Female Jaw Science

Monica Lewinsky has a sort of noticably roundish squarish jaw as opposed to a more normal pointed jaw.
I dated a girl who had a square jaw, and she ended up being cheating slut who had fucked up daddy issues.

Xena Princess Warrior is a sort of masculine female character who also has a square jaw.
Sigourney Weaver the protagonist of every movie in the Alien franchise also had a square jaw.

Is there some science I can look at on women with square jaws, and other information I can gather about people based on their jaw or other facial features?

Other urls found in this thread:

groups.anthropology.northwestern.edu/lhbr/kuzawa_web_files/pdfs/Kuzawa et al PNAS 2010.pdf

If you don't breed with women with square jaws your sons will be jawlets that will NEVER learn.

What the fuck OP?

So I googled Physiognomy and found a wikipedia article calling it a pseudo-science and a bunch of other sites associating it with stupid old-timey racists, but then are all these scientific studies posted on non-partisan sites and partisan sites of both ends that all purport some kind of connection between physical characteristics and personality traits all just part of an uber-racist mega conspiracy?

groups.anthropology.northwestern.edu/lhbr/kuzawa_web_files/pdfs/Kuzawa et al PNAS 2010.pdf

Ofcourse none of those sites call it "Physiognomy".

What the fuck? Don't you know that everyone is completely equal? Holy shit you are one anti-gay shitlord.

Jawlet here, I have almost saved enough money for implants. Then I can acquire a square-jawed wife and pray her superior genes wipe out mine in the next generation.

Any flaws in my plan?

>everyone is equal == everyone is exactly the same

>Any flaws in my plan?
No. It's a perfect plan. Your genes will absolutely get wiped out, because she will not being giving birth to another man's children.

You literally wrote the same thing on both sides of the equal sign. It's a greentext so I can tell you're being sarcastic, but there is no a difference between the word "equal" and "same".

>2+2 == 3+1
Checkmate atheists.

Those papers study different things.

Lets ignore the Filipino paper for now. The remaining papers fall into two categories, social science and hard science. The social science papers deal with subjective traits like trustworthiness (first paper) or gender roles (gaydar paper). These papers attempt to draw a tenuous link between hormones and these subjective characteristics. The hard science papers instead focus on different things, mainly physical characteristics (eg. hand size paper and penis size papers) and sexual orientation. These papers again try to draw a link between hormones and sexual orientation via measurable physical characteristics that are known to be influenced by hormones (eg by measuring hand sizes we may make inferences about the early hormonal state of an individual and thereby possibly deduce sexual orientation). Note, sexual orientation and gender role are different things. Gender role is what makes a gay male act differently from a straight male/female, lesbian female, trans male/female, etc.. in other words it is the basis of gaydar. Not all gay individuals "act gay" which is another way of saying that they don't subscribe to the gay gender role even though they have a gay sexual orientation. In general, social science tends to deal with vague social constructs that don't "really exist" but that seem relevant to every day people. Social science is often regarded as pseudoscience here on Veeky Forums.


The trustworthiness paper is another social science paper but it is particularly dubious because it attempts to make inferences about trustworthiness based on the early hormonal state of an individual. That said there is more research on the subject since it seems that humans in general do tend to associate certain personality traits with certain physical characteristics. Whether this varies from culture to culture or time to time I do not know (for instance a trivial explanation would be that art and media has taught us to associate certain looks with villains rather than the other way around).

The Filipino paper is another particularly dubious paper. Do not be fooled, this is also social science. It is attempting to suggest that weight gain is part of a reproductive strategy that the Philippine population takes part in either consciously or subconsciously.

All of that said, I think Monica Lewinski is a pretty cool guy. Ehs fucks the president and doesn't afraid of anything.

You would not do well in a homotopy type theory course. Drop out of math now, anonkun.

>In general, social science tends to deal with vague social constructs that don't "really exist" but that seem relevant to every day people. Social science is often regarded as pseudoscience here on Veeky Forums.
So you don't subscribe to, for instance, the pseudoscientific idea that the majority of black murders are committed by blacks, because race is a "social construct"?


You're sliding with irrelevant information. You haven't addressed the fact that you literally tried to pretend that "same" and "equal" are different in order to discredit me.

that's not pseudoscientific because it's not trying to be science

it's just raw data

when you start making up bullshit ad-hoc reasons and forcing causation into it, that's when you start doing pseudoscience

I'm not the person you were arguing with. I just wanted to make fun of you for being clearly wrong and retarded.

Social constructs are literally memes. There is nothing scientific about them. You may as well start collecting data about people's fursona.

>I just wanted to make fun of you for being clearly wrong and retarded.
You wanted to make fun of my argument without making a counter-argument because you're intellectually weak.

>Social constructs are literally memes. There is nothing scientific about them. You may as well start collecting data about people's fursona.
Furries are creepy people with major personality problems. I know that much right from the get-go if someone has ANY kind of "fursona."

>it's just raw data
>Stop trying to form conclusion BASED on that data.

>Every retard who makes a retarded claim deserves your time and attention.

People change their race many times throughout their lifetime. How they choose it is largely based on how they feel and with which group they want to be associated with as well as to some extent how they want to perceive themselves. This is no different from a fursona. I agree that it's creepy for someone to choose a made up social identity based on how they want to be perceived and then go onto invest a disproportionate amount of time into it. I hope for your sake that isn't what you do.

Ask yourself if your race/fursona defines who you are. If the answer is yes then you are a sad creep who should strive for a better sense of self-identity.

>>Every retard who makes a retarded claim deserves your time and attention.
No, you're right. If someone is completely retarded, they don't deserve a response, but you gave my post a response, because you knew it was correct. If there were an actual flaw in my reasoning you would have pointed it out, because it would help make me seem even more ridiculous to the outside observer.

If my claims are not worth refuting, then why are they worth addressing? The answer is obvious. Because I'm participating in politically incorrect bad-think that needs to be shut down as quickly as possible.

>People change their race many times throughout their lifetime

please do not make fun of transnigger like nigself you shit lord

Squarer jaws = higher testosterone. These also tend to have deeper voice, also an effect of high test. Physiognomy is very real so don't listen to the fucking cucks on this board telling you otherwise because it doesn't fit their egalitarian agenda. Funnily enough they believe in the 2D:4D ratio correlation with testosterone levels, which is textbook physiognomy.

>Funnily enough they believe in the 2D:4D ratio correlation with testosterone levels
How can you be sure they believe this? They may have said so in the past, and may conveniently deny it, if you press them.

Thank you. Since wikipedia is clearly compromised, where can I find more information on physiognomy?

I thought that was a photogram of a kitten

morphopsychology books by louis corman


It's true. Not only do people change their race multiple times throughout their life and not only do large populations of people change their race as well but even large statistics gathering systems like the US Census change race depending on politics (depending on the political climate a racial classification may count as white or non-white).

>pew research

>run of the mill news

This link is mostly interesting because of the legal cases described and the quotes by the US Supreme court on the definition of "white".

>Squarer jaws = higher testosterone.
lol, citation required

E!, fashion magazines, buzzfeed

People may change their racial identity, but their actual racial make-up doesn't change.