What drove you to study STEM and how do you feel about your progress so far?
What drove you to study STEM and how do you feel about your progress so far?
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I had to stop because I couldn't afford it. I draw now. No Chem Engineering for me.
I'm interested in biology. I have been interesting in life ever since I was a small child. I would spend days turning over rocks and studying the bugs underneath. I went through a dinosaur phase which made me interested in evolution, which led to an interest in genetics, my current field of study.
My parents also had a role. They would encourage me to practice math since I was small, and they discouraged me from going into the humanities, which was another interest of mine. I still study history as a hobby but I am glad I went STEM because the way I see it, it is easier to study history as a hobby while having a science job than it is to study science as a hobby while having a history job (since they are rare.)
I want to know EVERYTHING.
take ur pedotoons to .
What's wrong with the Simpsons?
I think its not going well.
Whenever you learn something, another 5 new things emerge,so i feel like getting more behind with every step i take, how can i overcome this feeling, i want to be more influential than tEsl@
cartoons are for pedophiles
Was always interested in science. Loved dinosaurs and astronomy as a kid. People told me I was gifted. Turns out I wasn't, I'm just an autistic loser. I still study science though. Biochemistry son. I thought about doing physics but was scared of the math. In hind sight, I should have chosen physics, since what I actually want to do is quantitative modeling of biological systems.
>People told me I was gifted. Turns out I wasn't, I'm just an autistic loser.
Aren't those the same thing?
Always wanted to be a scientist. Got my BSc in physics, starting MSc when the academic year starts. I guess I'm on track to where I wanna be. Perhaps PhD after this but I don't know for sure. Those people truly are next level.
>Those people truly are next level.
Yeah, the next level of unemployment.
Is it really a gift if it comes at the expense of something else? Depends on the magnitude I guess.
Computer Science
I was playing with computers growing up(I'm only 21, so I was pretty young when I used my parents AOL account to get on the internet via dial up) I would play games and stuff.
I'm a junior at UCI in their computer science program now. I'm not interested in making video games or anything though.
Physics PhDs here in euroland don't have it all that bad just saying
Have a high IQ and didn't want to become a loser so went with engineering.
i dropped out of Engineering cuz I wasnt full homo but bisexual. the other students would laugh at me when i mentioned banging some chick
>like math
>had no social life in high school
>end up doing math in my free time
>up to number theory
>teacher catches me doing some stupid proof in study hall
>school tells me I'm a "phenom"
>say screw it
>do math at a good school
>turns our everyone in my class was just like me
Working on masters, wish me luck
Did you not have video games? I'm good at math but doing that in my free time would rather kick cans during high school
I'm not in stem and I doubt I'll make it to university. No spaces left!! WTH!!
bros should I do applied math at my dream school or computer science at another school? I would like to earn 60000 a year within a few years of graduating
You better be going for business/law. Otherwise you're going to be wasting your time/money. Do a trade. The economy is so shit right now you would be hard-pressed to find a job even in STEM much less with an arts degree (starbucks degree).
I have static noise in phothons and its not on the screen, but I am locked down at psychiatry because I dont want to eat pharmacy pills. I can more than noise, but... you know, to get I pill I wont, I only explode after[ivan]
Its worse than headcrabs what will be if I get another, ...
She is living? The cat? Really? I saw her having pussies... on the way? Will they live?
Hittler Pussies(TM)
Uterecht Central, we have a hittler cat!
But I am on psychiatry hospital being half dead... (Can you somehow being my proliferation being undivisible?)
I don't know. I think it all boils down to that it's what fits me the most, but it would be a lie to say that I don't lose motivation occasionally.
I did poorly in my first year of Chem Eng, entering my second year now I ask myself if it's worth majoring in something just because math and chemistry are fun from time to time.
I'm hoping something will 'click' that allows me to be more passionate about STEM.
I am enrolled in MechE at my uni, I just got accepted 2 weeks ago. They want me to take one computer science course. Is that normal? They wont let me take CAD or drafting until i take CS
I really just like to draw and love math and chemistry so I decided to get a BSE in mechanical to try to become a draftsman.
