We start with a rudimentary axiomatic system.
Primitive terms: point, line, incidence(a relation between a line an a point).
Axiom 1: For any two distinct points, at most one distinct line is incident to both.
Axiom 2: For any two distinct points, there is at least one line incident to both.
Axiom 3: For any two distinct lines, there is at least one point which is incident to both.
If you're curious as to how we came up with this system, see pastebin.com
Theorem 1.1: Given any two distinct lines, there exists at most one incident to both.
Proof: Suppose we have two distinct line that are each incident to at least two distinct points. Then any two distinct points that are incident to both are each incident more that one common line(see posted pic), in contradiction to Axiom 1. #
Theorem 1.2: Two distinct points uniquely specify a line incident to both points.
Proof: This is simply a conjunction of Axiom 1 and Axiom 2. #
Theorem 1.3: Two distinct lines uniquely specify a point incident to both lines.
Proof: This is simply a conjunction of Axiom 3 and Theorem 1.1. #
These theorems will be used to create a naming scheme for points and lines. Also, note that Theorems 1.1 and 1.2 only rely on Axioms 1 and 2. Thus, in systems where Axiom 3 may not hold, Theorems 1.1 and 1.2 may still be used.