>yeah I have depression
>it's a disease like any other
>just like how diabetes is caused by a lack insulin, my depression is caused by a lack of serotonin in the brain
>so I take a drug to increase serotonin in my brain in order to treat it, just as a diabetic takes insulin
Yeah I have depression
Other urls found in this thread:
Cool story, bro
>yfw "addiction" is a disease
just put down the bottle
Muh free will?
yes, the same free will that let you pick up the bottle
>> /r9k/
Kill yourself
Stop. I'm becoming upset.
>low serotinin
Having far too much fun desu.
>le low serotonin meme
Kys popsci nigger.
Increased serotonin in the synaptic cleft improves depression indirectly, by the downregulation of post-synaptic 5-HT receptors.
>Deceased suicidal and otherwise depressed patients have had more 5-HT2A receptors than normal patients. These findings suggest that post-synaptic 5-HT2A overdensity is involved in the pathogenesis of depression.
There's no hard evidence that serotonin deficiency causes depression, and there is hard evidence to suggest that antidepressants like SSRI don't work and can in fact exacerbate the problem.
Depression may be a purely chemical imbalance, but there's no real evidence to back it up, and the current data suggests pure chemical treatment doesn't work. There is no reason to think that a "normal, healthy adult" MUST be happy because of his hormones. There is no reason to think that someone with a chemical imbalance can not be happy because of said imbalance.
Antidepressants are by and large a meme designed to cheat you out of your money and exploit your sadness.
> costs a tenth of my monthly internet bills
> no the drug companies are trying to cheat us
You can use you free will to quit - but not with will power because it is using a limited reservoir of chemical energy - there are tricks which you can research and use.
I attempted multiple times to quit smoking with will power failing... then I've used a different method of constantly being aware of how it actually works inside the brain, when that got into my awareness - I suddenly had no urge to smoke and quit cold turkey after being a chain smoker for a long period of time..
There's more to this method of course - I just gave a tl;dr - I found it trough Alan Carr book.
What also works in life better than will power is social commitment - it has what appears to be an infinite reservoir of energy.
With will power you wouldn't go to gym - but with a friend at a fix hour you will just show up, there will be all the force in your brain to motivate, to dress, to prepare and to go there and push hard..
There are multiple tricks - but if you're lazy and never learn them then you deserve it.
>because your insurance or government covers it the drug company isn't profiting
apex kek.
MAOIs have a proven track record with atypical depression.
But they're mostly phased out because they have pretty stirct dietary restrictions and can do funny stuff with other drugs. Patents have also run out iirc, so maybe it's just about profit.
SSRIs don't do a lot.
>tenth of internet bill
>production cost is 1/250 of your internet bill
>Depression may be a purely chemical imbalance, but there's no real evidence to back it up
As opposed to what? The problem isn't chemical? Do we really need proof to suggest that the source may lie with something metaphysical like the mind?
Of course it is chemical imbalance/disruption, we just don't know the specifics yet
I agree. What people call depression can't be pinned down to one physical cause.
I'm no expert but it certainly involves your environment.
The entire field of psychology is no more effective in treating mental illness than a 12 step program is for AA.
Don't know much about MAOIs desu. I've just read a lot of mostly negative literature on SSRIs.
Antidepressants can get expensive. Either way, you're paying for something that at best you don't need and at worst is doing you harm. Its not like pharmaceutical companies are above doing stuff like this lmao.
Former obese person here. I've been on more than 4 medicines for depression and anxiety and been in the mental hospital twice.
I can say that excersize and eating a cleaner diet (of mostly whole foods) has helped with depression far better than anything else I've tried.
>I'm no expert but it certainly involves your environment.
What about people that have great lives and yet are depressed?
at the point we know exactly how depression functions, it's going to take very sophisticated medication to cure it without improving the issues in the users life that cause it in the first place. Depression is honestly better off just being treated holistically, medicine has failed depression sufferers.
Of course, theyre greedy.
But they're no greedy than any other business.