Simply being born in nature drove me to study Physics.
I feel awful about my progress, like anyone should.
>be taking a comp I course
>always get distracted with Astronomy/Physics documentaries
>watch them in their entirety
>"fuck this business degree I'm doing Physics"
>take my first physics class after a year of grinding out math classes.
>fail first test physics test with a 30
> have failed math tests before, but i felt absolutely crushed after this test, till this day I've never been that depressed.
>become math major
>never been happier, I find genuine interest, consistently get A's and high B's, and do plenty of self study on the side.
Being a draftsman is technician work, user.
Well, I always liked puzzles as a kid. I liked coming up with creative solutions to problems, I enjoyed games with emergent gameplay, and I had a very active imagination. Math was always easy, but I really loved theoretical physics popsci growing up. So, I would read all sorts of popsci articles and books, and eventually, in my sophomore year of high school, I realized it was all smoke and mirrors unless I actually learned it. Upon realizing that my mathematical knowledge was lacking, I taught myself group and ring theory, real analysis, topology, and eventually category theory, all in my Junior and Senior years of highschool. I spent upwards of six hours a day studying from pirated textbooks. Now I am doing my undergraduate studies, and in my free time I learn homotopy theory, algebraic geometry, cobordism theory/QFT, as well as a good deal of computer science.
And now, here I am, posting on motherfucking Veeky Forums.
I would like to be apart of the new space age that's happening. I've been interested with science my whole life. Pretty much sums up my life, but without the evolution partI even had a microscope and would put my blood on the slides and look at my cells. I remember it amazed me to see something from a new perspective and it was something that was inside me the whole time. Right now I'm mostly interested in space exploration, tissue engineering, genetic engineering and regenerative mediciine. I want to help people and do something cool at the same time. As for my progress, it could be better. I do have some basic understanding of physics, but that's about it. Overall, I'm not too happy with my progress. I don't have motivation to wake up and go to the library and read chemistry books or practice math problems. Maybe I'm just a huge faggot. Yeah, because thinking about engineering problems got me thinking about all the dicks I can enjoy myself with.
I want to FUCK everyone in the WORLD.
I wanted to work with and design those machines you see on assembly lines, like on how its made. But not an industrial engineer. Hot, precise machines that have complex moving parts.
It sounds to me that you want to work in manufacturing and "those machines" you are referring to has a specialty field you can get into. If you want to work with robotics, I think it would be best if you studied mechatronics engineering.
What happened buddy?
Even people with STI's?
I took some physics classes in high school and I just couldn't see myself pursuing a career that's not science related. Anything that's not scientific felt like it was a ''sham'' and not really legitimate. I'm majoring in EE because it's the most secure option to study physics. I'm not getting the classes physics majors get, but it gives me the tools I need to pursue my hobby on my own.
Yes even people with STI's
Especially people with those amiright?
>study STEM
nice meme
Took computer science classes in high school. I didn't have bad grades, but I never really excelled in anything until I took those classes. Ended up continuing through university, but high school computer science is pretty much just programming so it was different than expected. Wouldn't change a thing.
I am a college dropout, my major was Mathematics, got some good grades in the first 15 exams. Got a weird head problem and can't learn anything new or technical for shit, Adderal and similars did not help. I don't even remember limit formal definition, although I think I could deduce it if I spent like 4 hours trying to figuring it out. So, yes, I am dumb as fuck.
I come here to see how much I could learn if I wasn't so dumb.
Have you had an eye exam?
When I was in high school, I joined this program where you can pick up an Associate's degree during high school. I had to pick a major, and landed on CS basically at random. I started teaching myself programming, and then dove deeper into the more CS aspects, which led me to love math. 5 years later, I'm in grad school for math.
/x/ pls
Why didn't you change your major if you sucks at math then? Getting a degree is better than nothing.
Money was my primary motivation (EEfag).
97% of the time, I feel pretty good about it. Every now and then I get this overwhelming sense of panic.
