Before coming to Veeky Forums I would feel appreciation for quite a few mathematicians. I would obviously mock the "theoretical" math folks (a couple I knew were NEETs, what a surprise) but I thought they were a minority, because most of the math majors I met were real people.
I know a couple of people working on the modeling of biological systems (tumors, blood flow etc), met a few professors working on practical things as well (high performance linear-system-solving algorithms, number theory for cryptography, numerical analysis algorithms for navigation systems etc).
Then I come to this stupid anime website subsection and see all these autistic manchildren arguing about "pure mathematics" and "engineers suck dick lol". Is this the average math major? Most of the people I meet IRL are highly functional and somewhat successful, and while I always thought they were representative of the average mathfag I now realize that there might be the top 5-10%.
Is there really such a huge number of autistic/mentally deficient mathematicians? Is this the majority or just a bitter minority of failures?
Jackson Brown that the University of Waterloo?
Xavier Wilson
obviously the unintelligent ones lack social skills and spend their time shitposting on Veeky Forums instead of going out with friends
but its also part of Veeky Forums culture to be snappy
the only pure math friend I have I know from politics. he's a handsome charismatic man but he studied physics at first and also understands what he is doing. so I have yet to see those "engineers suck dick lol" people
I am in engineering myself. obviously there are all kinds of people here. nerds, chads, competent, stupid and so on. but Id say while only a few engineers are truly competent most of them are in the "upper level" of humanity. e.g. among those who graduate there never is a fat person and the people are generally more on the chaddish side of the spectrum
Dominic Gomez
theoretical mathematics should have a board of its own, It's not science, it's an artform
Justin Sanders
all of math is not science
Asher Hughes
to be fair math is a very useful tool of science, thus a subsection from a certain aspect.
Jordan Collins
Math majors are usually humble. Then again, I went to pretty good uni. Veeky Forums is filled with delusional science majors in third-rate unis. And autistic people who like to use big words and think they understand science.
William Reyes
science is a tool, you can't get enjoyment out of science. you can out of theoretical mathematics.
David Wood
science is a process. math is a tool
Cameron Clark
Math is an art form. It's also "the queen of the sciences" and it is also a universal language of communication.
Evan Wright
Why will the goose attack for no reason? Is it autistic?
Jacob Young
>Math is an art form highly subjective >It's also "the queen of the sciences" no. math is not a science >it is also a universal language of communication. okay. then show me just one single other species in the universe you can communicate with by means of math
Matthew Stewart
geese are fucking mental, mate. they will fuck you up if you so much as get close to them
Andrew Hughes
>Is this the average math major? Most of the people I meet IRL are highly functional and somewhat successful, and while I always thought they were representative of the average mathfag I now realize that there might be the top 5-10%. It's the same people senpai, they just come here to shitpost. Stop taking the banter so seriously.
Isaac Cruz
>It's the same people senpai lol no they're not.
Alexander Thomas
>math is a tool Which is why I specified theoretical mathematics, 'math' is a tool that serves another tool whose job is to make our lives easier.
Ryder Gonzalez
Geese are fucking vicious, man. Seriously, fuck these things.
t. canadian
Chase Young
>autistic manchildren arguing... This isn't limited to the math majors. The most vocal group of people on Veeky Forums fall under this category. In fact, I'm willing to bet, the most vocal group of people on Veeky Forums in general fall under that category.
I for one absolutely love pure math but I don't go around mocking what other people like to study. I'm a pretty social guy with lots of friends, a gf, I'm in decent physical shape, top of the class, well adjusted and down to earth. Math is my hobby and it turns out to be something worthwhile studying in university.
I've encountered very few people who you would describe as "autistic" and I'm absolutely certain these people are the minority. The few that I have encountered who are like this ended up being among the worst students that I have met.
Wyatt Martinez
OP, those few that you met IRL and you think are in the top 5-10%, how can you be certain they aren't the worst shitposters on this board?
Landon Garcia
I don't think this place is meant to be taken seriously. People already jest each other in real life, now put them in a place where they become anonymous. I come here for the entertainment of the bantering under the veil of relating to science somehow.
Jaxson Garcia
>another butthurt biologist/engineer thread brainlets BTFO math confirmed master race degree mill homosexuals and stamp collectors on suicide watch
Josiah Parker
Why are mathematicians one of the smartest people? Why the only other people who come close are the ones with a Physics degree?
Why are engineers the most useless, lowest form of skill-less losers? Why can't they accept the fact that their degree in itself is useless and math can easily be used for anything else? Why can't they understand that you can literally teach yourself engineering at home by opening a book? You can teach yourself a lot of other subjects that way as well, like physics, circuit theory, etc.