The real problem is how research is done in the medical community in general. And psychology is probably the worst because everyone of their disorders are subjective.
I for one feel better on my pills than off them. It could be confirmation bias or placebo, but it helps more than my internet does. When I forget them I lay in bed all day, reliving my failures and thinking what I'd look like dead. On them I feel a bit hazy, but I get shut done.
And what do you think the production costs of an ISP is?
depression is a particularly tricky one, I personally think psychiatric medicine should be left to more severe cases of depression. CBT should be the first port of call for depression and anxiety sufferers. I've been through a variety of psychiatric medicines over the year, but I've never received any therapy. It's fucked up.
Then they don't have great lives. Having all the material possessions you want doesn't mean you have a great life. There could be something missing like a lack of passion for anything or any meaningful work.
I'm not saying there isn't a genetic or chemical contribution to depression, I'm saying that what we call depression is not something that can be pinned down as one single illness. It's an abstract concept.
Depression can vary in length, depression can be chronic or it can be greatly improved. Depression could only take up a slice of your life . You could be a happy person, great job, great family, but be depressed because you're oveeweight and locked in a patern of overeating.
In reality depression is so muddied by the millions of different ways people experience it and the many different contributions towards it. I think honestly you'd have to take a person by person , vase by case , approach to even understanding just one persons 'depression'.
It's not something you can go 'alright we diagnose you with depression, here's the treatment' because the treatment will vary widely based on the individual .
I feel like it's hard to express myself but I just think calling depression a singular condition that we can just identify and treat with meds like it's an infection is completely stupid
What you described isn't the environment though. A depressed person could live in the best environment possible and still feel terrible. While there are people living pretty shitty or mediocre lives who are not depressed.
>a depressed person could live in the best environment possible and still feel terrible
I'm sceptical of this. Everyone has SOMETHING in their lives not going right.
That is fucked.
I guess I started on pills maybe a couple hours before my first batch of therapy this patch of depression.
But even when I stopped everything, my psychiatrist was strongly pushing me to see a psychologist.
There was an user a while back complaining about the efficacy of CBT.
I personally never liked it, and think exploring my thoughts led to my complications. Some of the DBT stuff helps.
But the best thing for me was meeting with a group of other damaged individuals. You can talk with them like humans without worrying about duty to warn or my other friends who just stare blankly at me when I talk about my problems
>not realizing this post is mocking people who have this misconception
wow stay teenage Veeky Forums?????????
>meeting other fucked up people
Iktf user, that's the exact reason I used to like boards like /r9k/, and Veeky Forums in general. These days I have a network of internet friends who have their own issues and I can talk too without being judged. It's pretty nice.
we all realised this and just chose to ignore the fact that the OP was a shitpost and have decent discussion instead.
>Everyone has SOMETHING in their lives not going right.
So everyone should be depressed?
You don't believe in mental illnesses in general? You think the mind is detached from the body?
OP was trying to start a decent discussion
then u fags come in and say
>so everyone should be depressed?
No, I just believe you need some sort of discomfort or bad experience for the potential to fall into depression.
>You think the mind is detached from the body?
No, that's retarded.
Tell me more user-kun. Does obesity play a large role in depression or more a lifestyle change that leads to obesity?
>No, I just believe you need some sort of discomfort or bad experience for the potential to fall into depression.
Why do you believe this?
Simply because it is impossible for someone to have a perfect life, and I've never heard of people falling into depression for -zero- reason. They may have a "good life" but will have self esteem issues, or a history of abuse or are suffering from existential crisis.
But if it's impossible to have a perfect life you are saying that we all should be depressed? Then why are some people not depressed despite not having a perfect life, which is impossible?
>But if it's impossible to have a perfect life you are saying that we all should be depressed?
No, some people will feel fine despite their issues. Others will brood and dwell on these issues and fall into negative thought patterns which form the basis of depression. Pretty simple.
But then the environment isn't the problem.
You're going to have to elaborate on your reasoning further if you expect a constructive response user.
