>favorite programming language?
>never mentioned the word math
>computer science
1000 times better than the "i study cs because i like vidya gaymez" neckbeards but still...
>favorite programming language?
>never mentioned the word math
>computer science
1000 times better than the "i study cs because i like vidya gaymez" neckbeards but still...
Other urls found in this thread:
S-so the memes are true?
HTML5 is a programming language now, dumbass
yes, its proven turing complete, she must be a real hacker
because ascii is for nerds
T-thanks for the (you), heres one for you too (you).
What is the point of this thread?
aww, here's a second (you)
Perpetuating the idea that women suck, apparently
I hate to break it to this chick, but the "computer science" program that she is in is an IT program.
Also, if I have to hear her say "computer science" in that irritating nasally voice of hers I'm going to break my fucking monitor.
is that way
>you will never be bored and insecure enough to waste time making something like this
>that's a number and a word
Knowing internet women I think we should just ignore this entire thing and fucking praise her for not calling herself ' CS girl' or 'Computer Science Girl' or 'Computer Girl'.
Seriously, shit like 'Physics Girl' make me cringe so hard I appreciate that women seem to be evolving creativity finally.
>Nice number!
I died, thanks
I dont think people realize how dumb students in every major are. There a lot of dumb people.
>If you like SQL you can focus on that
SQL is a database engine... what does she even fucking mean?
>If you like HTML you can focus on that
HTML is the language interpreted by browsers, what does she even mean by this?
In my job I have to use SQL and HTML from time to time as mere tools to accomplish my actual tasks. Is there someone out there in the wolrd whose fucking title is HTML specialist? SQL specialist?
I don't know anymore man. I thought I knew this shit well but apparently I should go get my PhD in SQL.
Or maybe a PhD in HTML would be better.
so her skills are having a vagina?
IT deegrees from low tier school have these specializations
>typical CS student
>doesn't just want to make video games
As a student of computer science I can tell you this is false. Also she's not even particularly stupid for a computer science student. I've met people who don't even know basic algebra or trigonometry. Luckily my program is rigorous and I don't have to live with them for long.
This is why no one respects CS as a discipline.
Do you reaaaaally need to specialize in SQL? It is just one of many database engines and even though I know how deep the SQL rabbit hole goes in terms of what you can actually do with it, no one needs a university to teach them a language like SQL.
Like, C maybe if you are really dumb and need help. Python? I suppose if you are actually retarded then having a professor helps.
But SQL? SQL! If you need to be taught SQL then you are not made for this business so go send Starbucks an application.
niqqa wtf is this compsci is a subset of pure math not a superset
>a shitty state school having a shitty program is why "no one" respects a field
Do you people even really go to school or have a job? This bitterness and complete lack of awareness about the world is stuff I've really only seen in drop outs.
>"professors look down on me because I am a womyn"
Jesus Christ, maybe it's because you're an imbecile, not the number of cavities in your pants.
Don't get so salty. Also, everytime a discussion about CS appears the same shit is said
>Those are just the shitty schools man! CS is actually great at the top ranked schools
Then some days ago someone found a fucking MIT course where they were teaching fucking scratch.
So much for CS only being shit at shit schools huh?
Oh, but I totally believe you that definitely out there, somewhere there is a 'good' university with a 'good' CS program and the other CS programs are not really CS.
Just like all those people are not reaaally true scotsmen, am I right?
What is your goal here?
I come to a thread that shows yet another example of CS and CS people being shit
I look at it and say
>Oh yeah lol, to be expected
and talk about the specifics, as I did with SQL
Then your salty ass come to me like
so my goal is to tell you why you are wrong and indeed yes all cs majors are shit, because CS is shit.
I mean, at this point CS banter threads are just that, CS banter because we no longer need to debate about wether or not CS is shit. CS is shit, it is known. IT IS KNOWN.
Trust me, I have a PhD in Severe Internet Retardation. Also a PhD in SQL.
>like nigga dat mofo salty bitch ass nigga xddd
What can I do my man. Today I learned what ratchet twitter is and I just spent the last 2 hours looking at ratchet twitter posts.
