CERN was such a fucking waste of money
Don't you agree?
CERN was such a fucking waste of money
Don't you agree?
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Hindsight is 20/20, but what's a heaven for?
Yes. It only exists so that not all physicists live under a freeway.
No. Shit thread polluting the board.
You're huge waste of money.
It resulted in a lot of amazing inventions, faggot.
I think the barticle accellerator is a pretty cool guy... Up there with the moon landing in terms of technological achievements and a doesnt afraid of anything.
Yes it's just more welfare for scientists. I hope the US stops participating in similar bullshit so these supposedly intelligent folks can go back to actually doing or better yet creating jobs.
Industry is the American way, not research for beta nerds. Whatever happened to that Clean Coal initiative?
Particle Physics is such a fucking waste of money.
Solid State Physics is what's going to bring us into the future.
What happened with CERN?
Why are there a shit ton of threads about CERN on Veeky Forums all of a sudden?
Last I checked our nation's poor didn't eat Higgs particles. Why not just offer free dinner in addition to free breakfast and free schoo lunches to the underprivileged? I bet a super collier could buy a lot of inner city single moms free houses.
It wouldn't have fed shit.
Maybe if it was invested in finding better ways of transporting food, that would have been helpful in feeding people. And that is a big 'maybe'.
As a data scientist I think it was worth it, the sheer amount of data it's produced makes me rock hard tbqhfamilam
>the sheer amount of data it's produced makes me rock hard
That data is useless. Do you think it help us make better computers?
>Do you think it help us make better computers?
Ever heard of quantum computers, retard? :^)
>Ever heard of quantum computers
Ever heard of quantum electron transport?
No? That's probably because it's unrelated and you don't need CERN to learn about it retard. :^D
How else are we supposed to summon demons from saturn?
What they're doing is screwing around with time. Which is not a problem, in and of itself. The problem comes in where they don't *know* that they're screwing around with time. They have to wait until it's proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the timelines have been irreparably impaired, before they even think about putting safeguards in place. Which by then will be too late.
The radiation of their temporal loop experiments, which they haven't figured out a method of detecting yet, because they're unwilling to believe that such a thing is possible, until they already believe it's possible (talk about a time loop, just look at their logic) makes it possible for kinds of theoretical travelers to make their way into our physical reality, when previously the only way they would have had a method of interacting with us would be if we put forth the effort to imagine their existence.
In other words, as the experiments at CERN progress, it becomes increasingly less possible to ever prove that these "visitors" weren't always here to begin with. Thus, they can say that they were, and now they're legal citizens of Earth.
Nobody's willing to even contemplate what a fucking political catastrophe that would be, since "everyone knows outsiders aren't real." The inability to even seriously discuss it as a hypothesis is a serious political weakness in our society.
No. Of course I can't prove that they exist. But, by the time I could, it would already be too late to do anything about it. I can sure as shit tell you the safeguards to put in place though.
They really need to consider putting up a double layer lower spectrum EM Faraday cage around the accelerators, and other explosive force type experimental apparatuses. Or, maybe the entire facility. They're only worried about keeping interference radiation out of the machines. They need to think about keeping radiation from the machines within the confines of the facility.
There is a good reason, that they get so much money
yes, not having results immediately means it was such a waste of money, amirite ghais hahahahah
thanks, basement dwelling, Veeky Forums-posting, narrow-minded virgin! your opinion has been discarded!
It is though.
do you honestly need to feel relevant and validated so badly that you chime in with your retarded opinion no matter the topic?
They did have a lot of results, though. I am not really sure what this thread is on about
not an argument
good job avoiding the question you passive-aggressive twink. confront yourself and then kill yourself
Actually I kindof agree with this.
They keep thinking they're going to discover some new, unpredicted particle but for the most part they haven't discovered shit. And I bet they won't, either.
Your butthurt rhetoric question you made purely to for idiotic namecalling needed an answer?
Good point again!
Totally agree, a whole email tracing program from CERN just to detect time travel? They wouldn't even be able to properly run society.
Thing is, most of Veeky Forums doesn't even know what goes on at CERN. They fail to realize the terabytes of data that has been gathered from CERN's multiple detectors that has sparked a huge number of research papers to be released. It's incredible really just how data we now possess for collisions up to [math]\sqrt{s}=12[/math] TeV involving [math]pp\longrightarrow[/math] jets along the main accelerator and several different ions from the TOTEM and PS & SPS regions of the accelerator. We have tons of data now on the bottom quark from the LHCb experiment, more info on quark-gluon plasmas from ALICE, and many other concurrent experiments going on over there. Hell, the Higgs boson candidate with 5-sigma confirmation is an incredible achievement just by itself.
Yeah, exactly! And the list goes on and on. Some of the stuff even got wildly popular and was in every poop-sci outlet.
I have to assume this is a bait thread
I would have to agree that it is a bait thread but I have seen people express the same idea of CERN being a waste of money from those outside of the research. It stems from ignorance about what actually goes on there. It's hard to convince people that the LHC and its various experiments and components is a defining feature of modern physical experimentation when they can't: a) understand most if not all of the research papers published by the research groups there b) understand most if not all of research papers coming out of the several universities/physics departments across the world c) never check things such as the Physical Review journals or other distributors of scientific news worth their salt.
I don't. Compared to all the other bullshit the government spends money on, it's the best money they've ever spent.
Free healthcare is a waste of money, because it incentivizes people to not take care of their health.
yeah fuck that internet thing
Everything is published on arxiv though.
It's just scientists in europe live a better life than in the US and don't have to publish shitty articles for plebs in popular science magazines to make ends meet.
I'm not saying i'm rich, but hey i can buy Call of Dutys, buy new monitors, furniture clothes and stuff like that.
I guess I should consider moving to Europe when I decide to work at CERN lol
If you're a grad student you will be sent there from time to time by your supervisor.
I mean if you actually do some kind of event data processing for your articles.
This shit is boring as fuck though, just saying.
99% of time you're waiting for shit to compile, then you rage when you get shit results and do it all over again.
They played a vital role in the development of the internet.
Not a grad student yet (still need to complete PGRE and applications. Offtopic: any tips for studying that?) but my undergrad thesis essentially went how you described but I enjoyed the end product
Did they still have that self sevice cafe?
>thread of morons
CERN does literally nothing at all but suck money. Nothing comes from it that will help humanity. It isn't meant for science advancement.
Uhh, i don't know how exams work in your country, especially for grad school.
We had 2/3 of general physics (some mechanics, electromagnetism, easy stuff) and 1/3 with questions tied with your department, for example i used to study on particle physics dept. so the questions were something like: spontanious symmetry breaking, neutrino oscillations, inelastic scattering and its form factors.
In the end exams were extremely easy, easier than finals, we could use any source material like books and stuff to answer the questions during the exam. The thing is they those people who had articles and were needed passed the exams, if you did not publish anything while you were a student tough luck for you then.
But then again that's how it happened in my case, you might have an actual exam so if i were you i'd start studying like a month before the exam because usually theres a shitton of questions maybe around 80-100.
Also if you already have some arcticle with your name on it in SCOPUS/Web of Science, it's definetely bonus points for you.
ITER is/was a bigger waste of money because it's inner workings are base on pure guess.
LHC was at least made
we aren't talking about geological time scale
Made by DARPA though
and HTTP is such piece of shit that nobody wanted to touch it for 10 years before thinking to add pipelining
Your bringing up was a waste of money