How is tea tree oil good for open wounds but bad for touching to mucus membranes? I used it topically on my penis and it somehow got inside my urethra. I pissed it out and I called poison control and they said I was probably fine. Yea tree oil is toxic if swallowed, but only deadly if you guzzle it.
Tea tree oil is a mucus membrane irritant but it's not as bad as swallowing.
I'm not sure if the symptoms I'm feeling from membrane contact would be the same as if I had ingested it. Any biologists or toxicologists around here?
Know anything about physiological reactions to tea tree oil?
Ryder Brown
Terpinenes fuck you up
Jason Williams
Could you go into detail and suggest a plan for action? I read a few short stories about people that ingested and used tea tree oil as an enema and we're alright after .
Aaron White
What? I some "tea tree" shampoo from trader joes, and I'm sure there is some of it on my fingers, in the water on my body, etc., when I wash my foreskin (which is a mucous membrane). What kind of irritation would I notice if this effect were real (at the level of exposure I would be getting)?
Adrian Jones
The tea tree oil I used was 100% and undiluted except for a little Apple cider vinegar. The oil used in shampoo is diluted greatly.
Leo Rivera
Oh, OK. Good to know. It's interesting how much dose and exposure can matter in these kinds of things.
Jeremiah Watson
Yeah there's no worries for you, myself on the other hand am legitimately concerned by the potential of toxicity. My urine is normal and my stool seems normal. I'd imagine I'd be feeling quite bad if I were suffering exposure symptoms. The side effects seem debilitating, confusion, delerium, inability to walk etc. Having not experienced Amy of that I'd say I'm fine, but I'm no doctor. Iprobably Will be seeing one tomorrow morning though.
Elijah Scott
What the fuck is op saying?
Brandon Reed
I used tea tree oil on my penis to treat a yeast infection. The oil must have drained into my urethra when I stood it upright to reposition the gauze that was wrapped around the full length of my penis.
I want to know if I'm not feeling any symptoms of exposure, such as delerium or loss of control of my limbs, if I can say for sure my exposure if the oil to my urethra wasn't enough to be toxic.
Zachary Gutierrez
Jayden Walker
Were you laughing at me wrapping gauze around my penis or the overall stupidity of all of it?
I've tried the cream the doctors told me to use but it wasn't working. The tea tree oil and vinegar were better by far, I just have bad luck.
Gabriel Adams
the gauze fucking got me famalam
RIP OPs dick ;_;
Asher Williams
I thought so. No it looks silly as fuck, but the gauze guarantees fill coverage of the treated area. My penis feels fine, but my urethra seems irritated. I hope it's just local irritation, and not some kind of toxological reaction.
Hudson Nelson
you will be fine user, a little burning but nothing truly harmful
i would reccommend not wrapping your dick in gauze, in general
maybe just give her a treatment now and again and let it air out - pure teatree oil is pretty strong shit, you dont need that shit coating your willy all day mang
Jason Morgan
Well to give a little context, and to make myself look less retarded, I only put the oil on a few spots up and down my shaft.The gauze was drenched in vinegar. I didn't lather my dick with tea tree oil.
Still I shouldn't be using pure undilluted oil but I had a short term treatment regiment so I figured it was fine. I didn't plan on getting it Inside me though.
Do you have a particular reason you think I'm going to be alright aside from some burning, besides the fact I'm not convulsing and going into coma.
Jaxon Bennett
have used it on fungal lip infection before, got it inside my mouth, tasted and swallowed.
fucking tastes weird.
didnt feel anything, just unpleasant feeling of fire.
also i slather myself in the shit when going fishing (best repellant out there) and have gotten it in my mouth smoking, drinking a beer etc
chill op
Austin Lewis
Cool. Thanks man.
Eli Ross
I'm getting to thinking. When you ingest an amount of tea tree oil it's being diluted by your saliva and stomach contents. When it was inside my urethra there was no fluid, except for a small amount of vinegar to dilute it.
Connor Morris
>How is tea tree oil good for open wounds but bad for touching to mucus membranes? it's because usage inside the body where you can touch mucous membranes requires FDA approval and tea tree oil isn't approved for it
Jaxson Anderson
Even if it were it's still moderately toxic.
Jackson Jenkins
I think you're a bit of a hypochondriac. Get help for your anxiety.
I use 100% teatree oil as lube.
J/k.. but i do put it on my fungal nail.
Dylan Myers
>thread about tea tree oil danger Oh I've used that stuff, I'll open the thread
>mfw yeast-infected vinegar-soaked gauze-wrapped dick story
Mason Scott
>I used it topically on my penis and it somehow got inside my urethra or maybe . Some chicks may be into that
>I used tea tree oil on my penis to treat a yeast infection You are the only dude I have ever heard of that got a yeast infection. Congratulations.
>Were you laughing at me wrapping gauze around my penis or the overall stupidity of all of it? We are Veeky Forums. We are laughing at you. Ridicule is a more proper term.
>but my urethra seems irritated Most urethrae would be irritated as well if they got lubed up with tea tree oil
This really is too much. /this dude. Yes. We are laughing at you. Just Wow. Funniest thread in awhile.
Cameron Johnson
I really know it's funny as fuck even my mom laughed at me. Yeast is present on both females and males. I've unknowingly had this issue for a long time only just recently recognizing it. I treated it conventionally with absolutely no results. I started using antifungal home remedies and I saw immediate results. What happened was, when I had my mummy dick I went to reapply more vinegar and it must have washed away the oil pooling it at the tip. My gauze slipped off a bit so I pulled it with my penis facing downward but it didn't work as well as putting it back on with my penis facing up. That is when I think the tea tree oil went into my urethra.
Jason Cox
Can someone please elaborate on this?
What effect does this have on the body? And would I've experiencing symptoms of it beyond urethral irritation? What happens when terpinenes enter my peen? Do the effects end after exposure or do they continue on the body after you remove the substance?
Juan Hill
OP here. I'm fine it seems. I've still got some weird muscle cramps that started after the indecent, but I really would like an informational reply in laymems from a knowledgeable person.
Jaxson Russell
>he still has his foreskin disgusting
Luke Hughes
It's only disgusting if youre jealous
Levi Morris
i'm a woman though
i would never take an uncircumcised penis in my vagina
Michael Nelson
Would you take tea tree oil in the urethra? I don't think it'd bother you. You're already coarse and unpleasant. And you DO know this is a math and science board, right? Are you here by accident? Aside from all that, why choose to not take raw uncut dicks? Is that you're way of being discerning, so you can feel better about not taking all the dicks?
Parker Morris
I'm not really a woman. I don't know why I said that. I'm sorry.
Hunter Allen
Regular bath soap also irritates the mucus membranes.
Cameron Hall
>OP is the only man to ever have a yeast infection >decides to treat this by wrapping his dick in gauze and soaking it with vinegar >then applies a toxic antiseptic to his dick and some gets in his urethra >immediately makes a thread on Veeky Forums
Very funny. Best thing I've seen today.
Brody Adams
It was the day after that I made the thread.
Ryan Wright
It's funnier the way I described it.
Lucas Parker
It was essentially true. And it was funny.
Anthony Campbell
>Cures viral infections
Stopped reading.
Landon Lopez
tea tree oil, Apple cider vinegar, garlic, coconut oil, and nettle all have anti viral properties and I have used then all for various reasons in wellness.
Just because these things don't CURE herpes, doesn't mean they can't help significantly with symptoms.
Zachary Bailey
Get back to studying pancho.
Alexander Anderson
I feel your pain, user. But then again... Still, it's one buzzfeed "article" away from being used to treat the deadly symptoms of vaccination by people who get their news from buzzfeed.
Parker Kelly
How do you feel about Apple cider vinegar getting rid of yeast/fungal infections? Is that popsci too? Some things just work.
Dylan Reed
>anxiety disorder
OP is the kind of dude who has his local GP on speed dial
>doctor your ten o clock is here >send them in janice >doctors face when user walks in for the 18th time this week >doctors face when user presents his vinegar soaked dick wrapped in gauze
Dylan Jenkins
I'll admit that I do worry more than I should about medical things, but I know well enough that most things aren't going to kill me but again tea tree oil is highly toxic, and there was reason for concern
Benjamin Collins
If you were actually worried, you'd stop treating wounds with things you bought from con artists. People who genuinely care about their own health use real medicine.
Luis Wood
Not op, but tea tree oil is some good shit, snake-oil unrelated.
However op is fucking bonkers
Gabriel Green
I did use real medicine with no results. I used it for a long time. I used my folk medicine for 3 days and saw results immediately. I bought my two items fromthe grocery store by the way. It's not even medicine.
Nicholas Cooper
What do you mean bonkers? It was an accident.
Samuel Torres
How long did you have these open wounds for, anyway?
Liam Cook
They weren't open. It was irritated skin from a make yeast infection. It's caused by execisve moisture and chaffing. It leaves red bumps on the effected areas. And the bumps appeared overnight. I was prompt to find out what they were and I was told by another man what it likely was. He told me how to treat it conventionally, and I did. It was innefective so I used an alternative treatment that worked. Can't stress it enough.
Leo Butler
OP has open wounds on his dick which he wraps in gauze, vinegar and poison
>this happened
Jackson Brooks
You are intentionally disregarding key points of my posts. No but that did happen. But the rash was not an open wound.
Brody Butler
OP pickled his dick to preserve for future generations
Colton Cox
Regular antifungal cream (say for athlete's foot) works too. Just sayin.