Cognitive Science

Why aren't you studying the most complex thing in the known universe?

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if everyone has it, why is it so difficult for us to define consciousness?

because it's a red herring

>the most complex thing in the known universe?
You're right! Why doesn't everyone study the universe and its physics!?!?

the universe as we perceive it is just an illusion created in our minds.

the laws of physics are coming directly from the human brain, not the universe. they're an invention that happens to describe some of the things around us. how can something made up be more complex than the thing that made it up?

I tried but my intro biopsych class required too much memorization. I'm lazy af and dropped it the first week.

Because it didn't come from one brain

It came from millions of brains

A million brains into one. A millibrain.

are you implying that cognitive science focuses on the study of a single brain?


One single generic mind, yes.

well, that simply isn't true. what this field of science is trying to achieve is explaining the brain in general. this includes, but is not limited to mental illnesses, healthy brains, the brains of dullards and geniuses alike.

take henry molaison's brain for example. it taught us a lot of things about how memory works and the role of the hippocampus, but it is neither a generic mind (the hippocampus was surgically removed from both sides), nor is it the only one we are trying to comprehend.

>tfw dementia will be cured by the time you're 90 years old

I'm gonna start studying psychology next year with the aim of being a research/experimental psychologist in the spectrum of cognitive science. Should I minor in Maths/stats, bio, or philosophy?

maths and statistics are a mandetory course for psychology students at my uni. maths is always useful.

if you want to go into psychiatry with medical training, biology might be more up your alley.

i wouldn't recommend philosophy, you can do that in your spare time.

The universe created the mind. The laws of physics are an attempt for this mind to explain the shit that's happening around it.

If you're doing research then Maths/stats for sure. When it comes down to doing research, you're gonna need to quantitatively measure your findings. The only way you're going to be doing that is through statistics and quite frankly, first year stats courses are complete shit.

Take Bio, maths and stats to the intermediate level. Then choose which to major in. Butvtake all to the intermediate level

Because it's filled with crackport and pseudo-sciences?

>the universe as we perceive it is just an illusion created in our minds

citation needed

one for all
all for one

Evolution has done most of the work for me. The more immediate goal is keeping this brain alive as long as possible.

Because there are Psychology and Philosphy in your image OP.
It's like trying to make the best cake ever, you put all the best ingredients but then you also put a disgusting shit inside.
Now would you eat that cake?
...It still has the best ingredients for making a cake...

>the universe as we perceive it is just an illusion created in our minds.

>the laws of physics are coming directly from the human brain, not the universe.



because cognitive "science" is a random collection of bullshit that stopped being scientific a long time ago, like psychology.

Thanks for the advice anons

why the fuck did they have to include philosophy? it's like including arts in STEM and call it STEAM, no one would be this stupid, right?

You can't really prove that everyone has it.

Because I'm studying neuroscience, which is cognitive science with modern application and without liguists, philosophers and psychologists going "LOOK MOM, I DO SCIENCE TOO!"

NFKRS here?

am in high ranked dept which is branch of cog sci and can confirm

I don't think you know what philosophy is actually about

Will I ever be able to reshape psychology into a science if I BTFO all the pseud bullshit from within?