A new semester is nearly upon us.
What are your academic goals for this semester, Veeky Forums?
A new semester is nearly upon us.
What are your academic goals for this semester, Veeky Forums?
pass all my exams and have a 4 month break.
Learn how to solve ODE's, Neural nets and Image Processing.
Get physically, psychologically and financially well enough to pass a few courses this winter.
Get accepted as a tutor for statistics 2
Go through engineering mathematics without fucking up and doing something else. Learn how to program in C.
To keep my cumulative GPA above 3.5 while maintaining a job and my research position and getting fucked up 3 times a week
Be a tutor for Programming Course 1 and teach the newbies some Java.
I don't know shit about Java myself, but I kinda aced the exam two semesters ago and now got offered the job as tutor.
Pass Calculus I with a B- or higher, ace my Astronomy course I am taking online and my regular Ancient Art History class. After that I want to do Physics I and Calculus II with a challenging but fun engineering course and then kill myself.
That was me bro, only got to 3.2 tho, it pays off
to pass the isotope class that everyone in my major is scared of because they're dumb as shit. and are advising me not to take it because it is "just too hard"
Perfect GPA
Get involved with a publication on campus
Not to get kicked out of my program
balance coursework with my job and my needy gf
Hope the kids I'm TAing gen chem 2 lab for aren't total shithead
Finish the admission course to mi uni (intro to calculus, linear algebra, physics, chemistry).
Reach JLPT N5.
Learn web development (I know it's a meme).
Get a job.
See my friends from time to time.
Keep dating ths girl and see where it goes, or not, I don't really mind.
Figure out my life
Repair my fucked gpa
I notice none of you said "make friends".
Maybe you all have an adequate social circle already, but friends are an academic goal too.
Maybe, I don't care that much because my classes aren't presencial but one, and unfortunately my ex whom I ditched two weeks ago is enroled.
However when I get into my career (physics) I hope to make good friends.
>tfw engineer
>people still don't like me
>only two friends I had in college are always "too busy" to hang out
I've given up desu
Pass evening classes with 3.0 or greater
Figure out a project to work on with my advisor
Don't get fired
Lose 15 lbs
Don't let the despair and lonliness get to me
Get into the lab I want and pass my entrance exams. Then I can sink into a deep depression as I drudge through research like everyone else.
Pass P-chem
Noone here really cares about my plans so i wont bother
Only results matter
Maintain 4.0 ChemEng GPA
Maintain my Veeky Forums body
But mostly importantly make me really strong connections. I get depressed when I don't have close friends to talk to in the semester and I value my happiness more than grades.
Actually, I got kinda fat this semester because I didn't work out. I loaded up lmao3plates the other day (which is a good amount for my manlet size), did 6 reps and then got a hemorrhoid fuck.
Oh well. Rate me Veeky Forums
Well, fug. Pic related.
On a related note: Has anybody actually bothered using PDEs for chem engineering? I can barely find a use for complex analysis unless it was for certain topics in fluid chemical transport.
Trying not to blow too many profs to get that primo internship
My goal is to complete 50% more courses than normal this semester so I can get my double bachelors earlier
Self conscious manlet virgin/10
this guy knows whats up
hemorrhoids fucking suck mang. I had surgery for that shit. It thrombosed and the pain was amazing. I would only wish that type of pain on muslims.
Plus like 7 people looked at my butthole over the course of 2-3 days which was cool.
Im taking statics, intro materials engineering, intro to engineering and thermo 1. Hopefully i can get into comp sci, but im 8th on the waiting list for the only class that fits my schedule.
But im starting at my new uni and my goal is to not be a nervous wreck week one!
I'll be taking the most classes I've ever taken... SIX
I'll probably end up dropping one before the semester starts, but I want to take a look at the syllabi first.
I had five for the first time last semester and it fucked my GPA a little bit.
get good at knowing the human anatomy, knowing biomechanics and knowing biochemistry.
Find the last digit of pi
I just graduated. It will be my first semester not going to school and I don't like it. I wish I could go back without incurring massive debt. Self studying is good too.
>but friends are an academic goal too.
stop watch anime
Co-write a paper and get it published.
Get at least a 3.7 GPA to unfuck my cumulative GPA.
Read Structures and Interpretations of Classical Mechanics.
>t. social """scientist"""
We are all hardcore STEM autists here, go away you non-autist.
Get a 4.0 so I'll get accepted to Vanderbilt for my transfer
not fail
Don't fall behind in a course I'm taking early
Get 100 in every math and cs course
Get the highest marks in my university.
Fuckery with lab equipment caused me to miss the deadline for an August Master's defense, so I guess I'll be doing my defense in September.
Following that, I'm going to get a couple of papers finished / reviewed /published and do an internship at the space agency, while deciding whether to go back for a PhD or get into industry to make some cash.
> Make friends
Friends... Careful now making friends may be a bad thing.
There are friends that are nice people who help and support you and there are the other type of 'friends' that use and distract you.
By making friends with the wrong people they could potentially fuck over your academics.
I've had asshole friends who wanted to try and copy my work and some would block my path and take up my time to explain something they didn't understand.
Sometimes I wish I never encountered these kinds of people, they're seriously annoying and I try my best to avoid them by lying.
I've had a so call 'friend' who I allowed them to have a look at my work to help them with theirs. Although he took my work and copied it entirely. We were both found of the offence of collusion, lucky enough the professor was nice and let us of warning.
For now on, whenever a friend asks me for help I just lie and say that 'I haven't started the work', 'I don't understand it either' or some other similar statement.
finish all my exams
not to cry while studying as much as I did last semester
not being a shitty TA