Intelligence stuff

So about a year or two, I decided to start researching what could affect IQ and overall mental performance. I asked about it here, and of course, got shit for it. But some people were interested, so I figured I'd share the results of my research. Prepare to be disappointed.

>Avoiding nicotine and carbon monoxide emissions can improve your IQ by approx. 5%
>avoiding consumption of alcohol can improve your IQ by up to 7%
>a well-balanced diet which includes little to no foods which are associated with cholesterol and processed/refined sugars can improve your IQ by up to 5%
>a regular/daily light exercise routine which includes training for flexibility and cardio improves blood flow, improving IQ by up to 10%
>if you're a large individual, reducing your BMI count to between 18 and 24 can improve your IQ by up to 11% (both fat and muscle mass are detrimental. Your size is more important than your weight, as it has to do with the amount of blood vessels you have, and how many are used to send fresh blood to your skin)
>7 hours of sleep, no more no less, improves IQ or retention thereof by up to 15%
>reduction of stress levels, or cortisol, improves IQ by up to 12%
>listening to certain music, such as Bach and Mozart, can improve your IQ by up to 9%
>exposure to the colour BLUE can increase your IQ by up to 2%
>avoiding watching TV or YouTube or any other form of digital video media can improve your IQ by up to 13%
>studying or learning something new on a daily basis at a minimum of 1 hour a day, even if it's something trivial, can improve your IQ by up to 20%
>meditation, in order to rest the body and mind, for at least 1 hour a day can improve IQ by up to 8%
>avoiding 'busy' environments, such as cities or pictures with a lot of small details, can improve IQ BY up to 11%

There are a lot more of these. There are formal studies and test results around all of these. Effectively, your body wants you to be one of those pretentious rich yoga fuckers with bad taste in art.

Other urls found in this thread:

This implies that if I

>quit smoking
>eat healthily
>exercise regularly
>get 7, and only 7, hrs sleep per day
>listen to classical music
>stop binging on Youtube vids
>and meditate,

My IQ will go from 141 to as much as 232.65? Well, so long, functional Aspergers!

Exactly what it implies yes. But it does assume you're a fat unhealthy NEET with bad habits, and an IQ of like 70 or so.

It's also worth noting that each was apparently tested individually, not as a whole.

>7 hours of sleep no more no less
>exposure to color blue

For all your research, do you have any idea of how these factors could compound?

Shitposting aside, I do need my full autistic powers for the next 3 years.

Also, I know IQ isn't entirely a meme, but can you attest to its validity at all? How much does it really say about a person (specifically, can it be used to highlight areas of improvement rather than inane ability)?

>For all your research, do you have any idea of how these factors could compound?
No idea.
>can you attest to its validity at all?
Not all of it. Most are results on psych studies I happened to come across. I can personally attest to the validity of the BMI result and the studying result, although I'm not sure of its effectiveness. Before the test, my IQ was at 126 and my weight was 115kg at 1.7m tall. I'm now down to 90kg and my IQ was at 134 as of 2 months ago. Does fuck all for your personal issues however. If you're a lazy cunt and don't practice self improvement, then that's what you'll be until you change your ways I suppose.

So I'm guessing this research was more of a lit search where you trawled PubMed and the like.
How reliable are each of these figures, honestly?
Also, I think this misses the main point of wanting to increase IQ.
These are ways to increase the efficiency of your brain, but they will they increase your IQ beyond it's normal genetic range?
It's the difference between cleaning the dust out of a computer and installing a solid state drive to improve performance (to use an analogy...)

Not quite going through pubmed and the like, went and studied psychiatry and psycho-analysis in uni, got studies from the library, others were reputable sources of which I could trace the original published article of the study. But I agree, it's more improving efficiency. I doubt you can exceed your normal genetic range, but also, having a healthy brain couldn't exactly hurt improving your future genetics either.

Also, not too sure about the reliability of the figures. I suppose it's just one of those "this is the highest result we got, but not necessarily the average"

by that logic, people who live in nature should have highest IQs

this is not the case

Having a healthy and better working brain improve your odds of landing a better mate with better genetics for intelligence, but I doubt there would be any epigenetic inheritance.
Epigenetic inheritance only works for a minute number of loci and is only passed down 3 generations.

>this is not the case

Also, what's the reason for 7 hours of sleep per night?
I always thought 8 was optimal, or that it varies depending on age?

Well then give us all the sources. What you've posted has no proof, therefore we can't take it as true.
Do you even science ?

it also varies depending on gender

look, a bunch of idiots are gonna paint their rooms blue and expect their intelligence to grow.

I think it could possibly be more "body recognises the need for a better working brain, pass down this information to the next generation" but then again, I'm no geneticist. I'm going based on information on rats associating certain stimulants with danger after being shocked repeatedly while exposed to them, and their offspring tend to have the same fear reaction when exposed to the stimulants

On the bus now. I'll post them when I get home

Of course.

>Fapping to trannies,and voting for Hillary in November can improve your IQ by approx. 5%


Unless the sample size for any of those studies is significant then the results are quite dubious.

and don't forget cuckoldry, the thinking man's fetish

Finally an enlightened man among the narrow minded masses.

>>listening to certain music, such as Bach and Mozart, can improve your IQ by up to 9%
>>exposure to the colour BLUE can increase your IQ by up to 2%
took me longer than it should have
here let me make one

>ignoring retarded "how 2 raise ur iq in these 4 ez steps" methods will raise ur iq by 150%

>Hey guise, look at how smart I am for wasting two years of my life on trendy pop-science.

what a bullshit. correlation vs causation. it's the other way around, smarter people just don't do these things.

*tend to do
Sorry for typo...

>>avoiding watching TV or YouTube or any other form of digital video media can improve your IQ by up to 13%


There is a discord channel where some Veeky Forums users talk, if you want to talk about the human brain

There was an ex-CIA interview where the dude mentioned he refused to watch TV as doing so would make him dumber. Been years and have no idea who/where this was, but there may be studies of this.

sure, do all of that, maybe you will finally achieve the iq of a normal functional adult you damn retard

Retard. It doesn't imply that at all. Think again about what you're saying.

Different people with different genetics and ages need different amounts of sleep. There's no 'one-size-fits-all' sleep schedule. But if you feel tired, chances are you're not performing at your peak, mentally.