If you had a kid, what subject would you want him/her to pursue and why?
If you had a kid, what subject would you want him/her to pursue and why?
Whatever he/she wanted
Will they EVER learn?
Manlet studies with a minor in memes
>having kids
>raising kids
it is not the subject that is important. it is the attitude, the behavior. I would do it like Trump did with his children. but I am definitely biased in favor of physics + economics + EE
Whatever she wanted. My dad tried to push me into physics but my passion from a young age was biology. Now that I'm older he realizes that it wouldn't have worked out without the passion and physicists can't get jobs anyways so he was wrong.
I'd teach her to become a female Ruby professional hacker woman.
Smashing Tall Girls 101
I didn't mean forcing kids to do things but more of interesting them from a very young age. Sorry for not making it clear.
What did trump do?
Well if you mean just encouraging I would encourage my child to be interested in mathematics, since I see mathematical competence as the 'sine qua non' of STEM ability. Other than that I would encourage her to play outside and read books about animals since that is what interested me in bio.
Might as well tell your kid he can be an NFL quarterback or a movie star.
good, people like you probably shouldnt reproduce xD
what if it's a boy?
who is this Amazon giantess?
shooped Karlie Kloss
how to have more kids early so that we get welfare
>tfw now that I'm struggling the STEM process myself I would raise my son to be a brodude Chad and be a famous sportsman
>what subject would you want him/her to pursue
Whatever the hell they want, though I will guide them towards the sciences or some field that is somewhat marketable. This may be conscious or unconscious, because even though I will try to let them choose that's what I chose and my philosophy will undoubtedly rub off on them as they see me as a role model.
Because anyone will tell you that forcing a child down a certain path is not good parenting.
idk man she's 6'2"
Maybe those people are just really short
>Teaching your kids to be welfare bunnies
Solid evolutionary advantages at work here.
Anything that could make him/her money and they'd find satisfaction doing.
Medicine, because 300k starting
look at her silhouette around the legs and arms. its cropped
Depends on what your specialty is. Most surgery specialties are, but they are competative and require an additional 3-5 years in residency before you hit that "starting" salary. No specialty means you won't make very much, you may see something like $120k, but that probably won't be starting. Even most specialties won't get you $300k starting (not counting residency of course). If you go cardiologist, anesthesiologist, or radiologist you can get that, but if you go with family medicine or podiatry you'll make less as both make less than $200k on average (let alone starting). The downside with becoming a specialist is that you could be 30 before you really begin practicing as that specialist.
thanks professor
terrible shooping on the legs and hair
gender studies
Field interest comes second to not be a worthless underachiever.
I'd worry about making the kid be curious and making him enjoy learning new things first.
Then again
>dat cheek
was this edited in ms paint?
So since its unlikely that the child will become an NFL quarterback or a movie star, they should therefore not have an interest in sport/drama?
Depends on my economic condition. If it's okay he/she should study whatever tickles his/her brain.
If I've no money, I would probably suggest something that has a wide application outside of academia. For instance, if they wanted to pursue something in humanities or social science, at least finish it off with some Master programme in Digital Humanities or Computational Social Science.
If they don't wanna do that, I'd be fine too.
mathematics ofcourse
after that whatever he/she wanted
>Not having enough children to hit all the bases
Every family needs a:
If my children want to pursue their dreams, they need to do it with their own money. With my money, my children pursue my dreams. That means that they'll have the option of the following majors: chemistry, physics, mathematics, EE, or economics. If they want to major in some bullshit that ends in -ology or "studies" or "sciences", then they'll have to pay for themselves.