math is stupid wtf?"
>"wtf I hate math now"
>gets right in my face "huh? huh? huh huh?
im listening
I'm 24
I tell myself I go here for interesting news or discussion on science and math
But maybe it's just memes.
At 24.
guise what is the answer to the hard problem of consciousness
how can a banana not be conscious if its made out of matter and people are also made out of matter
also my popsci readings told me that quantum mechanics is conscious
I'm 30, post-doc and getting groomed for tenure track.
I come her specifically because almost none of the discussions have anything to do with actual science. Lurking here is a good way to just turn my brain off.
>I told a guy to go back to /pol/ because I didn't have any sources
argued with my gf about birds.
>I love you dearly, but birds are dinosaurs and you need to accept that
>well...they're DESCENDED from dinosaurs, but they're not dinosaurs themselves
>that means they're dinosaurs BY DEFINITION. Dinosauria is a monophyletic grouping, so anything descended from it is part of it.
>user, why do you even care about this so much?
>I'm an unironic white supremacist
>I think that the burden of evidence lies against other people to refute my made up claims
That's not very Veeky Forums.
The post you're responding to is definitely Veeky Forums.
>racism is a science
>my feelings are science
>stop disagreeing with me you SJW cuck ;_;
Who are you quoting?
I said telling someone to go back to /pol/ is Veeky Forums
>d-don't tell me to go back to /pol/ ;_;
>m-my feelings are fact! *sniffle*
Pretend im smart
>In 2000, with the success of the Human Genome Project, scientists declared the death of race in biology and medicine. But within five years, many of these same scientists had reversed course and embarked upon a new hunt for the biological meaning of race. Drawing on personal interviews and life stories, Race Decoded takes us into the world of elite genome scientists—including Francis Collins, director of the NIH; Craig Venter, the first person to create a synthetic genome; and Spencer Wells, National Geographic Society explorer-in-residence, among others—to show how and why they are formulating new ways of thinking about race.
>In this original exploration, Catherine Bliss reveals a paradigm shift, both at the level of science and society, from colorblindness to racial consciousness. Scientists have been fighting older understandings of race in biology while simultaneously promoting a new grand-scale program of minority inclusion. In selecting research topics or considering research design, scientists routinely draw upon personal experience of race to push the public to think about race as a biosocial entity, and even those of the most privileged racial and social backgrounds incorporate identity politics in the scientific process. Though individual scientists may view their positions differently—whether as a black civil rights activist or a white bench scientist—all stakeholders in the scientific debates are drawing on memories of racial discrimination to fashion a science-based activism to fight for social justice.
>d-don't talk to me or my race ever again ;_;
So, biology is tainted by politics, got it
I think you got the wrong person. Ironically, /pol/ is probably right. Going there would actually trigger me.
I took the same online iq test 4 times, until I got an iq of 140+
I now brag about my iq on /r9k/
it's ironic how the /pol/-poster that always makes race and iq threads on here is a filthy greek olivenigger
Shitty race low IQ braintard detected :^)
They're not dinosaurs retard
Dinosaurs don't exist and never existed. When will this meme die?
Why do you think Veeky Forums is bad for grown-ups or smart people? Where to talk with them then? Don't say mathoverflow -- it's a place for a formal questions and formal answers, can't be considered as a real conversation. Don't say irl -- irl is even more formal with smart people and I don't want to bother them.
Honestly, I think Veeky Forums is the best format for such conversations (anonymity is a good thing) but because of fags like you serious people don't visit it. What do you think?
So you aren't familiar both with limits and decimal notation and you consider this being Veeky Forumsish. Lol.
We should not be discussing these concepts at all. Not at mathoverflow, not irl, not here.
We should all be busy preparing for the race war.
When the bible is accepted as truth. Which will never happen btw.
Race war is boring and outdated. Class war if any, desu
Changed my career goals from medicine to physics and mathematics.
Dubs checked.
>mfw this is a real book
switched from comp sci to math. im gonna live on the streets when i graduate
B-b-b- I told my wife math graduates get $100k entry level wage!
Swapped English for p-chem to lighten my class load
mfw this is the most shitposting I've ever seen on Veeky Forums
I make threads with gorilla pics
>Veeky Forums thing
It's not a meme if you're the only person forcing it.
>implying there's only one
no, you just have to go to graduate school.
>PhD in mathematics
>any job I want
>300k starting