>be me
>dropped out of college a few years ago
>decide to give it a try again this fall
>decide to refresh on calculus
>get stuck in precalculus chapter
>tfw i forgot how to factor polynomials
>be me
>dropped out of college a few years ago
>decide to give it a try again this fall
>decide to refresh on calculus
>get stuck in precalculus chapter
>tfw i forgot how to factor polynomials
Other urls found in this thread:
I've forgotten and remembered the usual techniques at least 3 times already.
Basically if you cannot absorb knowledge quickly, specially previous knowledge, then you are not fit for STEM.
You may be crying now but even if you made it and passed your entire calculus run. Then you'd move unto other topics for a while and then maybe you hit characteristic polynomials in linear algebra or something of that nature and no one fucking remembers how to work with polynomials anymore because you've been so much time integrating transcendentals.
Math should be second nature to you.
Quit wasting time crying and go relearn how to factor polynomials, faggot. The fuck are you sitting there for? Do you realize how much more fucking math there is beyond calculus? You don't have fucking time to waste. Shut the fuck up and hit the books, fucker.
I've done calc I, II, III, linear algebra, and discrete mathematics. Math is not second nature to me at all. I just need to do a statistics course...
I will try harder fampai.
I doubt that you've gone through that without having to refresh your elementary algebra at least once a year.
Oh, here's a good one. Do you remember how to do long division?
I learned that in high school. Then I forgot. Then I had to learn it again for calculus I and II because there is no calculus without fucking rationals.
That is all for now but I already feel like I forgot the algorithm and I am really sure it is coming again soon.
What about synthetic division? No one remembers that shit and it is one of the best ways to factor polynomials with integral roots.
>I learned long division in high school
...what? You learned basic arithmetic in high school?
Go muscu
Long division of polynomials.
Do you know how to read the context of speech?
Don't tell me you have literal autism and cannot into socializing. I would feel bad.
So this is normal? It's been 6 years.
Stay in school, you guys.
I bet you don't remember shit.
Factor the polynomial with coefficients 15, 1, -52, 20, 16.
In order from highest degree to lowest degree.
All roots of this polynomial are integers so you can safely is synthetic division to accomplish this.
Show your work.
Or accept that you don't remember shit.
I already admitted to not remembering shit though.
I'm just going to take this guys () advice and go study.
Uh, ok. I thought your 'stay in school' was a taunt.
Hopefully the point i've made is clear. If you are not able to hit purplemath and re-learn everything about algebra in 20 minutes then you are not fit for STEM.
>attempting to factor a quintic
Nice trick question buddy
It is not a trick question.
It is a quintic but it has the property that all the roots are integers.
Oh wait. You don't know?
Oh... he doesn't know.
That is embarassing holy shit. How did you get through calculus without being able to factor every realistically factorizable polynomial?
>Long division of polynomials.
wow, you learnt how to scale polynonials like integers!!!!
>I learned that in high school. Then I forgot. Then I had to learn it again for calculus I and II
You & me both. Method of Partial Fractions, I think it was. I spent a long couple of nights building up from the bottom again, punching myself in the head a couple of times, only to find out we would not be quizzed on this integration technique.
>He is too ashamed of admitting that he forgot the algorithm aswell
No need to hide it. We all can re-learn in 5 minutes if we want to. I am just making a point man.
what the hell are you even going on about? I was reading this thread and figured itd be nice to play around with you samefags
>It is a quintic
I have bad news for you, buddy...
Yeah I know. He distracted me. 4th degree, whatever.
If I gave you a quintic with integer roots then you could factorize it no problem. That point still stands.
Oh don't you worry, they make a glorious return once you get to differential equations.
Then it's a good thing Computer Science doesn't require me to dabble in diff eq! Calculus, Probability (Calculus-based) are the highest I have to go.
I don't know, I might study them on my own without the pressure of a failing grade anyway. Diff eq looks very conceptually interesting.
The NEETing has killed your brain.
>tfw high intelligence and low conscientiousness don't mix
reimu is crap
What do you find hard about factorizing polynomials?
Besides maths aren't about calculus, don't you learn how to do something w/o understanding why you do it.
>Computer Science doesn't require me to dabble in diff eq!
Your school is shit.
Muh computer science curriculum that does real analysis for their freshman years
>Yeah. Your CS is not real CS because my CS has this and this and this.
Please stop making shit on the internet. CS doesn't need diff eqs so stop lying about it. You literally have nothing to prove to anyone here. It is an anonymous board.
Unpleb yourself with some ol James Stewart's Calculus. That shit's god's work, user.
You can easily find 8th edition if you are a poorfag like me that wants to make himself out of his poverty by learning STEM lole.
I think I can feel some brain cells firing again.
It happens to me all the time. Usually I just jump right into the advanced stuff, and if I don't remember some technique, I just make a quick search on google or any reference book.
This, really.
Go str8 to the hard shit. Every time you don't remember this or that algorithm, just make a quick YT search and keep going.
>tfw to intellectual too major in engineering
>learning math on youtube
Actual pleb-tier. If you have to sit there for 5 minutes watching someone baby you through something step-by-step instead of just getting it quickly from text, I don't know what to tell you.
>Math should be second nature to you.
math is unnatural. the hindus were able to carve out cities out of mountains without complicated calculus.
Can any of you arrogant fucks actually explain how to do it?
Veeky Forums hasn't changed since last time I was here and that's okay. Finished the chapter and refreshing on limits tomorrow.
5 sections a day, C'MON
all me
How to do what? Not to forget shit? I wish I knew.
>Basically if you cannot absorb knowledge quickly, specially previous knowledge, then you are not fit for STEM.
Are you serious? I'd say that you'd not be fit for school. School is about rushing.
Just take your time, mate. Everybody has a different timing.
Hey, I noticed education is your priority, dude! Congrats!
>failing for the school meme
Instead, "always learn, you guys!"
>tfw soon enough there will be massive armies of slaves making such amazing structures everywhere
Feel great.png
Can't wait for the future.
>forgets how to factor polynomial
Just us plug your values to see if it's correct.
Then use mathematical induction to prove your solution is true.
If you lose it just remember to prove it.
hahah. he got you by the balls.
Find two numbers whose product is equal to a*c and whose sum is equal to b.
Call those numbers e and d, equation splits up into ax+dx+ex+cx.
Find the greatest common factor between the first two terms, and the greatest common factor between the last two terms. So for
Factor out gcf: