Is computer science really a meme degree ? Is the math we do in these studies really low-tier compared to what a maths major does ? Are indians going to take all the jobs ? Is the theory behind algorithms, sorting, O(n) search times interesting ?
Should I do a telecommunications engineering degree or maths degree instead ?
>Is the math we do in these studies really low-tier compared to what a maths major does ? Yeah
Jayden King
>Are indians going to take all the jobs ? Yeah
Juan Cook
Ok thanks. Glad I didn't hop on the hype train.
Austin Hernandez
>Should I do a telecommunications engineering degree or maths degree instead ? Yeah.
Nicholas James
>ask Veeky Forums if cs is a meme degree >expecting the answer to be anything other than yes
but seriously AI algorithms can be interesting to study. Not much is discussed during undergrad but I think topics like hueristic algorithms, pathfinding, and NLP fun to implement and see in action.
Jason Gray
>Is computer science really a meme degree ?
It is a meme by definition. It has been popularized by the media and companies seemingly for no reason. Hopefully no salty CS major will debate this.
>Is the math we do in these studies really low-tier compared to what a maths major does ?
Yes but this is trivial. No one does math like mathematicians. The problem really arises when you compare it with physicists or even engineers and you find it is still inferior. However this may vary for every program.
>Are indians going to take all the jobs ?
That is what statistics show. H1-B visas are on the rise, for one thing.
>Is the theory behind algorithms, sorting, O(n) search times interesting ?
It definitely is and I'm saying this as a math major. I've read CLRS and this topic specifically caught my attention. I really like how you can apply mathematics to every part of the design of a process. There is not only math directly involved in making an algorithm that say, multiplies matrices, but also there is some sort of meta-mathematics going on about how 'hard' it is to multiply matrices. I find that really interesting.
Liam King
Once someone managed to explain N = NP to me in a way I could understand, I realized that its a really cool problem
Bentley Bailey
>Is the math we do in these studies really low-tier compared to what a maths major does ?
This is what they claim to be really "advanced" "abstract" math that go "beyond" anything engineers do.
Andrew Price
>Keep making the same thread over and over until they confirm my biases
Grayson Wood
I'm going to assume you're not retarded and that you're asking about graduate degrees, not undergraduate.
No, computer science is not just a meme degree. There are still major outstanding systems and algorithms problems. Major areas include automated program understanding and cryptography.
The math can get tough when you get to theoretical cryptography.
Indians are going to take only the undergraduate CS jobs. If you're not retarded (i.e., if you're not competing for those jobs), you'll be fine.
Whether algorithmic complexity is interesting is for you to decide. Read papers and figure out for yourself. If you can't bother to read papers, you're probably retarded, and you should ignore this post.
Math at its deepest levels (category theory, homotopy type theory) is very closely related to computer science, so it really doesn't matter which one you do. Your choice should depend on whether you have a preference for systems or for proofs.
Charles Lewis
>seemingly for no reason. More programmers -> less expected sallary
Ethan Walker
I work for BP and rely on the chart systems and computer applications heavily They just hired a new systems engineer a year ago who has a masters in computer science and this guy fixed 20 years of problems in like half a year. So whatever they teach in CS, it works and makes my life easier
Adam Mitchell
>intro freshman course
Camden Green
If you look at CS job growth vs CS undergrads, you'll realise why it's pushed so much, and they needed to dumb it down to make it attractive to more people. I say this as a CS student, I believe that CS is something one needs to study on his own, not just follow what his uni has for him and then think he's just fine.
Thomas Lewis
>Math at its deepest levels (category theory, homotopy type theory) is very closely related to computer science, so it really doesn't matter which one you do. Your choice should depend on whether you have a preference for systems or for proofs.
It's more than just preference, learning proofs is way harder than learning "systems" i.e. the weird mix of programming and basic math that CS involves. If you know proofs you can teach yourself the other stuff. That is, if you are capable of learning proofs in the first place.
Joseph Price
First mistake: Asking a suggestive question. Second mistake: Asking Veeky Forums. Ask someone who has a lot of experience and is not autistic.
Blake Gonzalez
Are you seriously asking for educational/career advice on 4 fucking chan you stupid faggot?
Noah Gonzalez
Of course you learn a minor subset of math compared to someone who is literally studying math. Does it really matter?
Michael Jenkins
I wouldn't call one hard than the other. In math, you have the flexibility that your proofs don't have to be implementable or even remotely efficient, which helps speed up the early stages. In computer science, you have the benefit of mass experimental validation, which helps speed up the later stages. They're both complementary to learning the same thing, and they both have major pros and cons.
Also, if you're any good at programming, it's not like you get a free pass on proofs. If you just shit out a system without reasoning about whether you've covered all cases correctly, you're going to end up with a shitty system.
Lucas Peterson
>Is computer science really a meme degree ? Depends on your effort and aspirations
>Is the math we do in these studies really low-tier compared to what a maths major does ? Yes
>Are indians going to take all the jobs ? See question 1
>Is the theory behind algorithms, sorting, O(n) search times interesting ? Yes
>Should I do a telecommunications engineering degree or maths degree instead ? No yes