Have you ever heard about Neuro-linguistic programming(NLP)? Your body contains 8 Chakras. These are instinct, or power in your body. Drugs can stimulate those different "Chakras". If one Chakras is low, you will get negative consequences. Like if your 5. Chakra is low, thats the sosial part of the Chakra. Guess witch drug that simulate that Chakra? MDMA, and that drug is also known for developing of Sosical skills. Why do I think this has to do something with the drug restriction?
There is hard to find any information about drugs and NLP, but if you study NLP you learn that it does. At the moment there is a Norwegain wikipedia page that tells about witch drug that stimulates witch Chakra.
Heres the Norwegian Wiki page about it. Use google translate to translate it:
when on drug the social dynamic doesn't really matter from the coked up jabber jaw to the loudmouth drunkard to the meth head taking a toke at 4:00 am at a bus stop to the heroin addict shooting up in a ditch.
you just become unaware of the social dynamic.
Landon Myers
Before I tried MDMA my social skills was = 0 After 3 rolls, I developed a manipulate social skill. Meaning I know what to do and say, in 2 different ways, to make people feel better, or harm them people in a negative way by knowing what that persons weaknesses. I have a social skill now that can make people do things for me, because i convince them to it. I have always wondered why I got "Fixed". But if NLP is a thing, I have finnaly fount out why.
LSD made me get many flashbacks, and all I could think of was why Drugs are illegal. After alot of research I think NLP in fact have something to do with drug restriction
Jaxson Young
never heard of chackras being mentioned in neuro linguitic programming.
but yes NLP is a very common tactic for sales men, and its widely used in negotiations and deescalation.
are you sure you just didn't become aware of said social skill?
communication is mainly about manipulation. when you say something you are manipulating a person's psyche in some way. be it either imaginging your narrative, or thinking of ways they can refute you, or thinking of things that actually agree with what you are saying.
doing MDMA probably made you let your guard down enough to not really care about the social consequences if you were to story to manipulate people. Also people on drugs are alot easier to manipulate than people who are sober.
Zachary Davis
if there's a stupid chakra yours is thru the roof xD
Zachary Phillips
They're illegal because they cause degeneracy. If you support that degeneracy then please kindly book a one way trip to the Philippines for your next holiday.
Owen Phillips
I can did get the power to set myself inside a person and see things fully and clearly from that persons perspective. From here i can see weaknesses, or opportunities to say something right. that makes a person feel better
David Russell
>They're illegal because they cause degeneracy. Because having a society that knows it can't make money off unemployed people, and instead fills its privatized prisons to the brim with them and people who were distributing or making drugs, and then leaves them to rot with arbitrary sentencing, isn't degeneracy.
Luis Bennett
Christopher Cooper
I think this theory is not well known because it could not be proven. NPL is science on universal level, it science that includes the spiritual world.
I didnt know /pol/ visited Veeky Forums. I didn't think it was in their realm of possible human experience.
Xavier Young
there is no scientific backup on any of that claims.
just get a job you asshole
Blake Garcia
>drugs are illegal
Drugs arent illegal
Nicholas Perez
>Everything I don't like or understand is degeneracy
Fucking degenerate
Charles Miller
Ha-ha. Nice joke ! xDxDxD. MLG !!!! >>>reddit.com
Brody Phillips
I think that drugs is illegal because Transhumanism, the movement that started NLP, was looked at as the most dangerous idè ever existed. So in 1970 when they found out things, that some drugs can stimulate instincts = making us evolve faster.
Chase Cox
That Idê again is to make humans superhumans, like alien ish creatues. I belive in this, I think it's possible
Dominic Garcia
ur'e mad xD and prolly high
Lucas Ramirez
Do not commit logical fallacies. /thread
"Cheetahs are small but fastest land animals. I am bigger than a cheetah, I must be faster!" -You
Jacob Cooper
>fallacies Kind of, but this Transhumanism cannot be logical explained. Because in reality, the thinking of this is too advanced for words to explain. If i tell others that have experienced the same as me, they will see things and agree(Because the thoughts of this idea is too advanced to understand in the normal 4 dimensions way of thinking)
Andrew Collins
When you are at LSD, you can feel the telepathic powers the brain has in some cases. (fallacies again, but realistic for me ->) I felt i could telepathically communicate with my friend that also was high on the drug. You see, I did not need words to communicate, if I thinked about something; my friend would stalk thinking the same thing. It was like our brain where merged into one brain.
Luis King
Jason Lewis
John Bennett
Have you looked around? Veeky Forums has been utter shit since 2014, possibly earlier.
Jeremiah Roberts
>Why do I think this has to do something with the drug restriction? for anyone who can think, that isn't totally programmed with the (((narrative))) you probably have wondered just exactly why drugs like LSD are illegal with such draconian penalties attached to their possession. The answer is simply (((they))) do not want the plebs to question the (((narrative))) to a degree that you'll serve more time in prison for possessing less than a gram of a non-toxic substance than you will for murder.
The links with NLP and other methods of mind control are heading in the right direction
Kayden Diaz
I had a bad trip on MDMA and my life is a mess. Drugs really fuck people up for years. Heavy doses of LSD sometimes cause schizophrenia which never goes away
Cameron Morales
Spiritual world isn't science. If it can't be proven, it isn't science.
Jonathan Garcia
If it cannot be logically explained, it isn't real. Even supposedly transcendent abstract concepts like love and death can be explained logically. Don't get me wrong, there very well might be a good way to describe it logically, and you're just too stupid to understand it. But more likely I think you're pulling shit out of your ass and calling it science.
Ian Anderson
NLP is trash pseudoscience. Not even psychology. Just a dumb cult.
Kevin Lee
>I had a bad trip on MDMA
You need to be at least 18 years old to use this website.
Blake Bennett
Isn't NLP pseudoscience?
Blake Sullivan
Stop trying to bait people to respond to your shit...
Joseph Reed
>I have finnaly found out why non-petrochemical drugs in genreal is illegal