Depression as a Stepping Stone
I think depression is a form of biological protest that reflects the silent terror of the situation. The chemistry helps and adjusts itself accordingly such that the future you can trust is a reliable depression, like an unconscious choice to reflect the silent terror of the situation.
nice to see some fellow schizophrenics on Veeky Forums!
What I get from this thread is that none of you have any idea what the fuck you're talking about.
Why is this on Veeky Forums?
I fucking died at that filename.
>medicine isn't science
Take your ancient Mongolian moving pictures back to
>imperial japanese army flag depicted as a cucked little girl outside the circle
Serotonin hypothesis is a meme.
MAOI works better, TCA works but has crappy side-effects -- atypical TCA like Tianeptine is superior -- or rapid-acting antidepressants like ketamine.
SSRIs are literal shite.
Bruh. How old are you? Are you autistic?
dunno... called "chronically depressed"
no meds.... a lot better now..... others like me too..... science yall
not to hate. pills help? hit em up till they don't... once again.... muja fewkin science
I was actually tlaking anout real live fucked up people that you can make a connection with.
Veeky Forums was useful to me, but the anonymity makes it fundamentally different than group therapy
Nothing nobody can do about depression except an-heroing or soldiering on. Psychology has nothing to offer.
shrooms tho.... idk
Or... you know, refining your diet and lifestyle. Taking an honest look at your environment, yourself, and your place in the greater whole. Asking yourself the real questions... etc. You know, the little things.
But yeah. Better hop on some pills or you'll never fix your mysterious imbalance!
It comes back, brother. Or at least it has for me. It lingers.
But yeah... maybe I'm missing something, man. idk wtf
btw free will is a meme. sure though, we have to more or less pretend otherwise. that's for philosophers and ethicists to figure out though. but as a faggot phil major i havent found much to help in that regard
Who /ndris/ here?
>chemicals in your brain being the cause of depression
>not the effects
This is what materialists actually believe.
Psychiatry belongs on /x/ not Veeky Forums. Maybe it belongs on /pol/ even.
Muh depression is just a natural reaction to people having shit lives.
Feel like things won't get better no matter how hard you try? They most likely won't.
keep telling yourself that junkie
its all in your head
stop finding excuses for yourself and start changing your way of life
how many octaves of the sun do you even resonate with, bru?
the insulin excuse is moot. depression is emotional, not physical. you may feel a physical weight in your ajna chakra area. that's it. meditate and do yoga. you'll be ok. :D
Their drawings only started having bug eyes after two nuclear blasts, didn'they.
It's 100% because of misdiagnosis and corrupted samples of depressed patients. While it's entirely possible that it is a chemical issue, there are definitely a significant number of people who are "depressed" because of their life situations, and whose doctors are too lazy or unintuitive to recognise that and so they diagnose them with depression. Medication works excellently on some people, and not at all on others, just as some people may have an actual chemical issue, and some people might just be upset because of circumstantial reasons.
>yfw addiction is usually the tip of the iceberg
>yfw addiction is often a part of a systemic mental disorder.
I'd like to add to what this guy said, SSRI's have been shown to be barely better than placebo. Not a clinically significant difference at all. Big pharma is a thing. It's wrong to have leople nuking their serotonin receptors because they trust old fart psychiatrists who play their pocketbook. While SSRI's aren't necessarily harmful, they are a patented sugar pill with more side effects than one. Bombarding your serotonin receptors is a bad idea. I wonder what people who come off of those feel like
This, and I have depression. Got clinically diagnosed with dysthymia, but don't receive medication.
Nice contribution user
Really, how does depression function?
what was this?
Someone doesn't live in America.
The keyword is "imbalance". You're too used to arguing about materialism, ontology, and dualism, and you've maladaptively come to frame everything the wrong way. Remember, if you spend enough time interacted with idiots you'll quickly find you've become one yourself.
Now use your head.
But I do.
My copay is like 5 bucks a month
Why did you quit if it worked for your depression? Did you feel less healthy when you smoked?
>my copay
>not what your insurance pays
There ya go.