I am now black.
>What can I do my man
You could leave and never come back
That course was for children. You're really pathetic.
>>the only way to learn anything is to learn it by yourself. (Eva Lu Ator)
>the only reason to attend university is because companies expect you to do so and due to the better learning environment since the social interactions with people having the same interests as yourself are helpful (Ha Kcer)
Crawl back into the crusty affirmative action accomodating vagina your disgusting major is before I slap a bitch,
There is a series of lectures with like 500 students in the room and the videos are each like 50 minutes long and the lecturer at one point says that examples of the shit they are doing can be downloaded from their website and are on Scratch.
I'm not even him you just talk like a retard.
If I say that I am acting black and you say that I talk like a retard then you are racist.
That is a no go my nigga. Take a look at your fucking calendar. That's right, it is 2016.
Back to /pol/
Ok you're not real that's ok thanks for letting me know
I guess so
Is it that hard for you to imagine that some people specialize making webpages or working with databases? Granted, making a webpage usually involves CSS and JS, but "HTML" is often used as shorthand for "HTML, CSS, and JS"
>some people specialize making webpages
Yeah and we make fun of them back at /g/.
>working with databases?
Yeah and we call them mouthbreathers.
Veeky Forums logic:
One student of C.S. is dumb
Therefore, all the students and graduates of C.S. are dumb
But this isn't exactly true. By now we have compiled an extensive set of dumb CS people while finding no valid counter example.
It is more like Riemann Hypothesis in the sense that now that it is confirmed for a really long range of numbers, many mathematicians choose to assume it is true to prove the results that follow from it.
There is yet no formal base on which we can prove that every CS major is retarded but we now have studied and classified millions of them as retarded so like those brave mathematicians, we should to take it as fact that all of them are retarded to have some good healthy fun.
>SQL is a database engine.
We only have to check a finite amount of cs students for retardedness, so it's in the realm of possibility
Just because a field attracts retards because its popular, doesnt mean a serious rigorous application of the field is dumb.
fuck off
and im not even a cs major
It's more like
>lol CS students are morons is my favorite Veeky Forums meme
>I'm going to specifically search for reasons to call CS students stupid
pentester here
pretty glad to know i'll have a steady stream of work for the rest of my life.
It's kind of like a carpenter-in-training saying that "Yeah I'm at a trade school specializing in hammers!"
But the video isn't too bad, she seems to be enjoying what she's doing, even if calling it Computer Science is a misnomer.
OK which one of you guys did this?
you dont exist
One minute in and she has literally said nothing. Going from 1.25x to 1.5x now.
>bagged tea
Jesus fuck.
I enjoy me some Earl Grey from time to time, too, but holy shit.
pick one
CS Major here.Veeky Forums is absolutely correct about CS Majors. I used to tutor in my school's CS Lab. You have no idea how retarded most of the students are. I'm utterly baffled how the fuck some of those kids graduated high school. At least once a week I had to explain basic multiplication because the idea of multiplying numbers was something that they had never conceived off. I lost track of the number of times I had to hand hold people through writing the equivalent of Hello World. And this isn't even going into the sheer fedora-level autism of some of the other tutors.
A problem with CS is Mathematics, a lot of the 'real' computer science and theories are within mathematic boundaries and it seems the educational system around CS is missing out on this and only a minority are getting through to this 'real' CS while a lot of others stay behind as code monkeys for a start up company in Silicon Valley. CS needs to accademically grow up
But why should we care about semantics for instance?
>only a minority are getting through to this 'real' CS while a lot of others stay behind as code monkeys for a start up company in Silicon Valley
This. Whenever Americans speaks of Computer Science, what they really mean is usually software engineering, computer engineering, web development or other retarded shit.
Real CS is practised on a few top-notch schools, most notably MIT, CMU, UPenn, Stanfonrd, Cambridge, ETH Zurich, KU Leuven, etc.
