Welp, im done.
Welp, im done
>gets on internet
>triggered by memes
sun made of lava should've won
Those last three aren't terrible. The rest are shit though.
Why didn't you fags make a banner
I like it
>sun made of lava
kek make it happen
it already lost you retard.
>300k starting lost to a calculator
triggered tbqh
every board i frequent is dissatisfied with the winning banners. The problem is that everyone on Veeky Forums with a Veeky Forums pass votes on everyone's banners, so basically /b/ and /v/ got to pick.
1 2 3 4 5 and 7 belong on reddit
I seriously cant balieve that pic related got the most votes.
While the voting was going on I was sure that it would be last. Its not funny, its not clever, it contains nothing sci related, it has no memes, its an old tired joke thats even been on family guy. Who the fuck are these retards who voted for it?
>Who the fuck are these retards who voted for it?
Veeky Forums regulars, apparently.
jesus fucking christ these banners are absolutely retarded, only Veeky Forums pass users would be this tripfag level of retarded
it's idiots self-important enough to purchase an "i'm important" ticket who get to vote on this and fuck it up for everyone
These are all great. What's crawled up in your asshole and died?
no they're not all great you idiotic redditor
Well, I think they're great. They showcase the silliness of this place perfectly.
no, it showcases how newfags with absolutely no clue about Veeky Forums culture like you come here and think we give a fuck about their opinions, and then purchase idiotic shit like Veeky Forums pass and vote with those idiotic reddit opinions
im fucking pissed man
you would use "silly" to describe this fucking shithole
what's next man? "lul so randum"? ugh fucking shit
Did someone tickle you're johnsons?
>tfw no Barnett Identity banner
Veeky Forums went to shit some time ago already.
Exactly. People don't remember those oldfag memes like the gorillaposting and such.
except maybe the last 3, they all seem like they were made by someone who never browsed Veeky Forums
>Gorillaposter made his own banners.
That guy is the definition of autism.
>nobody remembers EK anymore
>Nobody remembers the qualia threads being posted every 5 minutes
>nobody remembers diamonds anymore
>crying over some meme strips
Keep it up Veeky Forums
used to be, easiest way to cause a shitstorm was to go into a thread where she'd posted and address her as "Rose Elizabeth Kelly-Lines" and watch her flip out.
>allowing outsiders to define what Veeky Forums memes are about
yes, its no big deal that all the underage people on /b/ and /r9k/ will see 'BOOBIES" LOL COME TO SCI! and make this place even more shit.
>muh sekrit board
There is no "outsiders" cumkid. This board doesn't belong to anyone ;^)
>implying there isn't 500 times more boobies going on in /b/ and /r9k/
>A circle
>not tracing out the 4 leaf clover
reddit normies and probably engineering students too
That her real name?