Just take a look at Von Neumann, envious engineers rejected his shit, yet in the end he was right. Just as mathematicians are always right.
Nathaniel Murphy
I suppose OP doesn't see the gigantic irony of looking down on pure maths while wondering why some math majors look down on others.
I also bet OP doesn't ever study maths, either, otherwise he wouldn't be talking about applied maths with such glowing awe. It is only natural to be concerned with things you can understand easily (money, cool cryptography, cool GPS, cool numerical analysis).
If OP ever tries to study maths, or even just the applied maths he considers to be cool, he will think about it differently, because during the process of studying it, one will start to realize how little one knows and discover more and more questions. A journey through general relativity, for instance, leads right into Riemannian geometry and everything else before it (a lot). And then one will see why there is so much active research in pure maths.
The fact that OP likes to speculate about what he doesn't know makes him literally the same as the other obnoxious anons he's complaining about.
Brody Scott
>a retarded whining about a field he can't begin to understand >is "literally the same" as pure mathfags owning him with high-energy banter lol no
I agree with the rest of your post though
Ryan Torres
only if you show it fear or it has goslings (geese niglets) around
I just stride confidently towards them and hold my hands above my head, maybe growl if they have numbers/younglings
they fuck right off but will still hiss at you sometimes. If they're already hissing they probably won't back down
there's lots of these in my city and I always walk by them in the summer. plus they shit everywhere, truly foul disgusting animals.
Liam Hughes
Veeky Forums is basically College Confidential for compulsive liars
Joshua Richardson
What is this shit? > yourself engineering at home by opening a book? You can teach yourself a lot of other subjects that way as well, like physics, circuit theory, etc.
Yes, that includes math as well if you're a good autodidact. That doesn't mean you have talent or affinity for something though.
However I don't think so that you will have a research reactor or a jet turbine at your home, neither a 10kW 3-phase electric motor to measure and test shit.
Math can be applied to anything. Yet as a mathematician you don't invent or design the next more efficient electric motor. If you study in considerable detail something else, for example engineering, and do work in that field then it is very likely that you are also an engineer. Why do you think many engineers have an msc in applied math?
>Just take a look at Von Neumann, envious engineers rejected his shit, yet in the end he was right. Just as mathematicians are always right.
This is some bullshit. Please provide the actual example. You do know that engineers built computers without being familiar with Neumann or Turing's work?
Frankly you seem like a raging undergrad who doesn't know what he is talking about.
You do know that a degree is just a collection of specialized knowledge within an area, right? So saying that somehow one field includes all other is bs; otherwise everyone would study that single field.
>Why the only other people who come close are the ones with a Physics degree? I think there are dumb, average, smart, extraordinary people. It has to do exactly jack shit with your degree. If you have affinity for STEM stuff there are a lot of degrees you can choose from. You can always learn on your own. You actually need to if you wanna be good. You don't need to study math despite being interested in it if you're more interested in something else. I think you're either too arrogant or you have actually repented choosing math.
Adrian Smith
it's pasta, m8..................................
Colton Gutierrez
Yeah. I expected it to be bait, but nowadays I answer them properly when I'm bored (it only takes 3 minutes). It either scares away the faggots or they start contradicting themselves even more.
Adam Bailey
>Angry mathlets and Veeky Forums >Before coming to Veeky Forums I would feel appreciation for quite a few mathematicians. I would obviously mock the "theoretical" math folks (a couple I knew were NEETs, what a surprise) but I thought they were a minority, because most of the math majors I met were real people. OP is an angry mathlet on Veeky Forums.
Tyler Powell
>I would obviously mock the "theoretical" >math folks ...bcoz shit-tier mathpleb not in the Deep South who unironically uses the word "folks", fgt pls
Wyatt Flores
no of course not, and many of the spergs here aren't even math majors
Go talk to one of the "physicists" on /pol/ in a holocaust or a race thread and it quickly becomes apparent how little science they know. It's the same with the mathfags here.
Josiah Campbell
>Is there really such a huge number of autistic/mentally deficient mathematicians? Is this the majority or just a bitter minority of failures? It's a minority irl. Here, most people are freshmen or sophomore who don't know shit about shit and just want to sound smart. That's the problem. That and the shitposting/meta-meta-...meta-irony culture that is an integral part of Veeky Forums. People who are actually good at math are usually nice, humble and curious people, not meme-spouting retards.
Kayden Diaz
I wouldn't go on /pol/ even if you gave me a Putnam fellowship.
Evan Gutierrez
>People who are actually good at math are usually nice, humble and curious people, not meme-spouting retards. You never went to /prog/ did you? It's amazing how mathematically beautiful posts can get when retards are arguing over "Infinity bottles of beer on the wall"