Is the same kind of 'when will we ever use this?' question that bored hyperactive high school kids with attention deficiency ask in math classes?
s-sumimasen :
>literally said nothing wrong in the entire video
>"heyy but it's a womyn what a stupid idiot right??"
I'm all for calling out retards but she didn't say anything stupid. You guys are being especially autistic today. She seems like she'll probably drop out after year 2 but at least she gave it a try.
>software engineering, computer engineering
>retarded shit
yeah because developing hardware and graphics engines is so retarded. pls smash your monitor over your head, nimrod.
>title of the video is computer science
>starts talking about tea
>starts talking about herself
im done
>top-notch schools
>KU Leuven
Had a good laugh. Thank you
You clearly have no idea what you're laughing at.
typical typecasting typicalist
In Russia we have a better separation between programming related majors(we don`t any majors though but lets not get into this now). We have a major called "Applied math and informatics" where you basically cover all the fundamental math courses, including 3 semesters of real analysis, complex analysis and functional analysis, 2 semesters of diff equations, 2 semesters of probability, 2 semesters of discrete math etc. Everything with rigorous proofs. Meanwhile you also have computer science courses(we don`t get to choose classes in Russia) that cover pretty much everything, algorithms, networks, compiler design, etc. Than you have another major called "Applied informatics", where the bitch on the video would most likely end up. They have a very easy math courses, much like calculus in the US, where you just have to learn how to solve problems, without any theory, and most basic programming courses, that don`t use math at all.
Why everytime i post something the thread dies immediately?
if you find the meaning of this acronym the thread won't die
CS is a field that deserves deference. You hoary mathematicians should just kill yourself. :^)
You revere tomes, we revere the Internet.
They just go to shitty schools (if they went to real schools their experiences with CS students would sound different). Ergo, they're probably dumb themselves. Just ignore them.
Nice try faggot..... Why not showing a real computer science student?
But is it numberwang?
software/computer engineering major detected
Suka blyat that's why. They assume you will steal their information.
All schools are shitty, brutha. You make your collegiate experience memorable by not being a lazy piece of shit. After finishing your homework/projects and studying. You go and study ahead of the class with new material from outside the class course subject. Very few people do this and often they're either an autistic kid or a person in their late 20s to early 30s. Some real CS takes place in machine learning where you need to learn statistics over mathematics. I am assuming Veeky Forums put statistics as part of the math major.
>All schools are shitty, brutha.
Ya, but if you go to a fairly high ranking school you're likely to find more kids who take things seriously and work hard. That's the difference.
>math is a big part
>need to take calc 1 and 2
Why do people like this exist?
They're just clueless, like you were before you learned things.
>Why not showing a real computer science student?
>He is a graduate student
>He is already at the cutting edge of tech, developing machine learning libraries on his own
>He has multiple awards
Yeaaaaah... no. That would be like me saying that the average math student, even in undergrad, is fucking Terence Tao.
Reconsider your logic and then pull the trigger because this is embarassing.
>Ya, but if you go to a fairly high ranking school you're likely to find more kids who take things seriously and work hard. That's the difference.
I went to a top 8 school and all the CS kids were subhumans that couldn't even understand BFS and only did CS to land a high paying job. Looking around at other schools I found that it's either the same weak shit or re-branded IT at particularly bad no name schools.
Your logic is shit. He was an undergrad computer science student.
Actual black CS graduate student here. AMA.
What do you think about this one
The deep red would make me assume that it's at least moderately sweet (assuming contrast wasn't increased in the image). The white flesh on the rind is adequately thin, so the watermelon is ripe enough. My only complaint is that it looks like some of the seeds have fallen out, and so the texture near the center is probably mushy.
6-7/10, but I would probably eat most of it anyway. Yes, I do like watermelon.
If you can't learn CS on your own, you probably are an idiot.
wait is he saying that there are no other math classes at all? no linear algebra and no logic?
is this accurate?
HTML is not programming, its just markup
The same can be said for every other field.
No, they're just saying you need to complete Calc 2 to get admitted into the program. I know most programs at least involve linear algebra, "discrete math," DEs, etc.
starts of with advertising.