How has America not figured out Healthcare ? A government run national Healthcare system is obvious to anyone with high intelligence and a little bit of compassion.
How has America not figured out Healthcare...
>(((high intelligence)))
these guys call portable radio transceivers ``walkie-talkies" my man
Big money
Big media
Small minds
The whole US healthcare system is a scam
>A government run national Healthcare system is obvious to anyone with high intelligence and a little bit of compassion.
[Citation needed]
You seem to be mistaken friend, the United States leads the world in terms of state of the art medical research and innovation. We do healthcare very well here, it's just not free*.
*By free, I mean forcibly payed for whether you need it or not via taxes (AKA NOT free).
so you're gonna argue that because you happen to be healthy, a system where the sick are miserable even though they wouldn't have to is better?
All systems are flawed and the more socialistic ones are too exploitable, but
>I couldn't go to a doctor because I don't have the money
is barbaric.
>A government run national Healthcare system is obvious to anyone with high intelligence and a little bit of compassion.
>Putting the government in charge of who gets to live and who gets to die is a good idea.
>A government run national Healthcare system is obvious to anyone with high intelligence and a little bit of compassion.
Right, if we just have another 10,000 pages of hillarycare on top of obamacare we will finally have the so painfully obvious why didn't we think of that before healthcare system
If you really want "muh free healthcare" join the fucking military, if you don't want to serve your country then don't be asking for a handout for something you didn't earn.
So, socialism fails everywhere but in healthcare? And if it's better in healthcare than capitalism then maybe it's also better in other branches of economy, so why just be for socialism in healthcare and not everywhere?
>Putting for profit private insurance companies in charge of who gets to live or die
I'm out of compassion
I mean I'm from america and health insurance is pretty much just a scam. In fact most insurance companies are.
An insurance company makes a bet with you that you will get less sick, based on your health history and job/risk factors, then the amount that you pay them. When they make a bad bet they have to shell out more money for a patient then they originally received. However when such an event occurs the health insurance premiums increase and the original bet is revised to better suit the company. If they didn't do this insurance companies would be bankrupt from the starting line. The only organization with a vested interest in quickly treating a patient is the government as the loss of a working or potentially working human is a loss for the nation at large.
tl;dr Insurance companies don't care about curing you but governments want those sweet GDP gains
>Putting the government in charge of who gets to live and who gets to die is a good idea.
...and yet the US is one of the few western nations with the death penalty...
...And, further, the same people who are against single payer health care, seem to be all for the death penalty.
Also, why is this on Veeky Forums?
Please keep in mind, you are on Veeky Forums the capitalist healthcare system funds much more research than government run healthcare.
I know its currently hip to say capitalism is evil, but when you can make a great deal of money off of innovation there will always be a greater desire to innovate.
Except obamacare was never meant to be government healthcare.
It's literally just a mandate saying that private companies have to give free care without receiving federal funds.
The whole discussion is moot though, as the US hasn't had capitalism since the great depression.
>>(((high intelligence)))
>implying a nation of immigrants, with a cross-section of the worlds population, heavy on Europeans is somehow less intelligent than average
>A government run national Healthcare system
Yes OP, it sure seems like "if only one person (me) was in charge, everything would be done to (my) satisfaction.
Let's not forget that both the Soviets and the Chinese killed millions through incompetent central planning of basic economic shit.
No, I don't mean the purges or the Cultural Revolution.
In addition to killing millions of civilians on purpose, both major Communist powers ALSO killed millions through famine cause by incompetent central planning.
Meanwhile in America...
We have our own "secret" brand of socialized medicine.
If you have a life-threatening situation, just go to the emergency room.
Oh, they'll send you a bill for an obscene amount of money.
Just don't pay it.
If you actually can't afford to pay it, there's not much they can do.
Hell, it won't even affect your credit score.
Am I drunk? A little.
What's it to you, ya commie bitch?
I said single payer - not "Obamacare".
...Though that's also not what it does, sadly. It just changed the rules so they couldn't refuse certain patients, centralized them through a stupid internet page, and made it so no one could get cheap half-assed plans, just because they were young didn't need the better plans. All while doing nothing to stop the insurance companies from hiking their rates sky high through a bunch of entirely deliberate loopholes. Basically, forcing everyone to buy a private service, by law, that was more expensive than ever, so the insurance companies make even more bank by forcibly expanding their market.
