Transhumans: Some humans will within few years develope abilities by the use of LSD, to see things and the reality from a different perspective, understanding the infinty universe. Why drugs is illegal? Well, for some people that take LSD will get deeply in touch with the universe and everything. You get your spirituality back, and can think differently than a normal human begin. LSD is from Ergot, a muchroom that grows on wheat. The Aliens that have used humanity as a testproject have made humanity ready for a transformation to Post Humans. Transhumans are humans ready for the transformation.
This all have connection to neuro programming(NLP). Steve jobs said something about the world after his death, a event connected to 1970, when NPL and drugs restriction was created.
Can you explain Inter-universal Teichmüller theory to me?
Ryder Kelly
drugs should be illegal just so people don't turn into delusional retards like yourself
Lincoln Ramirez
Like, my relegion is the atheist relegion, that belive the human is the alian itself. Like we are some kind of udeveloped aliens. Like childs under developement. I think that LSD just opens up a more spiritual world itself. Muslims belives in world domination, but we belive in transhumanism, and posthumans.
Logan Cox
Better delusional, peaceful, and tolerant towards science than religious, power hungry, and science hating.
Bentley Richardson
I don't doubt it. The DMT experience is one of the biggest mysteries of all time.
Evan Allen
>Inter-universal Teichmüller theory I read some about it right now, I think it has to do something with the view of the world compared to relegion of belife. And psychedelics lets you see a two dimensional world of it.
Jason Ross
So it's a shitposting thread then.
Joseph Wood
What do you mean?
Joshua Stewart
They found out about new matamatic, has this to do something about lsd? If the mind is thinking in a matematicly gemoentryily way, will more oppertunities appeal?
Justin Peterson
Jack Reed
I'm still having some change in mindset incase some more logical explination comes up on things
Adam Sanchez
You can't be an alien to your own species you fucking moron
Carson Rodriguez
It was just a tought i got, like we where some udeveloped aliens, that where planted here by some "developed" aliens, like we still are "kids". But i may be wrong, all sights is discussable.
Landon Allen
And to be ailians, everyone have to start thinking for themself.
Jonathan Stewart
I also think of the black hole a kind of a "portal" to a different kind of dimention
Owen Kelly
Oh no fuck, they maybe the USA have created a serium that gives you a new matematicly way of thinking?