Studying is the only thing I am good at
So I guess it just felt right, I hated working in industry and prefer not having a broken body at the age of 50. It just happened.
No, why?
I have difficulty learning anything technical. And I didn't suck at Math. I hope I will find a doctor that will solve my problem and get back on track, but I don't know anymore.
>No, why?
I used to have the same issues as you. "weird head problem" and I had trouble "learning anything new or technical for shit". Trouble with concentration that no amount of stimulants could help. Turns out I just needed glasses.
Wanted to understand the world, went into chem, finished bsc, regretted a lot of things, moving to math
When I was little I decided I wanted to be an EE after my dad took me to this thing were they let kids take apart hard drives
Also I played a fuck ton of video games which made me interested in programming
Thanks man, i just got into the program, i start thermo, statics, intro to eng and intro to materials in 2 weeks, IF I get a B in my physics 2 class.
come to europe.
government pays for your education mostly
if you can deal with the turks and morrocans.
but you barely find any sand men in uni.
so its all good
Yes, they pay for education so much, I ve been forced to go into hospital and I am still there at psychiatry because I explained in public that static of building is so wrong it will fall down like twins. 9/11
Just how drunk are you, Igor?
I think he drank too much schizophrenia juice.
By the looks of it it's probably juice concentrate.
>math is my favorite and best subject in school
>interested hardware and software design
>decide to do electrical engineering
>not sure which subfield to specialize into
>career counselor recommends double majoring into Computer science and Electrical Engineering
>friends with the same major telling me to go for doctorate
My first semester ends Friday (Summer semester), and I have no fucking idea what I should be doing education wise to get the most enjoyment/success out of my major.
>interested in electrical hardware and software design
Jesus fucking Christ, fixed it.
I studied literature and philosophy, cause it interested me and I'm from a wealthy background, so the job market was never an issue. The closer I got to finishing the more I took interested in STEM subjects as well and while at first I was thinking about pursuing a PhD in literature I took an interest in math. I finished my masters and now I study mathematics. I'm trying to kinda fast track it though and not sure what the fuck I'll do afterwards.
The fact that I got a literature degree tends to weird people out at uni though, it's kinda fun.
No reason why you can't do both like the guy above. He's not that famous, even though he's pretty based.
a u t i s m
Starting my third year of chemical engineering and kinda bummed out that I chose chem instead of electrical.
I want to go into research and at least get a MSc or MEng before working, but it feels like electrical engineers have much more impact than just boring old process engineering. In too deep to switch, guess I can do some programming and hardware studying on my own but I'll never get as far as someone who studied it full time.
Got into chemical engineering because of the biochemical stream offered at my school. We complete the same degree as chemical engineering but with added electives like biomedical engineering and transport phenomena based on biological systems.
Working on PhD.
I wish I had
1) self respect. It gets in the way of work.
2) weed. It helps me work.
2) parents that had known ANYTHING about STEM (they are smart, but work in medicine.)
That being said, even though I feel somewhat behind, I also have a unique skill set no one I work with has. So I guess I shouldn't feel so bad. Just so much interesting stuff in the world, there isn't enough time to understand it all, but that doesn't keep me from trying.
What are peoples thoughts biomedical sciences/engineering?
Should I?
>2) weed. It helps me work.
Really? How, exactly? What kind of weed?
pick only one
U're mum. Now sod off, kid.
>What drove you to study STEM
Interest in all things science throughout my life and everything else seemed boring.
>and how do you feel about your progress so far?
I started doing Physics but now I think I'm too dumb for it and now I'll probably just do Materials Science just to get some degree out of the shitfest that university has been. I don't feel good and I hate my life and I don't see what kind of employment I could possibly end up in. University has killed any drive I had mostly because my expectations were too high and reality isn't nice.
Curiosity. Perhaps I should have done Physics and Philosophy.
I didn't know what studying was last year so, partially due to that, I had a pretty shit time. I have to pass a resit in September to go on with the degree.
Learning takes so long, it seems. I'm impatient for the interesting stuff and it hinders me.