How can I date a religious person and let her know I am not some robot without inspiration or transcendent states or thoughts. How can I let her know im human?
Atheist dating
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Don't mention you're an atheist.
Actually though, even if it's the most accurate word to describe yourself, just say that you "don't believe in a god." It's much more palpable for people who associate a strong stigma with the word 'atheist.'
Keep in mind, these people are very, very adept at not thinking things all the way through. She might even understand that you dont believe in a god, but not put it together that you're an atheist because that would require critical thinking. Happened to me once.
1. Relationship advice is for /adv/.
2. Veeky Forums is NOT atheist general. Try /lgbt/.
3. If you can't respect her beliefs enough even to tolerate her, then why are you dating her? Go find an atheist girl. They are around.
Even better advice: take this shit off Veeky Forums completely and just write to some shitty newspaper advice columnist.
Because the only people who want to read this shit are the sort of people who read shitty newspaper advice columns.
From experience, OP, GET OUTTA THERE.
Just remember, she thinks you will go to whatever form of Hell she believes in, while she is a member of the chosen people (not limited to Jews).
Seriously, OP, I know how nice it is to have a gf, but it's not worth it in the long run.
OP here...
Sorry! Didn't know where to post it. Plus worried about Christians trying to "save" me if I posted it somewhere else. Hoped the sci community would be more welcoming. And atheism is congruent with the scientific method whereas religion isn't. Also thanks for the advice everyone much appreciated.
You are an idiot. Please lurk more.
"You're an idiot, lurk more" Genius lol I'm an idiot =(
>And atheism is congruent with the scientific method whereas religion isn't.
>atheism is congruent with the scientific method whereas religion isn't
Even as a 100% atheist please kill yourself.
Tell me how I'm wrong instead...
>he's still posting
I see other threads on here about things only barely relating to science. I'm beginning to think Veeky Forums is just full of religious nuts or atheist cucks. No one is willing to just be normal. I mean cmon it shouldn't be that big of deal lol
yeah what he said , saying you just dont have belief in god sounds a lot better even though that's literally the definition of an atheist. Somehow people got confused and thought being an atheist means "I know and have proof for sure god is not real"
>"I see other people shitposting so why can't I shitpost too, huh? :^)"
I think one of the low-IQ boards would be better-suited to someobe of your... limited faculties. Try /v/.
"Atheist" has different meanings in different contexts.
I rest my case...
Good, yes. Let's go with that! This board is obviously filled with butthurt people who can't be normal and since you don't fit that description you should hang out with someone more similar to you. Goodbye!
>not living in a country where religious people are seen as mentally deranged
>Veeky Forums's mascot isn't japanifornian lesbian girl with depression
4 chan. Where the worlds greatest losers come to feel just a little better about themselves.
OK well if you are not a loser then pls leave. Bye!