why do you hate him
he's way better than that hack kaku or hawking in terms of packaging large ideas for the masses
why do you hate him
he's way better than that hack kaku or hawking in terms of packaging large ideas for the masses
Other urls found in this thread:
>meme "science"
No thanks OP
Or is he?
>bait thread
sage, reported
OP here, i agree, he's truly the modern heir of the socratic method
It is written cuck-oo.
Not only meme science, but meme philosophy and history.
He pretty much takes a dump on everything he touches for the sake of getting mouthbreathing brainlets to think about stuff.
We don't hate him, we hate his fanboys spamming these retarded advertising threads all over this board.
literally who?
He's obviously a great educator, has a original entertaining style and other qualities.
>Veeky Forums will bash this hard science
What hard science?
>le fell for le oldest trick in the book!
nah that's great
I just hate the way he starts off every video by jumping up from the bottom of the screen like a freakin jack in the box. That and the fact that it is such a crooning, platitudinous existence of media fakery/populatrity.
I don't, he's good at what he does and he does his research. Fine by my book
I like vsauce, but one of the audios musak things they use makes me uneasy, sometime nope outta videos when I hear it
That's pretty autistic.
This. He's good at distilling information into accessible bite size pieces for retards. But his appeal doesnt extend outside of the 'epic scientific fun-facts from buzzfeed' realm
Veritasium is better
I don't hate him but I do find his delivery annoying and over the top.
and some of his psychology videos are very tenuous , bordering on verbal numerology (I'm talking about his video about creepiness).
[piano tone]
He picks his nose.