What is actually deja-vu? I've had few where you dream about something really unimportant and short and it happens 1-2 months later and it makes no sense logically at least.
that's not what it means
it means you THINK you dreamt it, it's a glitch that happens when you actually experience something and think you have seen it before, when you haven't
Ugh, a gorl I dated used to constantly tell me why deja vu happened, and I ignored her every time. Stupid bitch. Who cares, anyway
Then what is the thing that happened to me. It happened exactly like my dream and I even wrote it down.
I said that I wrote it down right after I dreamed it and few months later it happened.
You're selectively remembering details to fit with what you wrote down then.
I think about is as an optical illusion.
It's not hard to trick your brain.
I remember reading something about déjà-vu that said something along the lines of "If it feels like it's happened before, it probably has." And I don't mean that in a 'past lives' sort of way. I mean this in a you're remembering minor details that have appeared in previous events in your life.
Memory is constructive. It's basically an empty framework, and when you recall it your brain fills it in.
So what was it? Did you dream you would turn 15?
the universe is cyclical user.
There's no end to this wild ride :^)
I've just been in this place before
its just a brain fart
Like a stroke?
But I'm not, since it happened more than once I'm really cautious about it and its exactly like my dream.
But its a really specific thing and not me generalising it. Everything from my dream is exactly the same, the place, the positions, the way of talking etc.
>it makes no sense logically at least.
Wrong word. It makes no sense physically.
>What is actually deja-vu? I've had few where you dream about something really unimportant and short and it happens 1-2 months later
That's not deja-vu, that's dreaming the future or rather dreaming memories that you don't have yet. For explanations, you're not going to get much. People who have never experienced it will virulently deny that it ever happened and people who have experienced it have only their word as evidence.
The human mind seems not to be a purely physical computational device and is able to gain information through an outside "oracle" (in the cs sense) that it shouldn't physically be able to otherwise. There are studies that demonstrate people reacting to future events before they happen in a more testable manner given credence that these things do happen but beyond that no one wants to touch something that reeks of superstition, spiritualism and magic. Even if it was ever to be seriously studied, our ability to probe the mechanism of a metaphysical oracle would seem to be quite limited.
If the goat meets the peak, your brain is the peak and the goat is your mind believing what it think occurred in a certain timeline, once the goat reaches the peak the brain reaches the mind parallel to the objective point in time the idea occurred in your subconscious.
>Everything from my dream is exactly the same, the place, the positions, the way of talking etc.
I really doubt you wrote all this down...
Fuck yourslef
Don't worry OP. This happens to me a few times a year. Usually about stuff I dream about the night before. Idk how it works but it's normal.
The exact same thing for me. There must be an explanation for this.
Could it be just coincidence?
Does deja vu only happen in familiar places? If so it's probably a latent inhibition glitch.. i.e. you start to see your surroundings as new, yet you remember them, so it feels odd.
I've had the sense that I've dreamt something before, and I think it's usually something entirely mundane - unsurprising that I would predict it in my sleep.
Am I in /b/? I made the thread here expecting decent replies but this is just too much even s4s would be more coherent.
How is that normal when it makes no sense why any of that should be happening. If you can predict feature even for a few seconds then can't see how this can be normal.
I thought about it and there is no way it can be coincidence if the deja-vu happened more than one time( like to me) and all the details are the same.
The one who I remember were in familiar places but thats not the problem. The problem is that it happens exactly like in the dream and it can't be just a glitch because its exactly the same.
Thanks! Finally a informative post, I really appreciate it!
>no way it can be coincidence
I mean, it feels that way, sure. But thats the only explanation I have without considering /x/ stuff.
Most of the mundane dreams are just my brain mixing together and slightly changing situations I already experienced. Life can be very repetetive and ordinary, so a lot of situations are just slightly altered versions of things you already experienced. So with people like me, who usually have kind of boring dreams, there might be a good chance of a dream resembling a real scenario from time to time.
There also might be the effect of self-fulfilling prophecy playing a small role.
I dont know man
Its not remotely informative you idiot, it's /x/tier nonsense, he just said what you wanted to hear rather than facts
Psychology might not be a real science, but that doesnt make it /x/-tier nonsense
Yes I got what you meant from the first post but while there is extremely small chance of the randomization or whatever it is to make my dream like that its just impossible to "predict" it more than 1 time in just a few years.
Yeah because getting told that I didn't really wrote it down is more coherent right?
>what you wanted to hear rather than facts
That is you when you say
>it's /x/tier nonsense
Remember that electricity, magnetism, and chemistry used to be /x/tier magical nonsense until people seriously studied it.
That's not psychology though it's quantum physics, in a way that is apparently easy enough to be detected by our brains without any proper instruments to detect it but impossible to detect with any technology that is far more sensitive than anything we humans have to offer, it's pure pseudoscience
But thats not what I was describing.
Anyway, it might help if you give a specific example of one of your dreams. Whenever it happens to me, it is a rather ordinary situation
What you seem to be failing to understand is just how poor human memory is, they aren't saying what you wrote down is wrong they're saying how you associate the event when it actually occurred has now changed to suit the event you wrote about, on top of that after you wrote about it you were desperately waiting for anything that remotely resembled what you wrote about to happen, how many things did you write that didn't happen?