It was supposed to expand medicare to cover the people who wouldn't be able to afford these inevitably higher rates, but of course, that got sabotaged in the red states and by a goofy-as-hell SCOTUS ruling (instead of doing the more sensible thing, and squashing the mandatory part), and it didn't do much of anything to help pay for that medicare expansion.
Jesus dude, I'm as American as they come (see:), but you're just not helping.
We have 45% of the world's military in part because it's an effective way to keep a million people "employed".
For most military personnel "serving your country" consists of wearing a uniform, going to school of some kind, and collecting a pay check every month without EVER getting anywhere near combat.
It's (mostly) an over-glorified form of welfare, and suggesting they've earned healthcare while no-one else has is just fucking ridiculous.
And hey, OP? Why is this in Veeky Forums, ya /pol/ack?
>It's literally just a mandate saying that private companies have to give free care without receiving federal funds.
It's mostly a set of laws requiring everyone to purchase health insurance if they can afford it.
1 big problem. You get cancer you are fucked cause you can't schedule a radiology appointment at the ER. They won't treat you if you can't pay cause it's not immediately life threatening.
Single payer is cheaper by a wide margin because it gives the government the ability to collectively bargain on behalf of its citizens. If you have health insurance, you're paying way way more for that coverage than you would ever pay under a competently managed single payer system, and that's not even touching on how much medication costs in the U.S.
Also, you do pay tax money for healthcare in the U.S. in funding pharmaceutical R&D, but then pharmaceutical companies get to turn around and charge arbitrary amounts for the medication you and your fellow citizens funded the development of. Americans pay absurd amounts of money for healthcare far beyond any other modern country.
If the world was run by intelligent people, by scientists, the world would be a better place. But it's run by greedy politicians who are blinded by pride. Example: Republicans.
>A government run national Healthcare system is obvious
Obese people would collapse it in decades. Fatties are huge pain in the ass to medical system second only to the elderly
In an ideal world, the masses would be educated on health and not be obese. However, this is not an ideal world so shipping the obese off to colonies like lepers would be a more realistic option.
there are indeed several failing systems in the US right now, it kinda makes me sad. But to fix them requires a pretty large overhaul and relatively conscious people to implement it--i.e., not those currently in politics.
A lot of 'fixing' the US I feel involves just fucking over certain groups of people and cutting your losses. But that's not a very easy political agenda to sell--it literally sets your opponents up to shut you down.
I just wish that politicians weren't so spineless and greedy and generally ignorant to the problems of the country.
God, I should just found my own country.
It is the same as any other goods or services.
>I couldn't buy a house because I don't have the money
>I couldn't buy clothes because I don't have the money
>I couldn't buy food because I don't have the money
You're not entitled to have other people take care of you without compensation. Why don't YOU build ME a house, feed me, build me a hospital, create my medicine, spend 20 years of your life studying to become my doctor? Would asking for something in return make you barbaric?
This. The only reason insurance companies can exist is profit at the expense of consumers. The government actually forcing people to purchase a service with a negative return on investment is beyond absurd.
Health education regarding obesity is readily available for free and constantly brought up in public schools and the media. Most fat people already fucking know that they should be eating vegetables instead of fast foods, but you know what? They have bodily autonomy and have the freedom to eat whatever the fuck they please. Considering obesity as an education problem is incredibly ignorant.
Would you consider obesity a problem of willpower?
>It is amazing that people who think we cannot afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, and medication somehow think that we can afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, medication and a government bureaucracy to administer it.
t. based Sowell
Obesity is a consequence of freedom and the pursuit of happiness. People have the right to make their own choices whether or not others say their decisions are stupid.
I'm sure we could both be more productive with our lives than shitposting on Veeky Forums and maybe others think that we shouldn't, but the only possible way to prevent us is to remove our choice.
I'd rather take a less productive or healthy or whatever kind of life than have fucking comrade Boris breathing down my neck about what I should be doing.
I'd take Boris. Society as a whole is not smart enough to decide what's best for them. Freedom is good and all but it's a double-edged blade. People are free to make good decisions but also terrible decisions.
You would work 14 hours a day, eat slop, live in pic related, no entertainment and probably not be allowed to reproduce if you were objectively forced into providing the most benefit to society.
