Live in germany. Just saw this in the sky. Wtf is this?

Live in germany. Just saw this in the sky. Wtf is this?

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Zoomed in pic



I though all you germanfags were smart, due to superior education, and such.

The chemtrails make them dumb.
You can see them in the picture

Well, we have clouds, the moon, the light from the sun, and the sky. I thought you meant the clouds, but the zoom-in... never seen a low-res moon before?

Which one am I supposed to be looking at?

>send pics to friend
>he posts without permission

OP is a faggot as always

this is how moon looks right now in germany

better pic


lens flares bro

the one with spots

if someone could identify this object itd be really cool

I hate Jar Jar Abrams

btw it wasnt visible with naked eye, only came out on camera

god bless smartphones

i said lens flares you bitch kraut

>lens flare
>perfect circle shape in the same general area in every pic while sun changes position
>dimly lit lens flare when sun was setting

i dont think so timmy

Then its a speck on the lens you tit. your pics are full of em


maybe you should clean your lens mang

Apparently you're always taking it from the inside of you car. It's either the flash or a lens from your phone. Or it's the Sun refracting through the glass on your car.

Holy fuck, what is this thing!?

It's a picture for ants, is what it is.

thats a dirty spot on the windshield of a car

probably some reflection from your car's glass, try getting the object outside from the car.

If you get it, turn your smartphone upside down and try again.

If the object is still there, that's some fucked up shit m8.

> taken by 2 different cameras
> one inside the car and one inside the kitchen
> dirty spot on the windshield
> thinking I was asking pros

>btw it wasnt visible with naked eye, only came out on camera
Dummes Kind.
Glaubst du deine Kamera hat einen neuen Planeten entdeckt oder was?
Geh dich schämen.

>> one inside the car and one inside the kitchen
Nigga they were both taken from inside, through the glass. Like I already mentioned, could be the sun refracting, or the lens from your camera, or motherfucking Ghost Michael Jackson dancing on the Moon. Go outside and take the picture.

Let's see how good my German is
Stupid kid
Do you think your camera detected a ninth planet or what?
You should be ashamed of yourself.

that looks like the moon for me.

its new (neuen) not ninth (neunten)

Du kannst stolz auf dich sein, im Gegensatz zu OP.

It's a meme sphere. Local phenomenon