Observations can't be pseudoscience. Just because hippies take these observations and run wild with speculation on the cause doesn't not negate them.
It is absolutely psychology/neuroscience. It has nothing to do with qm
"False memories" is the easy way out of rationalizing away and dismissing anything you have seen.
Well yeah what he is experiencing is, maybe I'm responding to the wrong person because I was referring to any actual ability to reach into the future and grab memories not just think you are which is what is happening
Its easier than just saying that everything we think we know is wrong because of a bunch of people who think magic exists
>rather ordinary situation
I said the same about my deja-vu dreams in OP. Sometimes its as simple as someone showing me a picture on his phone for a few seconds.
Well considering it happened just a few minutes before I wrote it down I really doubt I will remember it wrong and like I said already its not just one time thing.
>on top of that after you wrote about it you were desperately waiting for anything that remotely resembled what you wrote about to happen
Like I said already it happens after like 1-2 months so I usually forget about it on the next day until it happens again.
>how many things did you write that didn't happen?
Well most of my dreams are usually extremely strange and don't really have any sense so the deja-vu like dreams stand out and maybe like 1-2 times they were wrong but also they were way too strange or just logically impossible even if they resembled something real.
>call it magic
>therefore it's wrong
We live in the world we have and not the one we want to have. If we observe something, then it exists whether you like it or not. Many hated the fantastical sounding theory of relativity back in the early 20th century which showed everything we knew was wrong because of a bunch of people thought magical time warping existed.
I hate when people use this stupid argument, you don't think I'd love this to be real? Wouldn't anybody it's be fucking awesome but all you're doing is saying "this exists because I think it does and this is what it does", you're not trying to explain how it could work in any realistic sense, how it fits in with physics, why it's not detectable or observable in nature like virtually everything else. You can't suggest something like this casually it would be such a fundamental force so revolutionary that it wouldn't just be dreams, it would change everything.
If they weren't false memories we would be inundated with documented cases of specific recorded dreams that occurred and cannot be coincidence, since this phenomenon is very common. But we don't. I have deja vu frequently. The last time was only a few weeks ago when I was buying whipped butter at WalMart for a specific reason and then I "remembered" dreaming about buying whipped butter at WalMart for that specific reason. But I know I never actually dreamed that. It's simply a strong feeling, like two areas of your brain got their wires crossed.
Well, there's a few explanations, if you don't mind me getting a all biological up here
If your deja vu is experiencing an event as if it has already happened, you're experiencing something of a misfiling. Your brain files current experience in the short term memory, but sometimes it will fuck up and store it in the long term, or try to. Much like an optical illusion, your rational mind will be telling you one thing (this is happening now) and your processing of information will be telling you another (I have a memory of this event)
Now, experiencing/remembering/dreaming things before they happen...
Evolution is driven by a fight for transcendence in a world of limited resources. The most energy efficient are those who have an easier time passing down their genes, so emerging species very rarely tend to develop structures and faculties that aren't strictly necessary for survival.
How does this relate to the way we receive and interpret enviromental information? We don't develop the ability to detect anything we don't need. Most living beings have no nervous system. Most animals can't see. Those who can see only do so in the spectrum and ways that they need for survival. We humans don't see flowers as beacons like bees do. If a being doesn't need to be aware of three dimensions or four or whatever, it isn't.
Our perception of time doesn't escape this limitation. In fact, we dont even develop the brain processing ability to see time as linear until we're two years old. Other animals never do. And we don't just understand experiences as they're happening and place them in a timeline in our heads. The brain is a prodigious machine and humans did not evolve as apex predators. We can take cues from our enviroment and come up with predictions, even for mundane tasks.
So if someone perceives (or "perceives") something that hasn't happened yet... Could be a prediction by an overzealous brain. Could be a glimpse into the non linearity of time that we have no use for.
That's interesting, thanks man
>Could be a prediction by an overzealous brain
I really hate it when people add their biases in the supposed "explanation". Also can't believe you said so little with so many words.
So because it doesn't fit into your belief structure its a bias? The burden of proof is on you and a few examples of self reported cases even on a scientific study just isn't anywhere near enough to support these claims.
I quoted the part I thought as a bias. Its just that you wanted to subtly insult the person you replied to because you think his claim is not real.
only explanation, that makes sense so far
>you're not trying to explain how it could work in any realistic sense, how it fits in with physics, why it's not detectable or observable in nature like virtually everything else
Not having a clue how it works doesn't mean it's not real. Figuring out how shit works always takes time. Classic Mechanics took centuries to get right. Dark Matter and Dark Energy are still in a gray area. Consciousness is a total unknown.
Everyone in this thread is so fucking retarded i didnt read it all. Sorry if there is an actual answer already.
One of the reasons deja vu can happen is a bit of lag in the brain. When you percieve something it gets recorded in your memory and is interpreted by your consciousness simultaniously, but it is possible for the interperetation to lag behind. Resulting in you already having the memory as you percieve something.
What is actually deja-vu? I've had few where you dream about something really unimportant and short and it happens 1-2 months later and it makes no sense logically at least.