Most people I see asking for pure socialism are soft flabby coddled millennials who have been taken care of like babies their entire lives and wouldn't last 3 hours in the fields.
I'm not going to sit in a padded cell with a straight jacket on in case I accidentally hurt myself. I can take responsibility for my actions.
I don't advocate pure socialism. I just think that people need some sort of guidance for themselves because unlike you, the majority of society doesn't want to take responsibility for their actions.
>I don't advocate pure socialism.
lol Americans.....
You said you'd have others decide what you eat and how you spend your free time in response to my examples with Boris, which is quite extreme. You could clarify what exactly your position is and what you are advocating if you wish.
People already have plenty of guidance, such as our obesity example. The only way to give others the responsibility of your diet is to have them directly make the choices of what you will eat.
I'm not extremely well-versed in politics and all that, but I think that people who are unhealthily obese, for example, should be helped whether they want it or not. But only in extreme situations.
I just wish there was a way to make people care about themselves more, really. I was going to be a nutritional specialist at one point in my life and the whole affair just makes me sad.
There maybe ways to help mitigate that, without removing people's free will.
Easiest, and least invasive, would be to create a fat shaming psyop, and after it's propagated sufficiently, double down by start leveling a health-care tax on the fat. Further, tax the fuck out of organizations that specialize in fattening foods, and give tax breaks to those that specialize in healthy ones. The fast food industry will probably find ways to cut down on carbs right quick.
You could tax the fuck out of fattening foods in general, but you'd probably just wind up making fat a status symbol. All your rich folks would be fat, and a good chunk of your poor folks would end up trying to be fat.
It would also help to separate your agricultural industry from your government, so you don't do stupid shit, like making wheat and grains the most important food group in a nation of sedentary folk. (But yeah, getting any corporate influence out of government is kind of a pie-in-the-sky dream.)
Sorry, you seem to have made a mistake. The board you are posting on is Veeky Forums - Science & Math, but the content of your post is not at all related to science or math. It looks like you probably meant to post this on /pol/ - Politically Incorrect. An honest mistake, I'm sure. Just be more careful in the future.
Would also help to go back to the 80's standards when you didn't PUT FUCKING SODA MACHINES IN YOUR FUCKING SCHOOLS!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
Granted, this was the same decade we declared catsup a vegetable for school lunches so... Meh.
Canada here. Shut the fuck up idiot, you don't know what you're talking about.
As someone who bounces between Norway, Ireland, the UK and Germany I have to ask what you're objecting to. All the figures show single payer systems to be far cheaper than what the Americans have going on while also being more effective. Contrary to what anons in this thread seem to believe, obesity has very little to do with it. Have you guys ever seen a real Brit? They're far less healthy than your average American. Their country is also more expensive. Yet, they have universal health care, lower health costs and longer life expectancy. Why?
wtf I love single payer now
Surely thou doth jest.
10 cents has been deposited in your account.
based Kek
Amerifats BTFO
lel, did we bomb your country?
If you look at left leaning, pro social democracy countries then you'll see that what you're describing is so far from reality that you might as well be attacking a straw man.
>(((As someone who bounces between Norway, Ireland, the UK and Germany)))
These ovens are clearly designed for one person at a time. They could not have incinerated even 1% of the six garillion claimed.
Is there a problem with that? I travel as part of my job and have family in another one of those countries.
you're fukken dumb pal
Leaving the lives in the hands of private corporations is better then? We have a prime example of that. Mylan makes Epipens for a few dollars yet regularly sells them for over 500$. Plus not to mention that the US gave a fuckton of money to Mylan in order to help them develop Epipens, yet it is Mylan that chooses where most of the profit goes.
This is the reality of America. Where those who lack compassion think they are "smart", when in reality, companies exploit you mindless drones like nothing else. Looks like has already said it.
>I travel as part of my (((job))) and have (((family))) in another one of those countries.
>asking Veeky Forums about government funding allocation
Kill the babies,
Nuke Africa and Middle East,
Control population
All money to the fusion meme.
What about genetically engineered catgirls?
If it weren't for the profit capitalist model research would be decades slower than it has been
Processor development contributed greatly to the medical field, yet Intel is a greedy evil company through and through
Like Assange said, controversy only exists because of deliberate propaganda.
More like national socialism